Introducing Toby

After much searching and rough decision making, we finally decided to go get our new OES. Actually he flew here but, same difference. :D
So, I'd like everyone to meet, Toby! He was born in Chicago, raised in Arizona and flew here from California. He's very well traveled!
It's been absolutely great having him here the past 2 days. From the very first moment they met, he and Carl have been playing nonstop! That would explain why most of these pics are blurry!
It's also funny how much he and Carl look alike. They have very similar markings but are from very different backgrounds.
I'd also like to thank my support team out there who told me to "aim high" when looking for a breeder! You guys were totally great with your support and you know who you are! :wink: You guys rock!
So, without further ado, here's TOBY!

Like I said, blurry!

Two days of this!

And this!

And this!

And finally this! They had to get tired at some point!

Not only do they look alike but they have the same taste in tv too. They were running and playing at high speed and both suddenly stopped to stare at the screen.

I've also decided that they aren't sheepdogs. They are pigs because they are such hams!

Norman is also very happy because he doesn't have to keep Carl amused. He's also very busy showing Toby where his place is. Someone's got to keep these pups in line!
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Wow! Looks like they are having so much fun together! Wonderful pictures. . .
Ok, so who's the breeder? Huh? Huh? Who's the breeder, Huh?
Furry love pups!!! Actually...hell on eight paws!!! How long are their naps? I think they are having too much fun!!
Wow! Congrats! They are both gorgeous! How old is Toby?
Wonderful pics :) More, more more! LOL
Toby is from Lambluv. He was being held for show but his bite is a little bit off. It may correct it may not, who knows, only time will tell.
He is about 8 months old now. Have to check my math, now where did that decimal point go?

If the little weasel sits still more pictures will be forthcoming. Today he stuck his whole mouth in my drink and came out dripping red! He looked like a character in a horror movie. I can't wait to see his personality come out more!
I'm so
Oh my gosh twice the nonsense and twice the fun! Lucky you. Congratulations!

How old is Carl?
WOW!! :lol: :lol: It is amazing how much they look alike. Same energy level, too! How very cool! It sure looks like they're haivng fun. Congratulations! :lol:
Got your hands full now :lol: Toby looks like Carls younger brother, it's wonderful that they get along so well. Poor Norman can finally get a break :D
Wow, you can feel the energy coming through the pictures! Looks like so much fun. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your new addition! Toby really looks comfortable in his new surroundings. :lol:

Norman can now settle into the role of patriarch! He's deserved it!

What a riot seeing Carl and Toby run around together! Hope you have good knee pads to protect yourself from charging sheepies!

Toby is adorable!!! Congratulations :)
Thanks guys!!!!
Carl is 2 and crazy with energy. We like to think of Toby as his "personal trainer"! Gets him more excercise than he needs.
The weird thing is that it's actually quieter around here because Norman isn't telling Carl to leave him alone and Carl isn't bugging us every two minutes to do something!
Great pics and beautiful sheepies. These 2 should keep you entertained and smiling for a lot of years to come :) . Nothing like seeing 2 sheepies running around, wrestling and playing together.

Have you got all this on video too? You should, you'll enjoy seeing the tapes years later.

Uncle Pete :D
What a good match, looks like they are having
lots of fun!! When they are not racing around the
home agility course, at least you know you can
keep them quiet and entertained with TV !

Beautiful sheepies!

Best Wishes.....
Three sheepies??? I'm jealous. Looks like a boatload of fun.
I want a Toby too! Mandy, why did I not even see this coming? Did you tell us you were getting him and I missed it?

I had to laugh about sticking his mouth in the drink because it reminded me of a funny story. Lucy, who's all white, always meets me at the door when I come home. I was carrying in a case of Faygo redpop, which I know Michigan people will immediately recognize as the reddest soda ever made. Lucy tripped me and I dropped the case and it exploded all over the place. Lucy took off and I lost track of her while I was cleaning it up. About an hour later, she came out of the bedroom. Her entire head and chest were beet red and she was trying to lick it off herself. No amount of shampooing would take it out either. It was months before I didn't have a pink dog. As a quick aside, I still found red spots on the walls for the next 3 years after that explosion!
Uncle Pete: Great idea! I hadn't even thought of it. You'd think that with all of the electronics we have around here that would be obvious. DUH to me! That'll be my next project. Good call!

Jill: I could have sworn you were one of the people who knew! Maybe we were all hiding it from you. Besides, I'm still cranky that you sabotaged the forum when Toby came home and I had to wait and post his pictures! Grrrr we all know it was totally your fault!
So, he finally sat still long enough for a picture of his face. Here you go...

Hi Max,

Yikes I'm late, CONGRATS to you all!!! The pics were fantastic and does show the energy of the boys! Whew I'm thinking you took the pics from standing on a chair or something? Look out! Running sheepies...quick get out of the way!

You lucked out!! It's awesome Norman was able to accept his new brother without any battles! Have fun with all the boys and keep telling us Carl, Norman and Toby stories!

Lots of belly rubs and sloppy kisses your way..umm I send the belly rubs..the boys send the sloppy kisses. :wink:

Marianne and the boys
Congratulations on your new addition!!! It's Sat morning and I'm sitting here drinking coffee catching up on what i've missed this week (actually had to WORK at work this week).

What a great houseful. Makes me wish I'd had the nerve to get another sheepie........ wonder what Doug would say to 3 dogs.................... :twisted:

Guess I'd better get Ty sleeping through the night first.

Your pictures are great, keep 'em coming.
WOW! TOBY is Gorgeous!! I've also figured out that Toby is Gucci's brother, they came from the same litter! And the last picture (where you got him to sit still) looks EXACTLY like Gucci! They have the same markings! YEAH! I'm so excited for you!

I hope we can find Gucci a playmate! They look like they are having so much fun!


Colleen and Gucci
That's so cool that they are littermates! :) It will be neat to see them grow up together on the forum.... what handsome boys! :)
Holy Cow! Littermates!

How totally cool! We'll have to start comparing notes.
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