Cat food

Bloo has dog biscuits and meat. I put bowl down and he sniffs it and walks off. Ive tried EVERY brand, he wont eat any. Hes gone days without eating proper dog food.
So, just as a trial i put him some cat food into a bowl, and guess what? He wolfed it down!
Why doesnt he eat dog food, but LOVES cat food?

I know somehow ive got to make sure hes getting big doggy vitamins, but do you think it would hurt him to have a bowl of cat food a day? I know it has different vitamins in it etc... but at least bloos eating animal food instead of meat and tuna ...
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Maybe he likes fish :-) Have you tried some orijen 6 fish? Expensive but our dog loves it. I know you cant feed cats dog food as its missing an amino acid Turine (spelling) or something like that, but not sure about the other way round.
BlooBoo wrote:
Bloo has dog biscuits and meat. I put bowl down and he sniffs it and walks off. Ive tried EVERY brand, he wont eat any. Hes gone days without eating proper dog food.
So, just as a trial i put him some cat food into a bowl, and guess what? He wolfed it down!
Why doesnt he eat dog food, but LOVES cat food?

I know somehow ive got to make sure hes getting big doggy vitamins, but do you think it would hurt him to have a bowl of cat food a day? I know it has different vitamins in it etc... but at least bloos eating animal food instead of meat and tuna ...

Sam - please don't let him eat the cat food. First of all, a healthy dog can go for a while without eating (and if he has other symptoms beyond refusing to eat his dog food, he needs to see a vet) Secondly, cat food is forumulated for cats (much higher fat content, typically) and can make him very sick in larger quantities (pancreatitis comes to mind) Plain meat and tuna is much better for him that cat food if it comes to that.

If he isn't sick, he's probably being a spoiled brat ("if I don't eat, she'll keep putting better and better things in front of me!" :roll: ) Dogs can get bored with their food, but you've already offered him several varieties of dog food, and he's turned up his nose at those. He may have an upset stomach, in which case the cat food will probably backfire (literally) and come squirting out the other end ;-)

If he seems fine, just put his dog food down, pick it up after 15 minutes and don't put it back down again until about 12 hours later (how frequently do you feed him? Most people I know, self included, feed twice a day) If you free feed him, and he's an only dog (no competition) he is more likely to become a picky eater. 20 times more so with an overly attentive and overly soft-hearted owner <g> Also, some young males (especially) can go through a period where you swear they are anorexic. If he still seems fine and still isn't eating by Monday morning you may want to call your vet and see what s/he says. If one of mine doesn't eat, I know the dog is sick and if it persists past one missed meal and/or is accompanied by vomiting/the squirts my vet gets a panic call. But then my dogs are all pigs who never willingly miss a meal.

Has he shown a tendancy towards pickiness before? If so, how did you respond?

Maybe I'm not being fair to him, and he actually feels wretched. But everything you write about him makes me think he's got your number, girl, and will work you for everything he's worth <g>

I was a little older than you when I got my first OES and boy did she work me. Not just when it came to food, but behaviorally as well. I wanted to be her best friend. I'd grown up with poodles. Poodles, as a general rule of thumb, are very biddable dogs who will bend over backwards for you, so having an owner who is not the most assertive person on the planet is no big deal :roll: :lol: . Not so with many OES who will wipe their paws on you and think nothing of it :roll:

Just some things to think about. Hopefully he's just being a bugger and there's nothing physically wrong.

Kristine James Wellbeloved, Barking Heads, Burns anyone else you can think of. Email their customer services and ask what they recommend. I have found the companies will send you samples and money off vouchers. If it was me I would just get a good brand, fish flavour if Bloo likes that, and put some in a dish with a little warm water to make it smell nice. He will eat when he is hungry.
Years and years ago we looked after my mother in laws very very very spoilt tiny poodle. Dinner time came I put 3 dishes down, oh no poodle couldnt eat that and she walked off. Came back half hour later it was gone.(we had a yorkie and an oes/cross) She did it next meal time same thing happened. Next time she wolfed it down. No problem all week. When she went back home within a day she reverted back to form and was fussy. :wag:
So far hes not been sick, but ill tell mom to not give him any more...
My agility trainer kind of told me off last week because bloo has biscuits down 24/7 and he gets his meat 6pm. At 12pm he gets tuna/fresh meat. She told me how dogs should only have biscuits n they dont graze, which is her opinion, and i need to take the meat off him.
Honestly we havent taken the meat away yet, because at this stage i dont want to go too fast, im doing it gradual.
Yes bloos spoilt and that is our fault, he gets what he wants when he wants, and half the time gets hand fed... Someone told me i should hand feed now and then when he was young to stop food he wont eat himself because hes used to me feeding him :/

Sue - he doesnt like jameswellbeloved, i gave the 3 huge bags away... to be honest he doesnt touch the hard biscuits.
He LOVES frolic, i think because they are soft n not hard.
We went to pet shop today and they have started selling the applaws cat/dog food! So i brought a bag of the large breed biscuits, he gobbled a bowl full!!! Bloo loves them. At 12 pound a bag its a little expensive but if he eats them its worthwhile.
I personally believe dogs should be fed an equal amount , if not more meat as they are carnivores, biscuits are a 'complete' meal but they all taste the same, and to me eating biscuits all their life is boring and simple. Bloo gets variety, he gets bored of the same flavour.

Im not letting him graze now, he gets a bowl for 10min in morning, midday he gets fish/meat, and at 6pm he gets meat. Thats his routine at the moment. Although he starves all day then come 6, he eats about 3tins!!! :O
Ah, so the cat shouldnt eat his food....thats a bit hard because the cat LOVES dog food, she has her own dinner then eats bloos left overs! Bloos bowls are in a stand picked up so he can eat better as wen he was a puppy he suffered bad indegestion. She stands on her hind legs n eats it...

Also our one cat doesnt eat cat biscuits, she just has meat. The vet said her teeth are full of tartar etc... we know its because she only eats meat but i cant exactly force feed her the biscuits, whereas my other cat eats the biscuits but not meat as much... its weird
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