how big will he get?

OK, I have had a female old english sheepdog and she was only 75lbs. But this is my first time having a male and he is 4 months old and 45 lbs already! I am having a hard time believeing my vet when she says he is projected to be about 105 lbs when they say males are usually 90lbs max... so I thought i would see what you experienced OES owners say. His dad was 90 lbs and mom was 75lbs.... Not sure if any of you who have had a OES at 4 months weighing about the same would know.
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Angus is 2 and 91 lbs. We got him when he was 1 so I really don't know how big he was at that point. He was underweight when we got him and the vet wanted more weight on him. Pooh Bear was 130 at one point and 115 when we lost him last year at 12 years old. His parents were only 70-75 lbs.
It really depends - I would talk with your breeder to get a better idea. They should be able to tell you how big their lines usually get (assuming a reputable breeder here.)

They do grow very fast, very early.
Bond was gaining 3-5 pounds a week - right up to the point where he was 5 month, 3 weeks old, and weighed 63 pounds!
Then he dramatically slowed, and was 71 pounds at 9 months, and now at 11.5 months he is 72.5#. He's about 23-24 inches tall (at the withers) - I was sure he was going to be a horse! Instead, I got what for me is the perfect sized OES!! :D
Our first Sheepie Bentley, was a rescue who was 4 when we got him. He was already 28 inches at the withers and peaked out at 105. When we put him down at 6 1/2 years old, he'd lost some weight but was still a hefty 94 lbs.

Our second Sheepie Zoey, also a rescue, is a 4 year old female and is 25" at the withers and a stout 80 pounds.

Our youngest is Caitlyn and last time we had her on a scale was a month or so ago and she was 60# then. She's a compact 21" in height. But I'm sure this will all change soon as she's still only 17 months old.

Dahlia is our big girl. Our other OES was 75lbs on her fattest day, but, usually topped the scale at about 72 lbs and was about 65lbs when she passed at 15 years old.
Dahlia's mom is 75lbs and her dad 90lbs (interesting....just like your pup's parents?) and Dahlia is probably over 90lbs now. She is very, very tall. She is 21 months old. When we got her at 8 weeks old, she was already 20lbs.
In March, 2012--She was 15 months old and 80lbs, which is why I am guessing she probably gained 10 lbs in the last 6 months.
She is very muscular.
Like Dawn said they do grow very fast when young. Simon was gaining 10lbs a month and then around 6months he slowed. He was a top weight of 80lbs but that was too much. He and his brother went on the green bean diet and are now both between 60-65lbs. A good weight for both.
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