hi suzie..just wanted to let you know that the same family that really helped me with sophie has once again helped me but this time they really came thru.a thousand dollars..wohoooooooo ..happy dance..i was worrying how to handle this boy then I remembered a great trainer that helped with a pitt I had rescued..tied to a tree and starved then we found out also pregnant...he worked with her and now she is good citizen registered my son adopted her and she is great..but it was not easy or cheap...so now I know I can afford him to consult with him from the beginning..he will come to us as I am not going to have him going from place to place being evaluated and prodded..my vet will meet him here too but if he is uncomfy we will not do bloodwork..I don't want him overly excited until he knows he can trust me and rely on me...anyway ..plz post what adam did ..I thanked him but don't feel at times it is easy to express how much a donation like that can help a dog as it allows me to bring in ppl I cant afford on my own..this will be a huge help for Oscar..char

what a women and :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: to adam and allison :rimshot: :rimshot: :hearts:
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:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
:clappurple: That's great!
Keep us posted on how it goes, and with anything you learn along the way from the trainer. It must be absolutely heartmelting when a fearful dog finally begins to trust.
Great news :)
The generosity of our forum members is only surpassed by their compassion. So proud to be a member here.

Safe travels and white lightening to April and Oscar today. They are traveling to the first leg of his trip to Char :hearts:
:hearts: :hearts: I LOVE THIS FORUM!!!!!! :hearts: :hearts:

The folks on here seriously ROCK!!! Saving the world, one sheepdog at a time.

Laurie and Oscar

I'm just floored! A thousand dollars to Char and her rescue is just amazing!! I can't thank this generous donor and all the others who've pitched in the help Oscar!

And today, he made it through the first leg without any major problems. We loaded him up in my 4x4 easily (other than needing a little heave-ho to get his backside in :D ) and he seemed excited to go - but within seconds he started to cry/bark and pant and seemed really scared. I sat with him in the car for a little bit and he semi-calmed down, but going through busy streets, stopping and starting and traffic seemed to upset him. But he RODE like a champ - no thrashing or craziness, just his helpless little puppy barks. Finally we got on the interstate heading to Logan and he calmed right down...he laid down on his bed in the back and squeaked his toys every now and then and basically seemed to enjoy himself.

It was storming the entire trip and it took a little longer than I expected, and of course I got semi-lost (not for long tho). We made it to Jane's about 2:45 and he hopped out just fine. I took him to his kennel and he walked around it a few times (it's HUGE) and then just stood at the door staring at me like "Where are you going?" and it absolutely broke my heart. Poor Jane. I cried and she hugged me and told me he'd be fine and then I cried some more. She's the NICEST person and I know she and Oscar will be best friends in no time flat. My tears were of joy mixed with sadness mixed with love, if that makes any sense.

I have a mental picture of him standing there looking so sad and lonely that I can't quite get out of my mind, but it's to be expected....I know. I fell for him harder than any dog I've ever worked with in rescue. There was something so special about him and a strange instant connection we had. I'll never forget him. He definitely stole a piece of my heart. He's a great dog that'll be a wonderful pet to someone once he overcomes his fears and keeps getting his confidence back. I know he can do it - I just wish I could see it happen.

Here's a picture I grabbed at a stoplight almost to Jane's. It makes me smile to see his grin. He's always in my heart....

Thank you ALL again for everything - it meant the world to me to be able to get Oscar out of the shelter...and I couldn't have done it without you.

:hearts: April
OscarInTrouble wrote:

I'm just floored! A thousand dollars to Char and her rescue is just amazing!! I can't thank this generous donor and all the others who've pitched in the help Oscar!

And today, he made it through the first leg without any major problems. We loaded him up in my 4x4 easily (other than needing a little heave-ho to get his backside in :D ) and he seemed excited to go - but within seconds he started to cry/bark and pant and seemed really scared. I sat with him in the car for a little bit and he semi-calmed down, but going through busy streets, stopping and starting and traffic seemed to upset him. But he RODE like a champ - no thrashing or craziness, just his helpless little puppy barks. Finally we got on the interstate heading to Logan and he calmed right down...he laid down on his bed in the back and squeaked his toys every now and then and basically seemed to enjoy himself.

It was storming the entire trip and it took a little longer than I expected, and of course I got semi-lost (not for long tho). We made it to Jane's about 2:45 and he hopped out just fine. I took him to his kennel and he walked around it a few times (it's HUGE) and then just stood at the door staring at me like "Where are you going?" and it absolutely broke my heart. Poor Jane. I cried and she hugged me and told me he'd be fine and then I cried some more. She's the NICEST person and I know she and Oscar will be best friends in no time flat. My tears were of joy mixed with sadness mixed with love, if that makes any sense.

I have a mental picture of him standing there looking so sad and lonely that I can't quite get out of my mind, but it's to be expected....I know. I fell for him harder than any dog I've ever worked with in rescue. There was something so special about him and a strange instant connection we had. I'll never forget him. He definitely stole a piece of my heart. He's a great dog that'll be a wonderful pet to someone once he overcomes his fears and keeps getting his confidence back. I know he can do it - I just wish I could see it happen.

Here's a picture I grabbed at a stoplight almost to Jane's. It makes me smile to see his grin. He's always in my heart....

Thank you ALL again for everything - it meant the world to me to be able to get Oscar out of the shelter...and I couldn't have done it without you.

:hearts: April

April! Hugs to you tonight! You have been Oscar's ANGEL and without you he would not have had a chance for a happy life! I truly enjoyed getting to know you through this process and want you to know how much you are appreciated! These sheepies just carve a little place in your heart and it stays there forever. :hearts: Best wishes to you and again--Thank YOU for all you have done to give Oscar a chance!
Adam and I can't take all the credit. Adam draws, and Adam's amazing fans donate the money; we just collect it and funnel it along.

Some of you probably know, but for those that don't, Adam is a comic book artist. We travel to different comic book conventions around the country (and sometimes internationally, too); we are usually in attendance at a convention about once a month. While there, Adam offers to do quick sketches for his fans- all we ask is a minimum donation of $20, with all proceeds going to that weekend's charity. We usually focus on sheepdog rescue; and usually our local OES Rescue Network of the Southeast.

When Char said she was going to take Oscar, we had a decent amount of money accumulated to donate. We decided we'd send a thousand of it to Char for Oscar's expenses. So really it's thanks to Adam being willing to spend the time, and his fans for donating the money! And I'm glad it's all worked out!
What you and Adam have done for Oscar is amazing. Hats off to you guys.

Speaking of Oscar, are there any updates on him?
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped Oscar! :bow: :yay:

Allison: That is such a fantastic way of raising funds for rescue! Please tell Adam he's my artistic hero right now! :roses:
Great idea and wonderful work that Adam and you both do. :ghug:

Good luck Oscar, your in an angels hands now....get strong.
would it be possible to post a pic of Adams work? Am so pleased that another sheepy story will have a "happy ending".x
Here is a marker drawing adam did for a rescue auction a few years ago. the joke being that he did Catwoman covers fro DC Comics for 5 years, and what if Catwoman was really OESwoman...?

You can see more of Adam's professional work on his website: http://www.justsayah.com
Darth Snuggle wrote:
Here is a marker drawing adam did for a rescue auction a few years ago. the joke being that he did Catwoman covers fro DC Comics for 5 years, and what if Catwoman was really OESwoman...?

You can see more of Adam's professional work on his website: http://www.justsayah.com

Hi everybody!

I wanted to drop in and say hello, and give you all an update. And hearing how Oscar got his donation made me smile - how terrific!

I've talked to Jean a couple of times this past week, and Oscar is settling in. I think he was scared and nervous the first few days, which was to be expected considering all the changes that have been thrown at him in the past few months. Last night she told me he's loving walking on leash with her (he's PROUD when he's attached to his leash - always was!) and is showing off his skills of sitting and giving paw! He's getting along great with the other dogs...I tell you, I can't be happier right now.

I've also talked to Oscar's aunt (his deceased dad's sister) and she is SO grateful he went to rescue. Not being a "dog person" with no real resources to call on, and knowing Oscar was in a very precarious situation was a burden that was weighing heavily on her...I think it's a lesson for all of us to think about. I know she never dreamed her brother would pass away so suddenly and she would be left responsible for his beloved dog.

Thanks to some kind of divine intervention, Oscar's safe. This isn't always the case. The shelter where I volunteer always has a dog or two brought in because the owner died. Anyway, this story thankfully had a happy ending. I saw a copy of her brother's obituary, and Oscar was right up there with nearest relatives, and apparently was by his dad's side on the day he died...it makes me tear up just thinking about what was going through his little mind as all of this transpired.

The plan is for Oscar to be transported to Michigan in a couple of weeks. Char and I have exchanged emails and again, she's my hero. She's going to be Oscar's protector, and make sure he gets what he needs and finds the right home. I couldn't ask for anything more than than that.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Hug your Sheepies! I wish I could give Oscar a hug, too, but I know he's where he belongs, and his journey will be a happy one. Thanks again for all you did for us. :hearts:
That's super awesome!!! :-)
YAY...This just comes to show there are real rescue angels out there! :-D <3 <3 <3
glad you posted i was talking to charmine yesterday was going to post ! so glad he will is going to have a good life thanks to you :clappurple:
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