Counter surfers anonymous update

I have been thinking, we may need to start a support group for our sheepies. It seems that just when I think Puddy has gone into remission, his old habits surface again. Last week we lost two chicken breasts and 3 rolls to his habit. I know, I know, it's as much my fault as his, I shouldn't have left in his reach. I really thought I had it back far enough on the counter, but I didn't. So, I walk into the kitchen and there he is, he has already eaten the first breast and is pushing the second around the kitchen floor. Guess he was making sure that it was dirty enough that we wouldn't want to take it away from him. What will we do with them?
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I have to laugh! Although Beaureguard has been able to reach anything on the counter for quite some time now, thus far he's been pretty respectful of it. I'm finding out quickly, though, that that is not going go to be the case with little miss Genevieve. :D
Pepsi got some ribs off the counter last week. He was pretty darn proud of himself, plus he was covered in BBQ sauce. I don't even want to talk about the BBQ sauce he got all over the living room floor where he decided to eat them :evil:
Bob just started to realize he could reach the counters last week - and boy is he excited about it!!!!! He was funny yesterday too because he was in hyper puppy mode and running around in circles and literally flew up into the bay window - and just had this look like "wow!! how'd I do that??!!!". We seem to lose newpapers to our countersurfing boy.
Word is that Buzz also learned how to jump into the dining table.... He's been opening the bags of his favourite lemon cookies at night. His latest antic was when he ate a bucket of fried chicken they were saving from dinner. :lol:

Danita's dad is famous for his quick snacks on whatever he can find. We bought a gourmet foundant cake for Danita's Bday and when we came to visit we took Lennon, Sofa and the cake to my inlaws home. I set the cake on the table and went out, then when Danita's mom came home to have a slice on the cake, it was gone. She started yelling at her husband for eating the whole cake, even the foundant flower it was adorned with was gone! He started saying he didn't do it and she got madder :evil: Until Danita heard some licking coming behind the living room sofas. Lennon and Sofa had their noses covered in cake!! :lol: :lol: I wish I had a camera.
Oh Saul, I wish you camera too! I'd love to see Lennon and Sofa with cake faces. My horse snuck 4 carrots out my pocket the other day--I guess he "pocket surfs."
Remy seems to take full advantage that Tag is around...she rarely checks the counters out. The hubby heard one of them, I said it's probably Tag, he's big enough now...but nope it was her.

I am sure if she could she wuld have sat behind Tag pointing a finger at him, while she sweeps the bag of bread behind her back.
I hate to even write this out loud (shhh) but Barney so far has not been into countersurfing. Or, maybe it is that we have been really careful that everytime he goes to look (yes, we've found paw prints on the counter) that there isn't anything there.
He's much better than Maggie, my parents' dog. We have to give her credit, though, she never makes a mess and only takes what she wants--not the whole thing. At least she is a considerate surfer. :roll:
I have been lulled into complacency by Tasker who very seldom pays attention to what is on the counter. A couple weeks ago we ordered a pizza for dinner, each had ONE piece and left the pizza in the box on the counter. We went outside to work in the yard adn when we came in dicovered that Tasker had eaten 3/4 of a large pepperoni pizza!!!!!!!!! I expected him to be quite ill bur surprisingly enough it didn't bother him one bit!!
Merlin has a fondness for the sugar in the sugar bowl. For the first couple weeks I just kept refilling the darn thing and wondered why my son was using so much. Then I caught Merlin in the act... :oops:

Panda once stole an entire roast which had just come out of the oven.

Marianne and the boys
Oh those boys.......... gotta love 'em
I'll tell you what has solved our countertop surfer problem, we have no countertops. We will have new countertops, but it will take about 2 weeks, so I kind of like having one less thing to worry about :lol:
Clyde is only interested in the sink rather than the counter. He's not the water hog he used to be but unless I spin the faucet all the way back, he'll whack it with his paw, creating his own little drinking fountain. Several times I've come downstairs to find the water running and a very wet sheepie beard... :evil:
Rosco is well known for his undercover counter surfing abilities. One night my son came home and heated a plate of leftovers in the microwave, set in on the counter and went to take his contacts out. The next thing I heard was "damn you Rosco, where's my food?" He had lifted off the cover, eaten everything on the plate, replaced the cover and went back to sleep :lol:
When I was kid I had a Bassett Hound, Oliver. Some neighbors had a large steak delivered and left on their patio picnic table. Oliver ate the steak just and was just finishing up as the neighbors arrived home. Apparently they were not happy about the theft but to add insult to injury he left a large delivery on their patio. When they called furious my mother laughed about the steak telling them they were not too bright to leave it out where anyone could get it--in those days dogs just roamed the neighborhood freely. My sister and I got sent to clean up the poop . . . .
What a delightful thread! None of my stories could top yours.....LOL. The worse dog fight we ever had was between Olivia and Splash sheepdogs and Stella the Pyr was over pumpkin pies. Stella won. I had just gone to the bathroom and before I could come running, the issue was settled, Stella was laying on the pies eating them!

This Jack is a food thief but I've been working hard on stopping the surfing. This morning we had a tug of war over a banana....I was taking it to the table and held it too low.

I love the sugar bowl thief..... :lol:
I once made two meatloaves and wanted to cool them off before I refrigerated them. Since it was getting late and it was cold outside, I thought I would set them on a cooling rack on the back porch. When I went to retrieve the meat loaves, I freaked out! There were two possums eating them! I hadn't ever seen one up close before and I thought they were giant white rats! (I didn't know that they turn white in the winter). I was screaming for my husband to come outside and when he ran out, our dog ran back inside, took advantage of the situation, and quickly finished off my husband's sandwich and a large bowl of pudding!
Jasper doesn't like people food - but we didn't encourage it either. :)

We had a great dane that we spoiled though. He was a tall one too. One Easter, we were outside hunting eggs with my younger family members, and when we came back in, he was snacking on the ham we had on the table! lol He had also knocked down the rolls, pie, and green bean casserole. My mom was furious, but everyoen else was laughing at him! :)
Deskwench wrote:
[...]and when he ran out, our dog ran back inside, took advantage of the situation, and quickly finished off my husband's sandwich and a large bowl of pudding!
How much did the dog have to pay them possums?

Oh wait, you already told us. Two meatloaves.

Ha! Great story.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Clyde is only interested in the sink rather than the counter. He's not the water hog he used to be but unless I spin the faucet all the way back, he'll whack it with his paw, creating his own little drinking fountain. Several times I've come downstairs to find the water running and a very wet sheepie beard... :evil:

HEHEHHEHEH, I can just picture it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading this post..Meatloaf eating possums..a dog that turns a tap, pizza stealers..all of the stories! I'm wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes now!

Marianne and the boys
I think I would rather lose a couple of chicken breast (boneless thank goodness) to the dog than find opossums eating meatloaf on the porch. My one encounter with a opossum was frightening enough. About 3:00 in the morning, one of those emergency I gotta go now Mom walks, I encountered one of the critters on the carport at our hunting camp. He was nicely hidden until he saw us and hissed. We had to make the trip all of the way around the house to get back to the door. No way was I walking back by him again!
Gail: Lucky you! I can't imagine not having a people food eating dog. Pud was already that way when I got him.
ButtersStotch: Get the camera, I would love to see that.
Jill, you need to teach Clyde to turn it off when he's done :D
What great stories! :lol: :lol: I'm laughing out loud reading this thread!!
So far, the only thing Genevieve's been able to reach to steal is a bag of beef jerky that I found them both chowing on last night. :)
bestdogsx4 wrote:
Jill, you need to teach Clyde to turn it off when he's done :D

I can't even get James to turn a light off when he leaves the room. I don't have high hopes for teaching Clyde!
Hey, while we are talking about husbands, what about the toilet seats? :oops: That is Pud's favorite water bowl when the lid is raised, not to mention the seat!
Oh, man!!! I'm really glad I'm not alone in this. These are great stories!
Not so smart counter surfer .... I had made the kids lunch today (just mac & cheese) I carried 2 of the plates into the next room and came back for the 3rd which was still intact - everything except the fork!!!! He had the opportunity for a whole plate of food, but chose to gently grab the fork off the plate without disrupting anything else!!!!!! I think Bob's voice would sound like Patrick from Spongebob (relating to the other thread)!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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