New Job!

Good news! I got a job! I'm working as a trainer for a dog breeder. I'm so impressed with his facilities. He specializes in White and Fox Red labrador retrievers. He also breeds poodles, labradoodles, and goldendoodles. I went there on Thursday and I'll be on the payroll by tomorrow. I'm really grateful to find a job that I actually have interest in. :)
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Congrats on your new job! :clappurple: How exciting! Sounds like a fun job too.
Best wishes on your new job !!
What a great experience,

Hi ShaggyMarie,

That's great news and congrats to you! Sounds like the perfect job for you and I can't wait for you to share some stories about it over the summer.

Marianne and the boys
Here's the link to his site. It's a really impressive facility!
Congrats on the new job! :clappurple: Half the battle is enjoying what you do, and it sounds like you're on the right track! :lol:
Congratulations! I'm glad you found such a cool job. I love my job and it makes a huge difference in my outlook on life.

What a great website, too. I liked the fact that the Wilsons' strongly emphasize hip and eye certification and that they would reimburse the buyers for proof of an obedience training class for the puppies. Obviously a breeder who is truly concerned about the happiness of the puppy and the family. Best of luck in your new position!
Thanks Bailey's Mom! I really feel confident that this breed is very honest. People from all over the country (and even out of the country) buy puppies from him, so I assume he has a good reputation. Plus, his facilities are amazing. And I'm puppy-sitting for a friend who got a puppy from him (the puppy's name is Riley) and I have to say that Riley is one of the best puppies I have ever cared for and trained.
OK, also, I'm really excited because one of the dogs is pregnant and expecting on Tuesday. She's a really sweet dog, a Poodle, so I guess she'll be having Labradoodles. I mean, she's such a sweetheart, and I've been staying longer just to keep an eye on her in case she goes into labor. Well, I just got a call from the breeder that she's having her puppies RIGHT NOW! He said he came home and she'd already had three. I want to go there and offer help, but unfortunately it's a 30 minute drive. I'm about to call the breeder and see how it's going. I've been talking about this dog for the last 3 days, and I'm so excited. I stayed 3 hours over today just to monitor her (her name's Scarlet).
OK, I have to go and call the breeder. I'm so excited! Wish her luck!
Shaggymaggie, Im so glad that you found a job that you love. It really is amazing when you find that right job! Ive been a kitchen designer for 14 yrs now and still love it as much today as the day I started! Your job is even better, you get to see sweet, cute PUPPIES!!! Please take a whiff of puppy breath for me :D
Haha, thanks, Darcy, but puppy smell isn't as great at the breeder's :oops: , but it's still that "new puppy smell", but I'm puppysitting for Riley, and I get the GOOD new puppy smell with him and I'm content! :D Riley's absolutely darling. I put a picture up on the forum on his first day, but he's even better now. I swear, he's the smartest puppy I've ever been with.
A professional trainer hmmmm, sounds pretty good to me.
Congrats on your new job! Sounds like so much fun :)
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