(I think)Heart visited Dino at work yesterday....

I don't want anyone to think I will keep posting about Heart forever....but, for a little while I probably will.. :oops: :oops: ..I hope you all understand......

Dino came home last night from work and as we talked over dinner he relayed this:

" I was on a ladder, with a screw in one hand and leaning on the ladder, I pulled my screwdriver out of my back pocket....As I took it out, there was a big wad of "HEART HAIR" on the end of it....I shook it and tried to blow it away, but it wouldn't go anywhere."

He had to put it back into his back pocket and pull it out slowly before the wad came off.

(He then looked up to heaven and his eyes began to water). Needless to say, neither of us can understand how her hair got in HIS back pocket....??????? divine intervention????? OR....just some pathetic reason to believe that there IS sheepielove after life.??? :?: :?:

Now, as I have said before, I do believe in Rainbow Bridge and that our pets help us through this life even in their death.

just wanted everyone to know, I feel Heart was telling her daddy, "hey!! I am still around, even though you can't see me...I am here with you."

((((I am waiting for MY sign....) :roll: :roll: :roll:
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What a nice sign, Val.

And please, continue posting about Heart if it helps. I know I will continue to read posts about her.
You post as much as you want, we will read and cry along with you.
you post away, I know it will help, but I shall have to have tissues on the computer desk. Perhaps Heart decided her Daddy needed her support and your turn will come soon xx
How beautiful was that? What a sweet little angel sheepie she is. Please continue posting and don't be embarrassed, we are here for each other...these messages give us all hope. Post away... :hearts:
I believe.

. You can talk about Heart for as long as you want, and as often as you want.
I'm sure everyone feels the same. We love her and you guys and will always be here for you.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
I loved that story and agree with you about the hair in the back pocket. I am sure it wasn't there before. Tim also liked that story when I told him last night.

sheepieshake wrote:

((((I am waiting for MY sign....) :roll: :roll: :roll:

I had to laugh about this statement. THAT was your sign! She was always partial to men and particularly her Daddy. How many times did she bypass me to get petted by the men in my house?

So if anything screams "sign" it is the fact that she visited Dino rather than you. It makes me smile to think she is still our Heart even in the afterlife.
I've been visited by my parents, and I think my brother. But I wondered if our animals visit us. I think Bob visited me in my dream last night. And certainly Heart visited Dino.

Please post all you want about Heart. I've bored people on another board with my endless stories about Bob. It helps heal us.
Loved that story!! I do believe they visit us. I particularly like that the hair wouldn't budge and ended up staying in Dino's back pocket.

She will forever be Angel-Heart, and your posts will be most welcome!
ICH wrote:
You post as much as you want, we will read and cry along with you.

exactly :hearts: :hearts:
Ditto what everyone said! Great story and I believe too!

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Paula O. wrote:
I've been visited by my parents, and I think my brother. But I wondered if our animals visit us. I think Bob visited me in my dream last night. And certainly Heart visited Dino.

Please post all you want about Heart. I've bored people on another board with my endless stories about Bob. It helps heal us.

Paula: Please post about Bob as well. We're here for you too. We're also mourning the loss of Bob. He was a big part of this community as well.
I believe they are with us somehow. I feel Ziggi with me, I don't know how but I know in my soul she is with me.
Please keep posting about Heart.
I miss her so much and it's great to keep her memory close.

Both my dogs visited me in very, realistic dreams from over the bridge. Both showed me that they were young and healthy and happy again. My first dalmo showed me that Rastus was on his way to us.

I do wonder if Judi isn't right though and that was YOUR sign ..... Heart being Heart. :hearts:
I truly believe they come back to visit. I have had a few from PoohBear. Shortly after he left us, I was putting his things together to donate to the humane society and walked past the fridge and his box (health records, etc) that I kept on top of the fridge came flying off behind me. It could not fall off by itself, it had to been pushed off. I saw a cloud formation that looked like him. The next time I was in bed for the night and felt a steady rhythm of breathing at the bottom of my feet....it put me to sleep. A few months ago during the night my husband got up and I thought I heard Angus follow him into the kitchen to get a drink since I could hear his nails on the hardwood floors. But.........Angus was on the floor next to the bed...it was not Angus! I know it was PoohBear! Keep yourself open to signs because they will be there. I think one of the most precious signs was after we got Angus from his previous owners, I was looking at the breeders website and saw Angus' puppy pictures. PoohBear was named after Winnie the Pooh, of course. Anyway......in front of Angus in one picture was a small Winnie the "PoohBear" toy. I know Pooh sent Angus to us so we would not be sad anymore.
Keep in touch, it helps so much in the healing process.
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