Sky's Birthday!

I can't believe my baby girl Sky is a year old. Her first birthday was yesterday... the year went by so fast.... amazing. She has grown into a dog who is full of personality and fun and I'm so glad I got her (yes Joy, I know she wasn't my first pick, and yes I know you were right! :lol: Thank you)
Sky is a young lady now.... but she still doesn't act very that's ok, she keeps us laughing.
Happy Birthday Sky! AKA Tonka Truck. :lol:
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Happy Birthday Sky!! :bdcake:
(I love that--Tonka Truck!)
:bdcake: Happy B-Day SkyBaby! :bdcake:
on your First Birthday!

Happy birthday Sky!!!!! One year :D
Yaaay!!!!! Happy Birthday! :clappurple: :bdcake:
Happy Birthday, Sky!! :D I have loved watching you grow and change into a beautiful big girl!! Tell your Momma to give you lots of extra hugs and treats today from your Aunt Stormi!! :D
Sheepie hugs from Jack and Annabelle!!
Ragdoll kisses from Piper!!
Happy, happy birthday, Sky! Looking forward to hearing about your future shows!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday Sky! I know your momma spoiled you rotten :D
Sky says wooorooof for all the b day wishes :lol:
Now that she is a big girl, her latest habit is to happily body slam me from across the room. I think my hip is in the kitchen sink. :lol:
:D :D 8O :D :D
Awww! Happy 1st Birthday Sky!! :bdcake: :clappurple:
Happy Belated Sky,
From your Uncle Merlin and Sister Avalon!

Sniff seems like yesterday she was just a little pup! How times flies!!! Merlin, Panda and Blue send big sloppy kisses her way. They are currently doing the wiggle butt dance in her honor.

Marianne and the boys who wish Sky a Happy Birthday
(cats just stuck their noses in the air and sniffed- but I think they wish her a HB as well) :D
Happy Belated B-day to Sky!
A very happy belated birthday to Sky!!!

Daisy, Rosco, Luke and Beau
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