Grooming Schedule ...

I am a new Sheepie mom of "Zeke" who is 4.5mos =).
I saw somewhere in my research on the breed a schedule that I wanted to enter in
my calendar (I forget everything) to establish a maintenance routine for him,
but I can't find it again.
So I need help knowing what to do and what to check...
(He isn't a show dog either)
I know daily we have to get Eye boogers.
But what about:
Ears? pull hairs how often? Cleaning frequency?
Nails? How frequently should I trim (approx, I know to
trim when long but is there a ballpark time?)
Bum trim?
Foot pad trim?
Coat...I know is TBD as he hasn't grown it in yet.
Any experienced info on his care would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much,
Kristen & Zeke
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Welcome Kristen! Nice to have you here.
Welcome to the group!!!

If this helps, here's what I'd suggest:

Here are what I do for my girls, but you may find that somethings grow faster or slower on your dog, so you'll have to determine what suits your guy best. It may be more or less often.
Ears? pull hairs how often? Cleaning frequency? At least once a week.
Nails? How frequently should I trim (approx, I know to trim when long but is there a ballpark time?) About every two weeks.
Bum trim? About once a month.
Foot pad trim? I do this the same time I trim the nails as I use a Dremel and I like the pad hair SHORT before using the Dremel
Bathing? Once about every other month since you're not showing... probably more often as he's young and will likely get real dirty often. Our rescued Sheepie gets a bath about every other to every two months... unless she rolls in something sooner.
Coat... Brush out at least once a week, likely more often. Start this NOW and get Zeke used to it early!

Good luck and get some photos posted!!!
Everything in my house must be CLEAN CLEAN

bath: every 10 days

ears: my dog has an ear problem so this is daily. literally.

brushing. it used to be weekly and that was fine. an hour or 1.5 hours a "SIDE" depending on length of hair. ...but now I find doing 10 min TOTAL a day is my new best friend. No one is tortured... never any matts. Life is good.

Butt Trim: When the hair starts to collect little specs of poo ...or the hair around the wee wee starts to drip drop. I do maintenance.

There is no right answer. It's what works for you :)
Before my dog had any ear problem... she NEVERRRRR had to have her ears "cleaned" and I rarely plucked because it was never a big deal. No ear problems. As a puppy... I did have a regular maintenance of ever other week.

Ears? I check once a week to see if they need to be cleaned and pulled. Sometimes they need to be done once a week, sometimes every other week.
Nails? I trim every 3-4 weeks.
Bum trim? a Sanitary trim (around butt and girly parts) once a week
Foot pad trim? once a week
Bathing? once every 2-3 months
Coat... when lily is in coat I picked through her hair every day, just for a daily check. I brushed her every other day and Line groom her once a week. She has allergies and hot spots literally form over night for her.
Welcome :)

If you click the link at the bottom of my post there is a bit of a tutorial there that you might find useful. :)
Ears? For us, never. Eevee has a very small amount of ear hair and the vet recommended not plucking. We clean them as needed, usually this is months apart.
Nails? They need to be trimmed a lot more often than she will let me trim them, but I'd guess every few weeks.
Bum trim? Once every three to four months
Foot pad trim? Every three weeks.
Bathing? Only as needed. Usually before important events, or after getting extra dirty. Otherwise she stays mostly clean on her own, though she isn't as white as she could be.
Coat? As a puppy: once a week minimum, just to get them used to it. During a coat transition: basically daily. Regular full length adult coat: full brush out every three weeks, a nice fluffing with a slicker or pin brush daily.

I do not show Eevee, so I get to be a bit more relaxed than some. The amount of time you need to spend on grooming does vary a lot depending on your dog. I was prepared for at least weekly full brush outs, but I'm finding that's unnecessary for Eevee. She hates getting her nails done, so I actually let the groomer or vet handle them. She will nip me over them, I don't know why she's got such a problem with it.
Thank you everyone! I.ll post pics as soon as I have time to
Figure out the tutorial :). LOVE all the suggestions, so helpful.
I will suggest if you use a dremel to do nails Get a pair of knee high stockings and pull ovet the foot the nails are easy to see and the hair is out of the way!! I do this because it makes it easier for me to get the job done:) and welcome
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