Poor Tonks

At this late date, I'm wondering why I never got pet health insurance for Tonks & Luna!!!

Today Tonks went in for a root canal and tooth extraction. While we were visiting in Minnesota the week before last, she face-planted on some pavement and broke several teeth, including one large canine. The breaks exposed the nerves on 3 or 4 teeth; a very painful thing. She's been on pain killers and antibiotics for the last 10 days, waiting for a dental specialist that only comes to Atlanta once a month. And now she's getting 2-3 of the teeth extracted, the canine root canalled, a casting for a crown taken, and we'll go back in a month to have the crown installed. All pretty complicated stuff that I never thought I'd have to deal with in a dog, and all pretty expensive. :( I could have gotten an amazing Show-quality puppy for what this is costing us. :headbang: But we can't leave her in pain, and we want her as well as can be. I'm trying to think of it like a teenage child getting braces; sometimes your kids cost you a fortune at the dentist!
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OUCH! I hope the procedures all go smoothly, poor baby! We actually dropped our insurance for the 3 girls in the past year, when we looked at the deductibles, premiums, and limits on coverage, it offered pretty poor returns. I had thought the insurance would still be "worth it" in case of disaster, e.g. my dog is bloating at 3 a.m. on Christmas emergency operation type thing. But the max coverage is so crappy and deductibles too high, and we were paying like $250 month for all 3 girls! God created credit cards for that sort of scenario :D and my credit cards are much healthier without paying an extra $250/month 8) .
hmmmmm... I hadn't thought about it that way! I'm going to look into it, but I'll definitely consider your perspective on it; thanks!
Poor pup, I'm glad I have my pet insurance for Mac, its been well worth it so far and I have the premium plan and only pay about 47$ a month.
Oh no! I have been sitting on my plan renewal for a month and don't know what to do with it. I want to make adjustments but am finding it difficult to justify paying on it. I guess if Foz has cancer or something down the road it might be worth it but not sure.
I hope the procedures went well for Tonks! :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

Is she back home yet? :hearts:
:ghug: hugs to Tonks, poor girl! How did she fall? I am curious about that--must have really landed hard on her face. :cry:
Poor Tonks, hope she is feeling better soon.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Harry sends nose nudges and kisses to Tonks. He is familiar with dental work, Chief Three Big Teeth. He says she will feel much better soon.
poor tonks hope she feels better soon.. wow never thought that would ever happen with teeth
Tonks is home; every one said she did great. They pulled 4 small teeth; three she broke and one an x-ray revealed as "dead". At some point the nerve must have died for some reason, and it was beginning to discolor. Not enough that the regular vet would have noticed it at their annual teeth cleaning, but it showed up on the X-ray so they took it out too. They did the root canal on her large canine, and have temporarily filled it until the crown can be made and installed next month.

We aren't sure how she did it, to be honest. We were staying with a friend, and Tonks and Luna had tried to get into a fight. We pulled them apart literally 10 seconds into it. I banished her to the couch, and that's when I noticed she was licking her chops excessively. Upon inspection, I was able to see that several teeth were broken. It must have happened earlier, and the pain made her take a dive at Luna. :( With all the snow and ice, I'm wondering if she slipped while playing and hit her face. Our friend's house has a retaining wall built of boulders that the girls were climbing and messing around on in the snow. I think Tonks may have hurt herself on that, or on the stone walkway, or some stone pillars at the front of the house. Everything else was covered in soft snow.
Poor tonks!
OUCH! I just had four front teeth pulled so I can relate to poor Tonks! Glad she is home and doing well after the extractions.

I do ahve pet health insurance for both my dogs. Cost some money but really is nothing compared to what some procedures cost. But I have to say, money is no object when it comes to my beloved babies and especially when they are in pain. You did the right thing! And I know Tonks is appreciatative :hearts: :hearts: Hope he continues to improve.
Big hugs to Tonks, how traumatic :hearts: And to your wallet :ghug:

We carry catastrophic coverage for Charm, which is more reasonable in cost. The deductible is high, but for a devastating injury, surgery or cancer we feel it is worth every penny.

Hope Tonks is feeling much, much better :hearts:
Poor Tonks, hope she is feeling better soon!

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Oww poor Tonks alright.
I would never have thought about a dog needing all that expensive dental work. Not sure why they've got teeth too. I hope she recovers quickly.
I hope Tonks is doing well. I had no idea they did that kind of dental work on dogs.
I had considered insurance when Frankie was a pup. By the time I had decided to do it, he started having health issues. So I figured no company would cover him.
In my case, it would have been a good idea.
Feel better soon Tonks
Lisa Frankie and Mattie
:ghug: Poor baby and poor you, I can imagine the expense there, way worse then a normal vet I imagine.

Give tonks a huge hug from us all here and alison you rock you are such a great mom. :kiss: :ghug:
How is Tonks doing now? I hope she feels better with those exposed edges taken care of.
Poor Tonks, I hope she's feeling better.
Poor Tonks! Sounds funny when you talk about your "Doggie Dentist", doesn't it? Welcome to the world of specialists. Oscar has a Doggie Internist, a Doggie Dermatologist, and soon to have a Doggie Neurologist.

I got health insurance for Oscar at ten weeks old, after having health issues with our first OES. The coverage is limited, but it pays for itself every year when I do titers and a teeth cleaning. Also helps when he has a pancreatic attack, which generally run about $2500 to manage the entire crisis. I got the insurance mainly in case of big things, like cancer treatment, or orthopedic surgery.

Laurie and Oscar
Tonks seems to be fine, thank you all for your well wishes. Honestly, she never did seem put out by the whole thing, and only showed any discomfort when our regular vet tried to examine her mouth. Tonks tried to bite her; which has NEVER happened, so we know from that that she was in discomfort. But other than that one sign, she'd been acting completely normally!
Glad to hear that Tonks is doing well!
I am glad she is doing better. Poor lady.
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