Just a question

OK so my husbands mom has two Old englishes one older that is a year and a half and the other is about a year
the older one was a rescue from a family that had ALOT of other dogs and so he would get tempermental about getting affection and food cause well he wasn't getting enough
well that trait has continued and now he sees another dog and he goes balistic and practically attacks the poor other dog
the younger dog living with them he doesn't mind too much he growls once and awhile and becomes very dominate with food
i was just curious if there was a way to be able to retrain him with the bully attitude and what some ways might be to go around it
because my husband and i might be adopting the older one in a few months once we can get a place to keep him
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Living in a household with 3 dogs I can relate to the food aggression. Most dogs in multi-pet households grab their snacks quickly and gulp their food down. Especially if they are the non dominant dog in the household as dog ettiquette requires they move if the dominant/Alpha dog walks over, they relenquish the food in most cases. Dogs shouldn't be fed in the same room if they have "issues" Even with my previous dogs whom were 13 and 15...I would continue to feed them in seperate areas of the kitchen. The less dominant dog would continue to gulp his food, poor guy! I now continue to feed him in that place but the other two are fed elsewhere, one in a seperate room, the other outside. It's kinda hilarious that when I bring out the kibbles each runs to their "spot" I mean really race that I no longer have to do it for them.

I don't give them a chance to have this issue by simply never giving treats when all are in the same room and never feeding them in the same room. Taking them out seperately and giving treats when the others aren't around has helped with the quick grab and possibly hurting my fingers.

Picking up the food bowl on whim has diminished any food aggression. A word of warning however, do not have your face close to your dog is you are unsure of his reaction. With my new rescue I had to watch him and distract him before I picked up his food bowl. I would stick my fingers in the bowl and play with the kibbles. LOL I know sounds funny but eventually I would return it to him. He then accepted that I could walk or pick up his food dish at any time without feeling he had to protect it. I still feed all my pets in seperate rooms.

Each dog is wonderful on their own...together- Yikes! the three boys will develope bad habits , (good habits too) from each other. Seperately they are all well behaved angels. Together ..urg different story I'm always on high alert and never let my guard down. Easier to preach than actually do it , I agree.

You'll see must of the stress this boy has, is relieved once he's the only dog in the household and there is no need for him to protect it from the other. Be consistent and occasionally pick up his food dish like I mentioned and please be careful when doing this the first time.

Marianne and the boys
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