Dawn and Chewie are AMAZING

I was poking around on Facebook and saw that Dawn (got sheep) and Chewie are in Moore, OK with several other therapy dogs. I find the both of them a tremendous inspiration. I hope Chewie and his canine pals can help the poor people there.
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I totally agree! :hearts:
yes i agree they are heros
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: How wonderful that Dawn and Chewie are helping out! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

This will be an extremely stressful time for both of them so let's all send them positive thoughts and prayers while they are in Moore.
Chewie can come relieve my stress anytime.........
ugh; just got a post on Facebook from Dawn saying they've quit for today. Another tornado touched down a half hour from where they were, and after taking cover, they decided to call it a day. I have an awful feeling it's going to be a very bad storm season. :(
Dawn and chewey are amazing!
They are very inspirational and so very encouraging to the rest of us who are just starting out and learning.
Yes, Allison, millions and millions now live in Tornado Alley. 50-75 years ago it was mostly farming/ranching with one house per 40 acres and now it's 200 houses per 40 acres. Hot dry summer in west never bodes well for Tornado Alley.
I'm one of those Millions and Millions. Granted, we're at the end of it, but I still don't feel great about it.
Chewie and Dawn continue to raise the bar higher. They are such a tribute to good people and canine therapy :hearts:

Sending prayers for your continued good works and safety.
I didn't realize they are in Moore. Sending prayers to dawn and everyone in that area. They can't catch a break with these tornados. Hope they are safe. Please keep us posted. :ghug:
I agree, Chewie and Dawn are amazing and inspirational. :wag:
The fact that she's not posted on this thread shows just how humble she can be. Dawn and Chewie are an inspiration to us all. Her work, along with Val's are why we're gong that direction with Zoey now and Caitlyn later.

Just saw there is another really bad looking system with multiple tornado warnings in that area. Praying for everyone in Oklahoma now.
Listening to CNN right now. They're saying a 90 mph tornado is heading towards Moore, OK. Say a prayer for Dawn & Chewie (and everyone else there) that they remain safe.
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

To Dawn and Chewie...

and prayers being sent from us~~Please Dawn, keep safe, and keep us posted, if you can...we are all so proud of you and Chewie... :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :kiss:
on her Facebook page Dawn says they are taking shelter in a tornado shelter; that there are tornados on either side of where they are. I can't find an emoticon for "worried sick" .
:pupeyes: :pupeyes: :pupeyes: worried for them :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
SheepieBoss wrote:
:pupeyes: :pupeyes: :pupeyes: worried for them :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

me too; though Dawn's last post said the worst was behind them, and just flooding and thunder were going on.
Just saw on the news here in Aus that it's been really bad there again!
I hope Dawn and Chewie are ok. :crossed:
Update when you can.
Looks like there's been another one. Just saw on CNN. Thinking of Chewie and Dawn. Praying for everyone to be safe.
They're OK - she said some minor damage on the RV but all is well. Doesn't look like they'll have any more of that while they're here.
So, who's going to comfort the comforters?
They'll all have PTSD before they leave.
So glad to know Dawn and Chewie are ok. :hearts:
I can't even begin to imagine the perpetual nightmare the people in Oklahoma are living through. 8O Thank God for all of the First Responders, people like Dawn with Chewie and all of the other volunteers.
God Bless everyone there and keep them all safe. No more tornados so healing can begin. :ghug: :ghug: :hearts: :hearts: :kiss: :kiss:
Checking in to see about Dawn and Chewie. Thank goodness they are okay, thanks for the update.
:D I am so happy that Dawn and Chewie are ok!
and everybody else in the region where the tornados arise :crossed:
......cannot imaging, nine tornados, they said at the News today.
Just reading this. I am glad Dawn and Chewie are OK. My prayers go out to all of those in Oklahoma and to all of the volunteers there helping out.
They are real heroes.

Bonnie/Carley's Mom
Awww guys, thanks for all the well wishes. I'm back a week now, and getting caught up on sleep, work, and posting!!
I was able to post quick from my phone to FB. I just am uploading pics today, and hope to get a more detailed post together of our time in OK out yet today. It was amazing in so many ways!
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