Lost: Winter

OK, you've had "it" long enough, please return all or portion back here. It's mid February and already fire danger is high because of NO WINTER. Come on, 70 degrees (20 C) on Valentine's Day? Normally I wouldn't mind, in fact be giddy, if there had been moisture these past few months. Plans for garden are on hold, when you are on a well, drought makes one worry about water.

Kensie has decided she can open the front door and go harass Crazy Jack next door all by herself. It's wonderful to watch her run full speed down to the fence and back and forth with Jack--remembering last summer she was on NO RUN! due to heartworm, still having her burst forth from the door--especially if the gate is open--means uprights have some training work to do.
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I'll be happy to send you winter. How much snow would you like? We've had over 5 feet where I live. How much cold would you like? We've had 24 sub-zero days. How much darkness would you like? Plenty of that--it's darkw hen I get up and dark when I go home.

I do understand your concern about drought. We had a bad drought the summer of 2012 and I worried a lot.
I am more than happy to share!!!!!
I'm sure the east cost would be more than willing to send you most of what they have including the ice. :rimshot:
75 tomorrow and wind......that's not a good combo. Burned a couple of tree stumps today, will have to bury any embers tomorrow before the winds come.....not that there is anything to burn, grass long dead.
We'll be getting ~80 next week, so I feel ya!!! It's disgusting .... the heat. I guess we did get snow in the sky this year, so anything past that would be spoiling ourselves. I also said goodbye to winter this week. It was a very depressing event for me and the kids.
I'm getting to the age when I hate extremes. I hate cold and I hate heat. There was a job opening in San Diego in my field. If I didn't hate academic librarianship I would have applied ASAP. Talk about the perfect climate.
I will be more than happy to send you the winter we are having in the NYC area. I will also send you some of the Olympic events that are taking place in NYC and have not been covered by TV: Slush jumping at street corners, bus boarding, which consists of climbing over at least a two foot mound of snow and ice to reach and then get on the bus and the most dangerous and damaging sport, the snow plow smash, which has a large snow plow traveling at a high rate of speed throwing snow and ice to the side and breaking windows and hitting people as it passes.

In all seriousness two people have been hit and killed by snow plows in NYC this winter.

Welcome to NYC this winter and we will be happy to send to anyone in a drought area!

Kathie (who can't wait for spring and better yet summer!)

P.S. We are expecting another 4" today
I don't want to share my winter with you...I want to give the entire thing to you! I've had it this year. :x
It seems we have a 'Snowdome' here in Nashville! We haven't had any accumulating snow this winter and my family has ALL wished for just ONE significant snow. Here that would mean 3+ inches.

The weather service published a satellite photo last week--there was snow on every side of us and right in the middle of it was a teeny-tiny patch of green shaped like a jalapeno pepper...that was right over the top of US! The joke here is sNOw.

We have actually been envious of those that have had some snow.
Wow, Karen, how did that happen? Storms to north and south of you.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Wow, Karen, how did that happen? Storms to north and south of you.

It is quite interesting--snow all around us at about a 40 mile radius. A couple of times they predicted snow for us, only to change the forecast about 8 to 12 hours out- we would get a few flurries and once a dusting that melted by 10 AM the next day. I will try to find the pic--it is really amazing to look at.

Found it-
Yep, that's a snowdome!!
SheepieBoss wrote:
Yep, that's a snowdome!!

It has been very annoying :D .
Like your pepper!

We just got another snow. But actually, we haven't had enough snow here (moisture wise). What we had instead was way too much cold. It's been too cold this winter in most of MN for it to snow. :(

So this morning we are snowed in, schools are cancelled. Waiting for the blowing to settle, so Todd can plow.
But you made it to and above freezing for the first time in what a month or more???
SheepieBoss wrote:
But you made it to and above freezing for the first time in what a month or more???

I'm at work, but I think we made it to 40 today. If we did it becomes the 3rd day since last Thanksgiving to get to 40 for a high! If not, only twice in the distant past... 8)

Tomorrow is supposed to be 40-ish again, then we are in a blizzard warning for Thursday into Friday. :evil:
And then temps back into the sub zero range....oh well....
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