Sherlock is a jumper

So Sherlock is very jumpy. When new people are in the house he runs back and forth and jumps up to great them. We are trying things like ignoring and treating when calm etc... And that seems to work in parts. But the main issue is that he has started to jump at people on walks. Still just to play, he doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body, but still this needs to stop.

He is 11 months and is yet to be 'snipped', although that is coming soon.

Any advice on the stopping of jumping whilst on walks...?
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Stop walking get him to sit after averting his attention away from the fun thing/person, you'll probably best steering him 180ยบ with his lead, talk to him calmly, praise him when he get's the idea and not before.

If this is off the lead, then get him on the lead and control him.

I actually think it is in their nature unfortunately for them a lot of people including owners don't like/tolerate it (trying to train the OES out of an OES) try to get to the point where it is only under your acceptance in his own yard - that is if if you wish to allow it during play.

Archie is at a point and has been for years where he'll only do it with us (mainly me) when out playing and off the lead or when adults with their consent and awareness play with him at home, when he is on the lead he never does it and when he gets to bouncy at home "That's enough now!" is actually enough to tell him the bouncing session is over.
I tell people that want to pet mine to go low to his level and he never jumps that way and calms down enough so he wont want to.
We said a stern 'off' and pulled him off and controlled him immediately by making him sit as it calms him down. I didn't give any praise for being calm afterwards, his reward was to be able to walk again after sitting calmly.
Keep doing it consistently, they learn with repetition.

It is a good idea to have him sit when visitors come as well because not all people feel comfortable with a bouncy yet friendly Sheepy. I have a friend who is a cat person and is not very comfortable with dogs so I always make sure they are calmly sitting on their mat when she visits.

We would not allow Monty jumping up on us even if was for friendly love, it's just too risky that someone could get hurt....scratched or knocked over.

Monty never jumps up now but when he gets really excited for his walk and is spinning circles and barking we get him to sit or lie down so we can get ready.
Lily doesnt have this issue and never has. Ritz has good leash manners but horrible home manners. He will jump on anyone to greet them. He doesnt do it with my husband and i. We resorted to putting him in the crate when people come over til he calms down. It actually works if he is in there around 10 mins or more.
They all have similar traits and yet are different.

Tiggy gets VERY excited about visitors, :excited: however putting her in a crate makes her worse. She gets totally crazy because she can't say hello. I keep a baby gate closed between the living area and the corridor to the front door and ask visitors to go straight up to the baby gate and talk to her and pet her. Once the visitors have acknowledged her and she has an opportunity to say 'hello' Tiggy is able to calm down.

When out walking the only thing that stopped her jumping was to get her to sit while the approaching person was still about 6 feet away and then ask her to focus on me. Took treats at first. I always made sure that I stood between Tiggy and the approaching individual. If she was still on her feet when they got close enough she couldn't resist lunging across and in front of me to say hello. :roll: Not everyone was happy to be greeted so enthusiastically however. :wink:
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