Water dog

My Quincy, all 13-weeks and 27 pounds of him, likes to splash water out of the water bowls. He has no problem doing this inside or out. The result is often quite a mess as he'll 'paw' the water out until there's only about an inch left in the bowl. Then he'll stand in the remainder like he's just accomplished some magnificent feat to be admired and prolonged.

What an oddball.

If it were just him I wouldn't bother about it but his actions tend to inconvenience his sister Patch and his mother Shayleigh. Therefore, if anyone has an idea how I might correct this behavior I'd be most appreciative.
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:lol: LOL... I know it's not funny to you maybe, but I can picture it. My Dancer girl used to do that too. I don't think other than saying no, that there is really anything you can do other than wait for him to grow out of it... hopefully...
Good luck! :lol:
Our new little puppy Baxter is doing this too! He is 8 weeks old and not only does he splash the water out, he then picks up the "heavy" bowl and procedes to sling what is left out. I am saying NO each time he starts this and he will stop until he thinks we aren't looking and go right back to it. Today I purchased a ceramic eating bowl set that sits down in a holder hoping he can't get the lip in his mouth. I don't know if this will stop the pawing, but we will continue to work on this with NO. I have never encountered this before with any of my sheepdogs! The problem for me is that when he does it it is so darn cute that I have to work on my "stern" voice!!

Let me know if you find the magic that will stop this!

Oscar used to do that as a puppy as well. What a mess! We did reprimand him for it, but what really helped is the purchase of elevated bowls. We bought the kind set in wood, so they are hard to dislodge, and just bought bigger sizes as he grew. I am happy to report that he never did it again after his bowls were elevated.

Good Luck!
Our OES, Annie, did the same thing with her water bowl in the house. However, she never tried it with the bucket of water we kept for her on the patio. Sooooo....we gave her a bucket in the house and no more problems! Good luck finding a solution - these OES sure seem to like water a lot more than I thought they would (she's also a swimmer and loves the pool!).
I did the same thing as Oscar's Mom. I bought elevated bowls that he can't get out of the container. Now he still dribbles water EVERYWHERE when he drinks, but no more splashing just for giggles. :D
Panda just slobbers her indoor water all over, but her outdoor bowl is her messy bowl...paws go in, her whole nose, her tennis ball, her soccer ball, you get the picture....I love it because then she looks up at you with a "what's wrong?? It's only water!!" look... :D
Bailey does it too! He splashed the water around, then slides the bowl on the wet floor, and if he's particularly successful in making a lake, he'll lay down in it! I need to look into those elevated bowls.
We use a stainless steel water bowl.
Bogart sees his reflection in it. So, his favorite game is
to use his nose to move the water around making waves......

He then stands back to admire his work, then starts all
over again !!
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