Spring haircut suggestions

Hi all,

My adopted OES, Daenerys, is about due for a good grooming. This being South Korea, there are very few experienced groomers near us who have cut OES hair before. In fact, a few flat out refused on account of simply not having a big enough grooming station. :-P

Anyways, it gets warm and humid here during the summer, so we'd like to get her started on transitioning towards a short haircut so she doesn't overheat during monsoon season. Furthermore, she does have a few stubborn mats that we've mostly been able to trim out, leaving a few parts of her body with a very close haircut that's starting to look a bit mental. The vets who fostered her before us were wonderful, but they didn't quite give her the brushings she needed.

So, what kind of cut would you recommend? The groomer we're going to use is "very exited to groom a sheep dog" so we'll need to go armed with pictures of a good short spring cut, if anyone has any they could share Daenerys and I would be very grateful.

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She's adorable. I am jealous.
Puppy cut works best. I don't have a good picture so you might have to google one. However, given how hot it gets there, you could shave her right down. It grows back so quickly. By next spring she'd have her full coat back again and then you could be working on keeping it lovely until then. Just a suggestion.
You could ask for a puppy cut same length very cute. I like that but with longer length on the legs; I call them bell bottoms :)

In the photo section of the forum, you will find a whole album on cuts "1st Groomiing Album". So many to choose from there. Select "my photo" at the top of the page; sign in and go to album list. This should allow you to scroll down to that particular album.

A puppy cut is adorable, cool, and manageable without a great deal of work. And will grow out into a nice length by the cooler months. Mainly, it is your preference and likes. So many different styles of "puppy" cuts.

It takes a few cuts sometimes to get just the "right" one, so don't be discouraged. Keep communicating with your groomer, pictures are wonderful tools, and be sure to post Daenerys new look :hearts:
I love that Yuki and Laika are together at the end of the pictures :)
Thanks for brining this up Drew! I was just thinking about this for Leonard for summer too as it gets to +40 here for weeks in the summer and we spend the whole summer camping, canoeing, swimming and being outside... am worried about his comfort in his current big fluffy coat. Even last year when we took him camping and he had a little puppy coat he would go swimming and stay wet for a really long time as I don't have a drier with me. Everybody is telling me he is going to need a hair cut, but I am in denial because I love his long hair. We went for a walk this morning and it is -2 and he was panting like crazy already.

Like the idea of leaving the legs and face a little longer... your puppy cuts all look like OES rather than poodles. Looks like I am going to be doing it myself as the cost of a clipping twice is the same cost as a really good pair of clippers and every OES I have seen groomed in my area/on the groomers website is made to look like a toy poodle. Not cool.

Thanks for the inspiration!! Now to hop over to the thread about clippers!
And maybe spend a couple more weeks enjoying his "profuse" coat :)
If you are going camping and swimming and all that fun stuff - I would highly recommend a cut that's about 1 inch long all over. I camp too - and tent camp without access to dryers, etc...and it will just be a pain if he's any longer than that. I don't get out as often as I would like, but if you do it often it will be worth it to get him pretty short. They grow nearly an inch a month - so once you are into fall he will get fluffy and long pretty quickly again.

And I strongly recommend getting your own good clippers and scissors...they pay for themselves so quickly, and most people really like the challenge and fun of giving their dog the look they prefer. :D
Thank you so much everyone. Well, I sort of had a feeling that the groomer might go a little shorter than I had hoped, and I turned out to be quite correct. This was the first OES the groomer has cut, and due to both a language and training barrier, I discovered afterward that she had simply tried her best to give Daenerys a "Poodle Cut," the result of which looks something like an alpaca with bellbottoms. I hardly recognized Daenerys when I picked her up.


While it's not the spring shearing I had envisioned, the silver lining is that it did clear out all the mats that had formed prior to our adopting her, the real stubborn ones we simply couldn't brush out and had been clipping at. Our goal is now to manage her hair and prevent future mats from occurring while letting her hair grow back nice and healthy. The vets who fostered and whom we adopted her from were wonderful, but really didn't put in the time to manage Dany's hair as well as is needed. Despite personal opinion on the haircut aside (I think it's horrible, my girlfriend loves it), Dany really seems to enjoy it. She has been bouncing all over the place, running around, rolling on her back, and acting about 10x as cuddly and energetic.
What a cutie! Now you get to start over with her coat! If you don't like it at least it sounds like she does. As Dawn said above theirs hair grows fast, our OES Hailey was kept in short coat as we lived somewhere very hot and used to get clipped down very short twice a year and still be fluffier in the winter.
aww I love her little bell bottoms. One of the most fun things about a summer cut is you can get creative if you want and it grows back.
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