It's a bird/plane/Chicken?

So.....I was asked 2 wks ago if I would be interested in adopting some battery hens. For those that don't know what these are - they are the little hens whose eggs we purchase in the grocery stores. These little souls spent their days in cages and never feel sunshine on their bodies or grass under their feet. (Unless of course they are free range chickens which get that opportunity). The UK and other EU countries banned the use of battery cages and the US is moving in that direction...Canada has made little progress. The UK also seems far more advanced in having battery hen rescues. Since I love watching animal rescue shows I was aware of what battery hens were and of course I said YES.

My 15 girls arrived two weeks ago and I'm so happy to have them at my home but I want to share one very touching moment I witnessed.

The first day all the hens were traumatized and not used to the new sights and sounds of my home...refused to leave the refuge of the house I had placed in a large enclosure. The next day with gentle prodding...the first chicken goes out and promptly does a face plant in the grass. Thinking she either fainted or died I made my way over to where she landed. (I had stayed some distance away as they were afraid of me). Chicken #2 makes her way out...and sees chicken #1 and lays her head on her chest and covers her with her wing. The little chicken moves and spreads out her wing like an airplane - she feels the sun!!! The other chickens follow suit! Next I have a yard full of chickens flat on the ground with wings spread. It was one of those awe moments.

Now two weeks later...although still a tad shy around me....they run, take dust baths, flap their wings and are enjoying life. Life is good at the ShaggyBlueRivieria! ... %20021.JPG
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:aww: That's an awesome and touching story!

:excited: Wonderful!!! :hearts: :clappurple: :hearts: :clappurple: :hearts:
I wish all the chickens in the world could have that kind of life
and walk around in the sunshine.......
Why is it so difficult for the egg-producers to see every animals basic needs?
What an awesome story. Love the pic
You'd better get them some suntan lotion if they are going to keep this up. Adorable story and very lucky chickens to live at your house.
That's just amazing. What a a great story and lesson for people to learn.
Thanks everyone for the comments. :O)

Grete - You're right, but I think it's one of those things people don't ever think about but once they know they make a decision to stop purchasing those eggs and at least buy free range ones.

These little souls remind me of the dogs who are kept in puppy mills all their lives. Once the public knows about them and informed most people stop supporting them. Not everyone but the majority do and it makes a difference.

Kaj used to joke, "Hey your friends are waiting outside for you". I would open my front door and there were cats, the dogs and chickens all waiting at the front door for me to come outside. LOL. (I still have my girls from last years SPCA cruelty seizure.) Those chickens now free range in my entire yard and the boys, Merlin, Snoop and Panda completely accept them as part of the family. Betty the chicken and Snoop the Pitbull take daily walks together around the yard and are best buds.
Panda as usual greets all the animals with kisses and Merlin....he still stands guard and watches his "flock" and takes his job seriously. :O)
Ahhhh, that's such a touching, sweet moment, I wish I'd seen it.

I stopped eating meat three years ago because I didn't like the way Canada treats their animals for meat. Pigs being kept in a stall they can't turn around in, rocking back and forth as they are so mentally tormented. I also buy free range eggs. I wish Canada would gets with the times.

I want to start feeding the dogs raw food (raw meaty bones, meat and veg). I am going to try and source the meat from butchers in Calgary rather than go with companies that pre-package the raw food as it will be expensive with two large dogs.

If anyone knows any sources, preferably from butchers or farmers that treat the life stock fairly, please do let me know, thanks.
My Mom has chickens.
I few years ago I was sunning in a chair in her backyard. I opened my eyes after a short meditation/snooze and thought that one of the chickens had broken its wing as it was lying on the ground with it's wing up in the air. I called my Mom and she said they did it most sunny mornings. They would lie with one wing up at a funny angle to get sun in their arm/wing pits.
Helps warm them and some theorise that it helps prevent whatever lice type creatures infest chickens from setting up residence.
Those are happy hens! :D :D
Aww that's a sweet story too Mim. Thanks too to everyone that commented.

I've been amazed at their progress and they've caused me a few chuckles and tears at the same time. One in particular does "zoomies" when she's out in the yard...a chicken doing zoomies is a funny thing to watch. Another reminds me of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown as she spends her days taking dust baths.

One little hen injured her foot jumping down from a bale of hay. I had purchased several so the girls would have a wide space to roost but since found out that Battery Hens need several months before they can roost. Their leg muscles are very weak from sitting in battery cages (metal cages) all their lives with limited movement.

I took her to the vet fearing she had broken it but her muscle is very bruised ,with rest and now daily Medacam, I hope she'll make a full recovery. Yes, I did say I took her to the vet. If an animal comes in my home, regardless of the breed - they will get the care they deserve. I have yet to name them as I'm just starting to recognize the 15 girls but this one I named Penny. :O)

I hope they all enjoy happy lives from now on as their lives will be shortened as all battery hens are but at least they are free.
Very sweet. I've always liked the idea of having a few chickens running around the yard. I love it when we rented a cottage in the south of France and there were a half-dozen chickens wandering around.
I named my chickens after famous OES.
Once again, you came to the rescue. Lucky hens.

I buy free range eggs too and they aren't that much more than the grocery store ones and know the chickens have a better life.
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