
Hi again everyone.

For TM. Did you read rainbow bridge recently? Also, how many times have you heard of people's pets getting hit in the country. Folks can get to lax and then they are gone. It only takes one rabbit, etc at the right time crossing a road. I recently saw a beautiful and well groomed OES on the side of a road in Alabama. She could have only been gone an hour or so. Her eyes still glowed and she looked just like one of mine.

I have made an exception twice on fenced yards to two very careful, loving and experienced OES families but I don't think I ever will again. They need some freedom to run and wonder around but total protection as well.

As far as most breeders and all rescue organizations that I know of, we try not to take any chances at all with OES and especially those that need that very important second or third chance at life. We don't want to hear things like got caught in a trap, got shot by accident, drowned in a lake or pond, fell into a pit or sewer, got hit by a car or train, or was posioned by accident or a not so friendly neighbor, just for a few examples.

Just my opinion. You could very well be one of those exceptions with where you live. It sound great and my wife and I are open to invitation lols!

Best wishes,


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Zach, Thanks for your concern. I have always been terrified of Tasker getting in the road. But I didn't mention we live about 300 feet off a dirt road that sees about 3 cars a day. We walk mostly in the woods and field behind the house where the biggest danger is the deer and an occasional bear. When we walk to the road Tasker is on a leash. But another dog is a pipe dream, I've got my hands full with these two! :D
Awww Taskersmom ... Ty is sooo teeny tiny. WHHY IHH DOO BEHLIEVE YOUU COULD HAAVE THREE TY'S :D ...bless your heart...tee hee
Hi again,

My last message wasn't directed at you Tasker's Mom. You asked if rescue really requires fenses and I was only explaining why they and I do. It's real obvious you care a great deal about your family so I apoligize if that is how I came across. And if you keep adding more description to where you live, my wife and I will be showing up soon!!!

Darcy, you started my day with a laugh!!
Ginny...glad I could make you laugh :D Tasker and Ty are such an odd ball couple, just looking at your avatar makes me smile!! What is Ty again?
Zach, I really do understand about the fences!! I was born in Georgia (Marietta) so would love to have some "home folk" visit!! :D But I'll warn you,. you don't want to come in the winter. We are only accessable by 4 wheel drive and sometimes even that is "iffy".

When Tasker came to live with me I lived in the country on acres of land but through an unfortunate series of events when he was only 3 months old wound up living in a Mobile home in a Park. So for the first 7 years of his life he was never off leash. We've only been here since last year (through a very fortunate series of events :D ) and you'd laugh if you saw him, he still thinks he has to stay a leash distance away!!!!

Darcy, Ty is a Maltese. He was 4 lbs at his last Vet check and the Vet said he didn't think he'd get more than a pound or two bigger. Tasker, on the other had is now at 101 lbs.............. he usually weighs 97 in the winter and 90 in the summer (more activity, less hair) but he's been stealing Ty's food :evil: and the high protien puppy kibble is packing on the pounds!!! So he and I are starting weight watchers. Meanwhile since Malts are prone to kidney problems the vet suggests switching to a lower protein food. I didn' realize Tasker was quite such a hog :oops:
Poor Tasker...he just know the good stuff...its kinda like buying a box of your favorite kids cereal...and eating the whole box, and you attribute it to fond memories sake....mine would be fruity pebbles...yummy!!
Does Tasker play fetch? or is it only one way? Panda lives for her ball, play, play, play......
Tasker is pretty much a slug puppy.......... his frolicking days are bygone. We were outside "tossing the tennis ball" the other day and he figured out that if he flops on the ground Ty will get the ball and bring it too him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying to figure out a way to get him on my eliptical.................
Does the ball fit into Ty's little mouth? How funny!! Panda just got a new tennis ball..she so happy that it bounces! She put a hole in the last one...we'll see how long this one will last!!
No, he kinda grabs the fuzz on the outside :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tasker's mom have you found those mouth size tennis balls for maltese's (or toy breeds) at the pet store??? That's Isis' favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have to hide it of course from the big one, but they each get separate "ball" time, so it works out for us.

they even have FLAVORED tennis balls. Yuki just tries to eat it like ice cream. lick, lick.
YOU ARE KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's off to the pet store we go this week. I never saw them. Ty LOVES the Tennis ball but has a hard time with it!!
I thought it was a great day when we found them!! Here is the size I'm talking about. Got ours at Petco.

That's completely adorable.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Too cute! My mom uses those small splash/water balls for her little Shi Tzu. She's 5.5 lbs and can't get a tennis ball in her mouth either.
DEFINATELY TRIX (Trix are for kids not rabbitts!!!)
I can't resist Cap'n Crunch even though it leaves my mouth completely scratched and fuzzy feeling inside.
Yes I love that stuff too... but it always scratches the roof of my mouth and teeth fuzzy feeling...lol...
Could we GET ANYMORE "off topic" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good point. Isn't there anyone for cute Fozzy?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Poor Fozzy... we hijacked his thread....
Sorry Fozzy!!!!!!!!!!
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