When did they change the name from "pace maker" to "pacer"?

Is there a difference between "Pace Maker" and "Pacer"? I had never heard of the term "Pacer" before.
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I've never heard that either. I'm sure it's shorthand because people are too lazy to say or write pacemaker. Or it has been decided that pacemaker is not PC and is offensive. :roll:
I've always heard pace maker, not ever pacer.
I would say it's just medical slang. ;)

Like us ortho people say "rodding"....
Dawn - I'm not sure I wanna know what 'rodding' means...

My Dad had a pacemaker way back in 1974-5 and we called it just that; a pacemaker.

I would guess..."laziness" everybody seems to shorten everything these days :roll:
I have used "pacer leads" for years in my reports. those actually are imbedded in the heart. I use "pace maker" when I am discribing the actual device and battery that houses the chip and program that runs the pace maker. That is what you feel along the chest wall.
I have used the term "pacer" as medical slang to another health care provider. Never to a patient or documentation. It is just condensed wording and/or laziness :oops:
I have a pacemaker or pacer and I have heard it called both. In my case my device does pace my heart as oppossed to intervening when the heart reaches a low level. My device also has a defibullator implanted that will shock my heart when it gets too fast.
Whatever they want to call it is fine with me, AS LONG AS IT STILL WORKS! I received one 2 years ago in Oct. (right after the 2010 Maryland Sheepie Meet & Greet) and all I know is it is a LIFE SAVER! Mine only "paces" when it senses my heartbeat dropping, as far as the leads go they are actually left in place in the event of a low battery or malfunction in the Pacemaker itself. If that occurs you receive a new Pacemaker but the old leads remain.
Pacer is the name of the health club that my 82 year old mother has gone to for over 25 years.
It's also the name of one of the ugliest cars I've ever seen.

I've never heard a pacemaker called a pacer - and I am a nurse/CPR instructor. Could it be a regional thing?
On Friday I took my dad for his post-procedure follow-up. All is good. They say it's pacing (to 60bpm) about 1/2 the time.

On my way out, on the counter I saw they had a list of appointments printed out... I couldn't resist snapping a picture of what they had written on the front:

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