One more health question from the crazy puppy raiser

I realize I have dominated the health section of this forum lately but I have one more question which I am getting conflicting info from my vets office about.

Leonard goes for his 4 month shots on Thursday. He has a set at 8 weeks and a set at 12 weeks, the last one in the series is supposed to be 16 weeks, this is following the protocol of our breeder and vet.

One vet said we should start socializing him with other dogs as soon as the last shot was done and the other vet said we should wait. They both work in the same office. The one who said we should wait a while after the shot is our 'regular' vet but he is on vacation right now. He said to wait 'a few days' for the immunity to build after the last set of puppy shots. He told me this at the 10 week appointment. Leonard is getting to the age now at four months where being able to run him off leash would be highly beneficial because of the sheer amount of energy he has (we take him for 2 half hour walks a day and he is still full of dramatic zoomies several times a day). I don't want to take him to an off leash area until he is safe and getting conflicting advice from the vets I want to air on the side of caution. Our local dog park has a "puppy training area" so that puppies can safely enjoy the dog park without being traumatized by older dogs, it is also fenced in to keep them safe for training and off leash play. I am guessing if he was going to be exposed to parvo it would be in a puppy area of a dog park Sooo I don't want to take him there till he is properly protected. I also was hoping to have his shots done and feel safe before his first trip to the groomers/doggy daycare (even though they do a health screening on all of their dogs). His first appointment is just over a week from his last set of shots.

How many days is "a few days"?I read up to 2 weeks after the 3rd shot but that is following a diffent vaccination protocol. The information we got from our breeder is the same as what is on this forum and was highly recommended by our vet as the safest. What have you all been told? If he was your puppy how long would you wait before taking him to a high dog traffic area?

Thanks in advance!
-Crazy Paranoid first-time Puppy Raiser

P.s. I had a friend of a friend who almost lost her puppy to parvo, there is distemper running rampant in raccoons in our area Sooo I come by the worry honestly! I know it is possible for my perfect beautiful and innocent baby to get sick and have been doing everything possible to keep him safe!
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I'm not sure if legally you have a different set of vaccination rules in Canada. But, in the US it's 3 max vaccinations for puppies. Ideal is every 4 weeks, starting at 8 weeks. So done at 8, 12 and 16 weeks. Then do rabies at 20 weeks or a bit later.
Realistically, one vaccine will provide immunity. The series just gives you extra insurance in case earlier ones are negated by maternal antibodies or other issues.
There are ongoing studies being tested by titer levels to see how long actual immunity is - and for most dogs it's years...many years.
I just checked my vet record folder and the 10 week appointment was a wellness exam and heart worm treatment. He did not get shots at ten weeks, I wasn't sure if he had. He had a set at 8 before he came to us, a set at 12 and then he has an appointment for 16 weeks. The vet ok'ed him for general outside walks after the 12 week set but said to still avoid high traffic doggy areas until after the 16 week set.

Our vet had mentioned that they don't reccommend over vaccination although she said that they don't have the facility to do titer testing. She said other than rabies which is mandated by law most shots in adult dogs are given too often.
I would wait a week or so after the last vaccine before going to high traffic areas.
When are we going to get new pics of your boy? :)
I just posted some! Unfortunately they were taken on my iPad and don't have the best resolution. Will have to get the pictures off my camera (of some of his summer antics) and share them on here soon. Gosh is he so cute! Right now is sleeping on my feet. Stretched out he is almost four feet long already!! Big and happy boy!
I just posted some! Unfortunately they were taken on my iPad and don't have the best resolution. Will have to get the pictures off my camera (of some of his summer antics) and share them on here soon. Gosh is he so cute! Right now is sleeping on my feet. Stretched out he is almost four feet long already!! Big and happy boy!
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