Very sad day

Take Sherwood to the park which is only 5 mins away. He has not been very well as his back legs are going and blind in one eye also his chest has been not too good and he cannot control he wee and poo,s now. He spends the day just sitting around and just does not seem happy but as soon as I get the leads he is at the door. Problem was the last time i took him too the park he gave up the ghost so had to call lori to bring the car to the car park and had to put him in the car. As lori has MS and I work away its has gotten worse. So spoke with a few people and and read a few post and its not fair on Sherwood and we are off too the vet on Friday . He will be off to the rainbow bridge and have not told cleo as well as he was her first dog. As a dog he has never bitten anyone and be great. None of us want to do this but and hope he would last longer. The last six months has not been good for him and at 15 he still looks good for his age. Sorry going on about this

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Crying tears for you.
:ghug: I'm so very sorry. It is the hardest trip to ever make :cry:

Sherwood has been a good and faithful companion, he deserves to be pain free and frolicking at the bridge now :ghug:
I'm so sorry :cry: . It's ironic that the kindest thing for him is the most difficult for you, I have been there several times myself. He has known great love in his life and the greatest love of all will be letting him go :ghug:
That is a very sad day. :cry:

But, as a nurse to humans, we can be glad we have the option of ending suffering in our old and ill dogs. It is so very, very hard to watch a human loved one linger and suffer from illness or injury in misery and pain, until they finally die. :(
So very sorry.

:ghug: :ghug:

I am so sorry. Please hug that boy for us. :ghug:
:cry: I'm so sorry. Take care.:hearts:
:ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you . I have been there.

:ghug: :ghug:
Sorry about the grammar and spelling it has been a long old day
God speed Sherwood, God speed buddy.

P, it's all about 'quality of life' and you know what's best for Sherwood. Give all that love to all the other furkids and all will be fine.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
So sorry. :(

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I am very sorry. :(
So sorry.
Very sad day. He has giving you many happy years. If he could give you more, he would. Now you can give him his dignity.

:ghug: Cherish the memories
So very sorry. But please know that by doing this you are showing how much you love Sherwood. It is so hard I've been there myself. Thinking of you and send you love. :ghug: Run free Sherwood you have many wonderful friends at the Rainbow Bridge x
so sorry it never gets easy but you are doing the right thing
So sorry to hear about Sherwood.
I'm so sorry. :ghug: :ghug:
So sorry to hear about Sherwood P :-( But you must believe your doing the right thing I for one do.) Youve given him the best life ever im sure he appreciates it :-)

Mine my moms and Bloo send our thoughts and cuddles xx :ghug:
So sorry to hear this but you have given him a terrific 15 years. That alone is a blessing.
These are the hardest days we go through with our beloved pets. I have been where you are several times and my heart just breaks for you. Know you are doing the right thing for Sherwood and have given him a wonderful, long life. :ghug:
P, the hardest things to do are often the right things to do. Know that you gave Sherwood the best and that he will go with his dignity. Hugs to you and Lori.
So very very sorry. :ghug:
As all the others have said-it the hardest thing that we do for our sheepies but we all feel for you and hope very soon you can think back with very happy thoughts.x
I'm so sorry; such a hard choice to have to make. :ghug:
I am so sorry. Take whatever comfort in knowing that many of our dear loved ones will be welcoming him across the bridge with eyes bright and bums & tails wagging.
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