Oscar's Adenoma Surgery

Well, we're coming off the "tail end" of a rough surgery, pun intended. Two weeks ago, Oscar had surgery to remove adenomas in the soft tissue around his anus (perianal glands). We had them aspirated weeks ago, and knew they were benign, but they were growing at a rapid rate, and threatening to invade more soft tissue. I took him to a vet who specialized in soft tissue surgery, and we had the growths removed two weeks ago.

With stitched wounds next to the anus, what could go wrong? Yes, Oscar, the King of Cooties, got an infection. We put him on Cephalexin, but I could tell after a few doses that it was getting worse, so we switched to Clindamycin, which did the trick. Then Oscar's tummy started going haywire. Plus, he was crying every time he pooped, even on hydromorphone. :(

One of the growths was up under the tail nub, making it difficult to clean and air out. Then he blew out a few stitches up under there, creating a pocket of infection. So in addition to the Clindamycin, he's now on Baytril. More tummy trouble.

He finally got the stitches out today. :clappurple: So far, we have the current infection on the ropes (prelim cultures showing E Coli), and Oscar can now do stairs so I can stop sleeping on the living room couch.

One fortunate thing - Oscar could not, in his wildest dreams, reach the incisions, so at least we got through this process without the Cone of Silence. :D

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Oh my, Oscar the tender tummy dog does not need to be on hard antibiotics and pain pills which probably can constipate......normal dogs.
Poor Oscar!! Glad to hear he's doing better. :ghug:
Ouch - poor Oscar!! :(
The cycle of treatment is so long for him.
I'm glad to hear he's doing better now. :clappurple: :clappurple:
I think of you and Oscar often. Poor baby. Frankie has had a super sensitive stomach this summer. We are just finishing a 3 week course of antibiotics. Ugh!
So glad Oscar is on the mend.

Lisa Frankie and Mattie
Poor Oscar and poor you!!!! I hope he begins to feel better soon....

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Poor Oscar, that sounds miserable. Hope he gets thru this quickly. Glad you can sleep in your bed now. Those couch nights can be miserable too.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Poor guy! Hope things continue to improve. :ghug:
Sorry about the surgery but glad he is doing better. My Bowie had some benign lumps removed earlier this year and is now just fine. Although the hair grew back really black so he has some evidence of the surgery.

Sending hugs for Oscar to continue to heal. :ghug: :ghug:
Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone. Oscar is doing fine, just trying to keep everything as low key as possible until he is off of the stupid antibiotics. One more week of Baytril and 10 days of Clindamycin..... then we will be back down to his normal med schedule - only 7 different drugs per day. :roll:

And boy, does he need a bath!!!! I'll do half of him tomorrow, and the other half on Sunday. :D (Poor guy is getting too old to stand in the tub that long, so I bathe him in sections.)

If Oscar ever gets another growth in this area, just shoot me. 8)

Laurie and Oscar
My dog was on Baytril and it did a number on his tummy. How is Oscar doing with it? We made sure we always gave with food but still he seemed to be uncomfortable and not eat as usual. Hope Oscar is doing better.
Poor Oscar! Get better soon!

Oscar is holding his own, tummy-wise, on the Baytril. I think the Clindamycin is worse. He gets fed four times a day as it is, so he can get all of his regular meds with food. Adding antibiotics is a breeze when you're on his med schedule. 8)

Laurie and Oscar
Poor Oscar. Glad he seems to be improving.
Poor Oscar But sounds like the surgery was needed. Soon you will be past the after effects and that will be great. Good for you for being on top of all this.

Linda Zimmerman
I bathed Oscar today, and felt something odd when I was washing his posterior. Either he is growing a whisker on his butt, or there is still a stitch in his rear. :D :roll: Sigh. Yep. A stitch. Can't find the knotted end either, so back to the vet. Otherwise, he is doing fine, just mad that he was forced to bathe.

Laurie and Oscar, The Dog Who Would Rather Be a Pig
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