back leg issue?

I am embarassed to say this, but I am not sure what the problem is (or if there is a problem). Maybe some of you have had the same situation and can help me out.

My Phlufie is 10 now (it starts to worry me since he is getting up there in age). Once a while he would yelp like he steps on something, but when I check I couldn't find anything (and don't even know which leg since he didn't raise any legs).

Lately I am suspecting the back leg(s). When I brushed his hair on his right leg last week, he yelped (I wasn't pulling his hair) but then he walked fine. Two days ago my boyfriend's dog jumped on him and pushed him down on the side, he made sound that makes me think he was uncomfortable. He then favored one foot over the other (according to my bf, I couldn't really tell), but was fine after a few mins.

Is this old age related? He is pretty hyper even at this age, and his legs go everywhere when he gets excited. I am just worry that he is not letting me know he is in pain and he might finally collapse when he can't hold up anymore.

Another thing is that he refuses to take supplements. He spits right out even if I put cheese around it. Any brand that you recommend that tastes good?

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He might have a tear in his ACL. I'd be taking him to the vet to have this checked out to see what you can do to help him. I found a supplement at CVS drugstores. it's their house brand & it is a gel capsule. My boy who would eat around the hard capsules in his food will gobble this one up.
Yes, it should be checked out. Might be a tear--which would answer the sudden yelp with touches. Arthritis of spine and or hip sure possible at 10. If pup is not on supplements, it's past time. Glucosamine, etc, also fish oil, Vit D, etc. Could be time for an anti inflam as well, lowest dose possible to keep pain manageable.

It happens to our old guys and we have to help them along.
When you go to give you dog medicine, try using peanut butter. My dogs take all their meds with peanut butter on a spoon, no problem.
Bailey started out this way and the vet had her start on Osteo-3, which now has another name I can't remember. We get it through Amazon, even though the company is just 50 miles away. It has glucosamine and Chondroitin, along with misc other things. Over the last 5 years, we've gradually increased the dose (vet orders) to 3 in the AM and 2 in the evening. It kept her active and comfortable until 2 months ago. Now we've added Novox, once or twice a day, as needed. We given it every morning for the last month and may be adding an evening dose. She has a bad liver, so we are very careful about what she gets as it isn't metabolized well.
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