I live in Wichita, KS. For anyone who has been tracking the situation, Dennis Rader (aka BTK) was finally arrested after over 25 years. Yesterday, he finally admitted (in detail) to 10 counts of premeditated murder.
It's a big deal to me because I live here, but for everyone else, what do you guys think?
If you want, go to and search BTK or Dennis Rader, and there are a ton of articles about him.
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It is astonishingly grisly. I guess I would be curious to hear from his family, friends and colleagues. Did they have any idea they were close to such a pscyho-killer? It is mind bogglingly awful. I'm glad he's been caught. I feel so bad for the families of the victims hearing all the details.
Oh my gosh, I'm so horrified by everything. Yesterday they broadcast the trial in which he described the killings in detail. I don't know if it's true, but I was told that BTK's daughter expressed concern about her father to the cops.
Once again, on, they have an interview with the son of a victim who witnessed his mother's murder.
This is so horrible and unfathomable. I'm so intrigued because I just can't understand what this man was thinking.
Jeez, it just blows my mind.
The man is not human, he is pure evil. And for him to portray the "Christian" man just makes my blood boil! :twisted:

I'm so upset that he can't get the death penalty, just life imprisonment. He'll get his just rewards some day - God is taking notes, I'm sure!!


I too have read the story as it occured over the years and then with his recent caputure and eventual trial. I think what seems so horrific to me is the normalacy this man appeared to have...married father of two grown children, former pastor of a church, past boyscout leader..and then killer of 10 people, two which included children. You wonder what went wrong to cause him to do such horrible acts? I'm glad he's finally caught and going away for a long time, although little consolation to the families whom he hurt so much.
Actually, he was the president of a church that I drive by often. Everytime I drive by I think, "What a phony!"
Yeah, it absolutely sickens me how matter-of-fact he was about everything. I would say he's "crazy" but that would let him get off too easily for his crimes.
I am absolutely horrified by both his actions and his non-chalant words.
I think it's scary how someone living a completely normal lifestyle could do all these horrible things. I feel so awful for the families having to hear his testimony. I wanted a little of it, and I was sickened by it, because he seemed to have no remorse at all when he was describing it. It got turned off pretty quickly.
I read about this yesterday and as I said to my friend, "he is a sick ****." At least he didn't plead insanity but he must be nuts. I was upset he didn't get the death penalty but someone was quoted as saying "he'll die in prison." I hope that means the inmates will take care of him like they did Jeffrey Dahmer. I'm so glad the people of Wichita don't have to worry about this monster being loose. I feel sorry for his family.
This man is truely sick. I watched some of his descriptions on court tv. He
told about his killing like he was reading a grocery list - totally unaffected
by it. How very sad for his family! How horrible they must feel, if only
they could have done something...
Of course he blended in, and of course he had what appeared to be a
normal life. People who do things like this have made a point all their
lives of fitting in and appearing normal. Usually the people we avoid, like
the town weirdo, are harmless. It's the guy you would never suspect,
that you have to worry about.
If they had "murderer"or "child molester" tatooed to their forheads - we
really wouldn't have a problem would we?!
Just goes to show, you may not know your friends as well as you
think. That guy you see every day at the coffee shop may have a bag
of ears in his freezer, or the guy who checks your gas meter may have
suffocated someone and left them in the woods! Or the guy who runs
the youth group at church may be fantasizing about the kids - or worse.
Its very scary. It does happen everywhere. It happens to people just
like us.
I doubt he will be put into general population at the prison. At least not
yet. The other inmates would probably tear him limb from limb. I say
do away with lethal injection - let the other prisoners take care of him.
I think his days are numbered anyway- I think he wants and easy out.
He cannot be fixed, I say put him down.

Thanks to being sick-- coughing and unable to breathe, I also can't sleep at night and this prompted me to do some reading on this [really bad guy] and what he was like in every day life. In a nutshell, he was a glorified dog catcher-- a codes infraction officer-- and would go around the neighborhood singling out certain people to pick on for violations, like measuring grass length and filming neighbors trying to catch them doing something that he could write them up for. He shot someone's dog and had another person's dog confiscated and put to sleep. You really got to wonder about people who hurt animals. He singled out one woman because he didn't like the fact that she moved a guy in with her (it was her family's dog that he confiscated and put to sleep). He told her that if the boyfriend moved out, all of it would stop. It goes on. Here's the rest of the story: BTK background

I found it really creeped me out as I was reading it in the dark at 3 in the morning.
Butters, have you gone to the doctor about coughing and not being able to breathe?
It's just a cold... I think. If it keeps up, I'll go. I had pneumonia earlier this year so I'm a bit more susceptible to longer boughts of illness. I blame it on Florida!
Butterscotch, I hope you start feeling better! Coughing is the worst!
Yeah, my mom is a therapist, and I've learned about some of the signs of a serial killer:
1) wetting the bed (when they're older)
2) setting things on fire
3) cruelty to animals
I guess I'm just so dumb-founded by this whole situation. I've watched the video of his confessions and I don't know if he's proud of what he did or if he wanted to get caught. I'm curious to learn about his psychological evaluation. I don't believe he's "crazy". Dennis Rader is completely aware of what's going on. I know this sounds bad, but I think he needs to rot in jail. Lethal injection is too easy for him. And if they decide he's crazy, then he'll get put in the psychiatric ward to be rehabilitated.
Sorry, but no.
This man did really really horrible, terrifying, inhumane things, and I want him to pay for what he did. I want him to be as miserable as he has made the victims' families and everyone in Wichita.
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