Stop That

Dh tends to put his hands on both sides of the dogs neck and rubs. I cringe. I've asked him if he knows that he's creating mats..."But they like it". The day he picks up a brush and cleans up his mess, then he can do it.
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oh GOD. Adam does this too. I've held off, for years, telling him to stop. He's not a very physically affectionate person by his nature, and I always thought it was important for him to love on Tonks and Luna however he wanted. But this last round of dematting was horrible. So I've brought it up. I felt like a monster: "Hey, stop petting the dogs!" is what I'm sure he heard. WHY do the DHs do this?!?
Yep, Yep, Yep....

It only makes my husband do it more... He can read it just from my look though. What's the point in having a dog if you can't pet it what he'd say.


"No, that's your job."

.......then continues to do it. ;)
We have a role reversal in our house. I do all the grooming so it's me who gets upset. Jen even does that sort of thing out of habit at shows!!! That's the only time I really show any anger.

I do all the grooming for all the dogs. For Bond and Chewie, he knows how much work goes into their coats, besides all the regular maintenance of every dog.
He messes with them all the time, but never, ever makes snarls or mats. :aww:
So besides a good cook, I guess he has a 2nd virtue. :kiss:

Doing something that makes more work for the one who grooms, plus making it more painful for the dog to get dematted...and on purpose no less....that just seems odd. :?
I know Adam isn't doing it on purpose; I should have taught him better years ago. And really, I've only this past year put the connection between Tonks CONSTANTLY matted coat and Adam's messing up her hair together (talk about a slow learner). Now I watch him, and I cringe, and when he's done "petting her" he tries to smooth her hair and straighten it. I don't think he really knows what he's doing, but he cares. :hearts:
Yes my nan and my dad...when I tell him to not do that because im the one who has to sort the mess out he starts argument! Now he pats bloo no rubbing allowed! But others do it when we gp out drives me mad
The other thing people di is scratch bloos butt and back now that really frustrates me obviously for showing they need the thick butt coat...when people scrunch that eurgh it gets me to the bone!
Fortunately DH is a bum scratcher and K's undercoat is thin on the top there due to my over zealous grooming loves to be brushed or combed there so kinda thin. Mats are in the friction areas..........sigh........and I'm gradually working them out but K would rather I concentrate on her bum, especially "the divot" where she was docked.
Same, mine never takes off his collar after a walk. I always do, no collars in the house and especially not on him!

Still haven't trained him to take the collar off when we get back. Maybe treats will work on him, lol.
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