Something strange going on.......

I haven't been able to get to the forum since late yesterday...... and now that I'm finally on it seems like posts are missing........ Are we in the twilight zone? a time warp? a bad dream?

Something strange is going on......... or am I losing my mind?????? 8O
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All forums need maintenance, updating, etc ...and sometimes it requires services to be shut down temporarily. It's the only way to continue to provide the same, fast, or better service to those on it.

Sometimes they're even attacked by hackers. I don't know why this forum was down, but it's usually the above.

I was in a panic too because I was bored this morning ;)
WOOHOOO it's back! :):):)
Yippee!! :lol: :lol: I was starting to twitch from withdrawals!! 8O :lol:
Ive been flipping out!!! I had to get in the back wouldnt let me on thru the forum....I got in thru behavior...Im afraid to get off now!!! Sooooo, how are you all....I missed you on Sunday, it wouldnt let me in then either!!! I had wanted to post something, but now is as good of a time as any.....I was taking a shower the other day (I do take them regularly, but this is when the thought occurred to me :D ) Does any one else have an unusual amount of bruising??? I never got bruises BEFORE I got Panda, now I can look up and down my legs and say "Panda nipped me there, She ran into me here, etc.....Now, if the bruises would get closer together, I could have a wonderful summer tan... :D
Darcy - YES! I'm coverd in them! Legs, arms, body - you name it. Half the time now, I can't even remember what happened, but I know it's sheepie related! :D
Tammy....That's good to know, I thought that I had a sheepie that was too over the top, Naaaaaa, she's just exuberant :D :D 8O !!!! But really, these bruises are gross. I even have one on the inside of my upper bicep, that one I know is a nip...I get on the floor with her and its just like she knows to go for the most sensitive areas....oh well.
I's especially bad now because with shorts and sleeveless tops, they're all so visable. It looks like I'm a clutz. :D
I can't believe the forum was down all night! I had nothing to do while at work and thought I might go stir crazy.
But Ron saved us all from certain insanity by fixin' it!! :D

YEA RON!!!!!!!
Yay!! We're all back!

Seems like all the post I wrote before this happened have dissapeared..ah well..I talk too much anyhow..ha ha.

Nice to see everyone again!
I just got back on too.

I think I spent more time checking the status of this forum than working today. 8O

It's me again,

Just noticed that one of the birthday greeting dissapeared, it was regarding Mopsy's 10th birthday. As usual I forgot the uprights name but never the furball. Anyhow if they see this, perhaps they can repost her birthday message and we can all add our birthday greetings.

Does anyone find it to be a coincidence that the forum went down when Butterstotch said she couldn't be on all weekend and someone suggested no one could post all weekend!! :wink: Hmmm
I think Ron is just trying to see how many of us he can push over the edge. OR, maybe he's feeling unappreciated and wants to remind us how much he does for us........
Butterstotch will be pleased. :lol: :lol:
First I thought it was my computer. Then I started looking at other sites and everything was working on my end. I must have tried to get on the site about 30 times yesterday. I was so lost without
Tasker wrote
maybe he's feeling unappreciated and wants to remind us how much he does for us........

We all love you Ron. :D :D :D
Awwww blush..... :oops:

It's been a long 2 days folks. Thanks for bearing with it all.

The hard drives (1 terabyte of disk(1,000 Gigabytes)) on the new machine got corrupted, and had to be repaired.

Then after the host did that, they thought they were done. But the forum couldn't access the database. The database stores all of everything about the forum, all the posts, all the users, everything.

So it took me another couple of hours just to get them to understand that the database wasn't working; it was an EXTREMELY frustrating day.

Then of course the fact that the backups were ok, that was a big relief. But we lost several hours of posts, and TheGuru lost his first new sign-up. :(

Someone go to the Repair-place forum and cheer up TheGuru with lots of good questions about repairs or tools! He LOOOOVES his tools.

All in all, a pretty good day, considering what the outcome COULD have been.
First off, Thank you Ron!!!!!!! You still ROCK!

Secondly, I concur that it was Butterstotch's fault. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it! You ask that no one does anything while you are away and POOF it happens. You should have asked for a million dollars with your wish! What were you thinking? :wink: Hope your trip went well! Welcome Back!!!!!!
Yes, from what I understand, Ron was waiting for me to return. Thank you all for your patience.

Points finger of blame at Butterstotch...hmmm veeeery interesting....she goes away...server goes down...sounds suspicious to me! :wink:

Being an optomist however...this was a good thing as Ron gets the much deserved recognition he should have. We are grateful that he's provided us with this forum!~!! Three cheers for Ron..Hip Hip Hooraaaay!

Marianne and the boys
Whew!!! Tried to get on last night and kept getting that "page not available" thing.

My first thought was, "Wow, did I get booted from the forum?" I went from "Puppy Cut" to "Fluffernutter" in seconds. :oops:

I thought, "Surely, Ron would've sent me an email or something. He, surely wouldn't send me into withdrawals without an explanation. :(

Well, I'm back, and all I gotta say is, "THANK YOU RON!!!!" :D :D :D

Oh, and welcome back ButtersStotch! :wink:
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