Macey tends to breath heavy..I'm a new OES mom

Hi there...
I just found this community and am glad I did!!! I know no one personally that has or has had an OES, and this is great that I can get advice/opinions from OES parents!!!

I have had Macey as a part of our family since November. She will be 5 months old on Feb 12th. I have never had an OES before, and AM MADLY IN LOVE!! I have always had smaller breeds, and currently Macey has a big 'little' sister named Sadie (shih tzu/bichon who is 2 and half).
For the most part she is an AMAZING PUP!!
She trained herself to go potty, loves to get love and attention, and of course as babies do...gets into everything : )

I am concerned though about one thing. She tends to breath heavy. Especially when she is sleeping. Or just resting sometimes. Her heavy breathing has gotten more noticeable over the past few weeks. She does not breath heavy all the time. Mostly after play (which to me is expected), but also just at rest or sleeping she will be breathing heavy/panting. Is this normal of the breed and I am just being a nervous mommy????
Or should I be concerned that something else is going on???

Any experience/advice/help will be GREATLY appreciated!!
Thanks a bunch!

Enjoy Your Everything, Always
Sophia AKA Maceys Mom :wag:
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Hi Sophia, and welcome!

Yes, OES pups do tend to breathe heavily at times.
Many of them are warm pups and while I don't keep my house that warm (we are in MN), mine still pant and enjoy going out in the snow to cool off. My "baby" is now 15 months old.
Remember she's a baby and is growing, developing, etc. All this takes energy, heavy breathing could be the result of the souped up metabolism turning her into a beautiful girl. Next time at vet, have them listen to the heart, but even then there can be worrisome squeaks and chugs that disappear as the pup matures.

If she is just hot, fine, then the panting is her way of cooling off. Don't panic. Pups are pretty darn tough.

yeah, pretty amazing breed, so filled with personality. I hope she is getting out and about, being socialized with the world so she'll easily handle what comes along later.
Hi Dawn and THANK YOU!!
I think Macey is a warm pup... she likes to lay in the basement on the cold cement floor, or if we are in the TV room she will lay in the hallway on the tile. So that may be it. I will even 'sneak' and open the window a sliver for her near the couch so she can cuddle comfortably! (My husband catches me every now again! But I cant help myself!! Breaks my heart that she is TOO warm to join us in here sometimes!)

Thank You Susan as well! Makes total sense. Being new to owning an OES or larger breed period, I just want to feel confident that her panting was okay, rather than ignore it and it be something ; ) Will do at our next visit!

She is definitely being socialized. Between my husband and I we have 9 nieces and nephews, of which 7 of them are under the age of 7 and always at our home!!! On top of that, she LOVES car rides to grandma's to visit with them and their 'furbaby', a maltese, Nina, of which I am so proud of Macey for how she handles her size with the small pups and kids... yes sometimes a little wobbly, but for the most part, at play she knows to jump over them or around them etc.Her mind amazes me!!
Then there's all of her friends!! She has a Mastiff, Rottwieler and Wheaten, so she has some pals her size to play with too!! Looking forward to spring to take her to the park!! In the meantime... we are expecting a snow storm/blizzard here in NJ tomorrow...I am so excited to get more videos of Macey playing and running in the snow!!!
Wonder what the Maltese thinks, "How is she getting so big??"

Sounds like Dawn's Chewie re: sleeping on tile and cold floors. Several of mine have been little Eskimos.
WELCOME to our furry little corner of the web!
Thank You Ron!!
So happy to find a place like this!! I think I am becoming Sheepdog obsessed with my Macey! She has been such a joy in our life, and brought 'life' to our life!!
Susan- perfect!! Little Eskimos!! I call her our Panda!! hehe...her mannerisms and such...with the rolling and groaning noises etc.. she remind so much of a Panda bear! But Panda's aren't exactly eskimos so I may use your word from time to time!
I am sure the Maltese is very confused by Maceys fast growing!! And may even think "why didn't I grow anymore!?" teehee!
What I would do to have that dog collar from the movie "Up" so I can know what they think!!
Welcome Sophia, Macey and Sadie! Can't wait to see some pictures!

Hi Sophia and welcome.

My Simon, who is six yrs old did go to the Vet as a youngster for the very same problem. I was worried that he was breathing too fast. Even sleeping he still was breathing, I thought, too fast.

Vet said "take off the worry pants Mom, he's fine."

He tends to lie in the bathroom with the tile floor also. But he will cuddle, on occasion, and on his terms, or mine, whichever comes first :) .

This breed is amazing. I have two, and sometimes they outsmart me. Keeps me on my toes and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Welcome to the forum!

Many years ago as a new mom to my first oes puppy, I got very worried about the panting and heavy breathing while sleeping and called the emergency night number to the vet to ask the very same question. The vet was kind and wearily assured me it was normal. :oops:
Eevee went through a snoring & breathing heavily phase when she was a pup, from about 4 months to 5 and a half months or so. It was particularly while she was sleeping. It's normal :) It went away, though she does still snore a little from time to time!
It's probably nothing but I would mention it to your vet and maybe have them listen a little more closely to make sure there isn't a heart murmur.
I feel SOOO much better!!! I can't thank you all enough!!There is nothing that would break my heart more than for Macey to be silently suffering in any way! But of course, next vet check I will have him just take a listen :wink: but wont rush there for now :D

I tried putting a picture of Macey or both girls as the avatar, but am having an issue with size. I did post some to album though!!!

I have loved reading the "antics" here and seeing all the other OES furbabies!!!
If you go into any of your photos in your album - highlight the green text to copy it into an avatar sized picture!
The red text copied lets you post the photo full size into your post.
Welcome! I cannot add to what the others have stated, just wanted to say hi from florida! I used to worry about that too. All is ok
I just wanted to say hello from another NJ sheepie lover/mother......

Welcome to the forum! There are several of us who have met through this forum. Please come to the PA picnic in the spring hosted by the NEOES rescue group! It is great and you can meet about 20 other sheepies from te area!
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