Gizzy has alopecia?

Our little Schnouzer has had a very hard year. Last Feb he had a spinal injury ( FCE)
Then in July our big dog Murph the old English died. Giz was very close to the big dog and he got very depressed and grieved a lot after.

In November we got a new pup another OES called Bailey. They seemed to get on great and Gizzy stopped being so depressed and lonely.

At the end of Feb we took a 48hr trip to England as it was the 1st anniversary of my mothers death. My DD was looking after the house and brought her dog Toby the Jack-a-doodle to keep Giz and Bailey company. Toby and Giz have always got on very well. Toby is old and disabled. He is a rescue with hip displacia and queen anne front legs!

Though Toby doesn't like the cat and is very nasty to him (Jack russtle instict to chace and kill rabit like creatures!). Giz and the cat love eachother and got very close after Murph died. Bailey is on a steep learning curve regarding the cat and his pecking order - ! Top cat!
You can see in this pic Teddy doesn;t move far from home comforts these days and sadly you can see he has lost half his tail! It had to be amputated about 3 yrs back.

There was also an Issues apparently with Toby and the pup and they had to be seperated. DD said the pup started it but Bailey is a real softie and doesn;t seem to be aggressive in any way at all. So I am thinking it was probably the elderly Jack-a-doodle throwing his weight about with the pup. Apparently this upset Giz. Who I guess would have been in the middle of all this going on. Not knowing whether to "protect the cat", "Defend the pup" or join his old mate in terrorising the place!
When we got home from the trip - Giz was bald down both sides. this had litterally happened within 48hrs?
We knew that the OES pup had been sucking his ears and we had sprayed Giz with Anti-chew which seemed to help. Giz had gotten a skin problem before Christmas and we had worked hard with the Vet to get his coat back looking well and so we were worried about the pup using Giz for a chew toy! - but this was just awful! We waited about 4 weeks and as the hair was not growing back we made an appointment to see the Vet today. We took Giz and Teddy cat who weve had for a good 15yrs! He was adult when we got him so he is ancient! Pup Bailey bear is being treated for a UTI as well! UGH all go here. !
The Vet said both animals were lovely and the right weight for their breed which was good but she was worried about thyroid in the dog and Kidney issues in the cat so we got blood tests done right away. They came back clear for both which means the elderly cat is well enough to get some much needed dental work done. However the dog though his bloods came back clear there is still no real understanding of why he lost all that hair so fast in 48hrs. The Vet said it had nothing to do with the pup and he was not to blame. Toby and Giz have been friends for years so I am thinking why would Giz be stressed over him as he knows what the Jack-a-doodle is like by now! The Vet hopes it will grow back by May as apparently their summer coat should come in then.

Has anyone else had anything like this happen to their Dog? I know humans can get it through shock or stress but a dog? I didn;t think a Dog would react to grief and stress in this way but all the bloods are clear so no underlaying medical issue? Just emotional and the Vet thinks it is all tied to grief over Murph and getting used to the new Pup that isn't his old friend?

Oes - Pooor Gizzymo. :wag:
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