Our friend needs us

As a longtime member here I know most of you and know how big your hearts are. Our forum member and OES rescuer Kathy Buck needs our help. As many of you know Kathy is COESR, Carolina OES rescue :hearts:. Kathy and Marty(with much help from Jaclin Dunne) fund this rescue out of their own pockets.Kathy never asks for help and to be perfectly clear has not this time but costs are rising every day and she needs donations to keep doing the wonderful work she does.
I have only 3 dogs to feed and know how costly it is, she feeds many more every day. Vet bills, gas to transport dogs, it doesn't end. She will never tell you how great she is, but I will and so will all the dogs she's saved. I'm not asking for 5 people to donate $500 each, but I am asking 500 people to give $5 each. Or give $1 or a gift card, whatever you've got because it will make you feel so good. Then look at your well fed, well groomed, and well loved dogs and thank God that they are all those things. The rescue dogs deserve all that too :wag:

From Laurie Howell and Allbus:
I have been in touch with Kathy Buck and Jaclin Dunne of Carolina OES Rescue Rescue, who have been invaluable to me with Albus being deaf, and some neglect issues. I have followed things with Kathy Buck and Marty Clugstone.
So many of us comment how wonderful they are to take all of the rescue dogs, and they truly are. I believe they need our help. Kathy needs a lawyer's help to form a 501 (c)3 to protect their dogs, and to be able to receive donations.
It is extremely important to them to get this done. It will cost them over $1,500, and all their money goes to the dogs, literally.
I have been asking very nosey questions. She feeds her dogs the Costco brand dog food so Costco cards would help. She has her hands full, and everything is out of their pocket.
Maybe it only takes a little from each of us to brighten her day, and have some help. We cheer her on to take these dogs, but they too have to survive. The help with the lawyer is extremely important.
I will make sure she gets a Costco card towards food. I am happy to collect the cards for her and get them to her. I am in the Charlotte area and she is in Wilmington.
Or, you can donate directly to COESR using the donation button on their website. She is a gem, and will continue to do what she does, but she needs us now. Thank you for reading this.
We can support our friends who support our dogs. She has a full house (15 or 16). Please let’s show our support the way she does. She has inspired me!
Laurie Howell and Allbus
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Thanks for bringing this up. They do such priceless work, I am happy to help where I can!
Thank you for posting. Kathy and Marty hold a special place in our hearts and we are happy to help.

You are right in that she is self sacrificing and not one to put her hand out. Countless dogs have been saved and rehomed through her rescue. I'm so in awe of her.
I will file the 501c3 paperwork for free. Kathy send me a message if you want my help!
Thank you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Absolutely Heather....
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
What do we need to do first!
Thank you :go: :go: :go:
Heather, that is so cool! Hope you are still in the lead for the food, I vote for you every day :clappurple:
Send me your email address I will send you all the documents I need from you.
Also- people should keep donating to the rescue! now they can use the funds for the dogs instead of us crooked lawyers ;)
Heather, I am just in shock....you have no idea!
When ever you have time :hearts: :hearts:
I did it 4 years ago, so I'm probably a little rusty but I'm totally happy to help.

I have a trial on Tuesday/Wednesday, so you will hear from me by late next week. It's an annoying process and I'll need a lot of documents/info from you, but we can totally do this!

If you can, start getting your financial information in order, any tax returns, articles of incorporation etc. Also, put together a package of promo stuff like brochures or flyers that you may have.
That would be wonderful, Heather... a dream come true for Kathy.

I was just an occasional volunteer... there are others who have helped Kathy & Marty more recently. :D
Can you give me an address to mail either the gift cards or a money order?
It's better if my husband doesn't realize that I am giving to another rescue...
HeatherRWM wrote:
I will file the 501c3 paperwork for free. Kathy send me a message if you want my help!

:clappurple: :clappurple: :banana: :banana: :excited: :yay: :yay: :go: :go: :cheer: :cheer:
Holly, can you post the address to mail a check? Or maybe they have a Paypal account? I'd be happy to give to Kathy's rescue.

And Heather, bless you for what you are doing. You are a good person. And a good lawyer.
There is a donate on this page was really easy.

Thank you all for your support :hearts: :hearts:
If anybody would like our mailing address, feel free to pm or email me at carolinasoes@gmail.com

Thanks again :hearts:

Our rescue info is on the website at www.coesr.org
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