Pepsi's in Kidney failure

I got home a little while ago. Pepsi is at the Vet until Monday, if he makes it.
He has a 50/50 chance. He is in Kidney Failure and it looks like he was poisoned.
I am totally freaking out.
Please, if you pray, pray for him!! Or send good vibes...
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:( I'm so sorry. We are sending good thoughts and prayers your way!!!
I'm so sorry.
Keeping you in my thoughts. Praying for a good outcome.
Oh no! Fingers crossed!!
I'm so sorry.....hoping for a complete recovery! :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Whhatt? :( I'm so sorry. Poor thing... will be praying and thinking about him!!! I hope he can pull through.
Prayers for Pepsi. :(
Hoping Pepsi can make it through to recovery.
So sorry this has happened. Prayers being sent your way.

Linda Z
Thanks all. If everything goes right, I will not hear from the Vet until tomorrow afternoon to update me.
They promised if he took a turn for the worse that they would call me to come in.
I am still in shock. I thought maybe he'd get a diagnosis of pancreatitis and we'd be on our way.
I never expected to have to leave him there.
He has never been boarded before. When we have gone away we got dog sitters or he stayed with my Sister.
I really hope he's okay. The last time he was crated like that was when we got him from the Shelter when he was still a pup, 8 years ago. I hope it doesn't freak him out.
So so sorry. Sending special thoughts and prayers for Pepsi.
Hugs to you and prayers for Pepsi! All paws crossed that Pepsi will be OK!
Prayers and positive thoughts going Pepsi's way. Hugs to you and your family during this stressful time.
I am so sorry! Big hugs and prayers that Pepsi will be okay. :ghug:
Sending special thoughts Pepsi. :ghug: :ghug: to you and your family Elissa .
Oh no! Poor Pepsi! I hope you get good news. Fingers crossed!
Thinking positive thoughts.
Come on Pepsi all of us are here for you. Hope you get good news soon xx
Oh no :( I hope he recovers quickly.
Hugs E x. Come on Pepsi we are all here for you come on you can do it boy... Sending you loads of sheepie xxx.
The Vet called, which scared the crap out of me, because he wasn't supposed to call until this afternoon.
Pepsi is responding well to the treatment, no vomiting and he's calm. He will have his blood work rechecked tomorrow and they will call me with the results when they get them. Please pray his Kidney Levels drop to normal range and are functionally on their own, so I can bring my baby home.
Good news, keep up the good work Pepsi. Will keep sending prayers and good thoughts your way.
I am hoping for a strong recovery by Pepsi... C'mon Pepsi boy, you can do it!
Pepsi!!! Aunt Darcy says you better get well soon!!! No messing around here!!! Hugs to you E!!!
Keep up the good work Pepsi!!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple:
We're all here keeping our fingers crossed :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Hope Pepsi is still doing well and you get good news.
Yay! thats awesome news! Fingers x'd!!!!!!
I'm glad you got some good news today, in spite of the scare! 8O

:crossed: :crossed: for GREAT news tomorrow!
Great news yesterday, I sure hope it continues today!
I won't be hearing anything today until they run the blood work this afternoon.
TY for all the well wishes!
I will update later.
C'mon, Pepsi! You can do it. All fingers and paws crossed here for you! :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
Hoping Pepsi pulls through with a full recovery. :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
hugs to both of u hope u get to bring him home soon
The Vet called when I was picking my daughter up at school.
He told my husband that he is still in Kidney Failure.
I am waiting for the Vet to call me back. So I can hear what's going on from him.
I can't believe the news. :( I hope there is something positive in the talk with the vet. Praying for Pepsi...
Oh, come on Pepsi. You HAVE to get better!!
:crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed: :crossed:
The Vet recommended I put him down.
His levels went from 111 to 182 yesterday to over 200 today. They are supposed to be @ 6!
They should have been down by more than 50% today.
He only has a 10% chance of survival at this point and that gets worse as the days go on.
His Kidney's will not function again on their own. So if I were to treat him longer, the end result would be he would die and sometime in the very near future. We would just be prolonging the inevitable.
We are headed over to the Vet to say our Good Byes shortly. :cry:
I called our normal vet to get a second opinion and he also agreed with the first Dr.
He said the Vet where he's at could easily say let's try to treat him further and if that was case, he is just out to get more money. He said that him telling me that that is the best option, he's being honest.

I'm so sad for you Elissa... devastated.
I am just seeing this - I am so sorry. Such a good boy, so unfair.
Oh! I am so sorry. :( This is not the news anyone wanted. What a dreadful shock and unhappy outcome. You have my sympathy. :(
I am soooo sorry.
Not the story I wanted to read today. It has been a bad day made even worse by this news. I'm so sorry.
Oh NO! Definitely not the news we expected to hear. So sorry, Elissa. We'll miss the stories about Pepsi here. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Oh no!!!
Not the outcome we were hoping for.

I'm heartbroken now.
I can't believe it has to end this way.

I'm so sorry.
I can't stop crying........I am soooooo sorry....I can't imagine the agony you are going through right now. Did you ever find out what happened to cause this? Please give Pepsi a hug and kiss from me. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts.
I am so sorry about this. It's such an awful shock for you.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
We are headed to the Vet to spend some time with him and then put him down. :(
I can't even see straight.
We are here for you :hearts:
Elissa, I am so sorry. :ghug:

So sorry E *big hug* I know how hard this is....
Just in shock over this. Hugs to all of you! :cry:
My heart is breaking for you. I am just so upset. He was pandas first sheepdog friend, he and panda resembled each other. One curly, one straight. Aw E. I'm here for you. Love you.
This is so tragic. I am so very sorry for you and your family and sweet sweet Pepsi.

Just some FYI, I actually know a person that went through complete kidney failure was hospitalized and almost died, went on dialysis for one year 3x a week and now is completely off of dialysis. Her kidneys began functioning on their own and she no longer needs dialysis. I didn't know this was possible until I witnessed it.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. :ghug:
this is so terrible; I'm so, so sorry! :(
So, so sorry. I was pulling for him.
I'm so sorry. :(

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Wow, I was not expecting him to look as bad as he did today.
It was heartbreaking to see how down hill he had gone in two days.
He didn't even look bad when I left him there on Saturday.
He was dying when I got there. He was going with or without the Vet's help.
When I finally called the Vet in, he was already almost gone.
RIP Pepsi! Mommy loves you!
So very, very sorry. Hugs to you and your family. They are never with us long enough.
Just got a chance to check in on Pepsi. I'm sooooo sorry to hear the bad news.
My heart is breaking for you. My thoughts are with you.
It's always so hearbreaking when someone here looses their babies. RIP Pepsi. Your family loves and misses you.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I cried my eyes out reading this, I am so sorry!! You are in my thoughts.
So sorry to hear he is gone. :(

So very, very sorry to hear this outcome.
Was so hoping for a recovery for Pepsi.

My condolences on your loss.

Linda Zimmerman
Drying the tears--so sorry.
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