Exercise, puppies and hips.

I have been reading a lot about protecting developing joints (hips) from damage by getting just the right amount of exercise. This is said to depend on the breed but I cannot find any information on Oes puppies. I know that the hips are a concern but So is energy level. Leonard's parents had good hips; Leonard has a LOT of energy, especially in the evenings. I would like to start regular walks as our vet gave him the ok for walking on pavement away from other dogs; but don't want to overdo it.

Any advice on how much or how little walking a 3 month old oes should be doing?

Before we got Leonard we used to do a short morning walk and 45-60 mins a day at the dog park (30-40 mins in winter) or running on leash after work with Ru as he is pretty high energy breed and fully grown, it also helps manage his anxiety. Given the concerns of a young puppy and possible dog park germs Ru hasnt gone to the dog park in the last while and instead runs with me or takes long walks in he neighbourhood. I know that 45-60 minutes is way too much for a young puppy, but is the generic recommendation 10-15 minutes twice a day reasonable for a growing oes? I don't want to under or over do it.

Oh also, stairs. I have read stairs are bad for puppies and have been carrying Leonard where possible but if he gets to the stairs first and thinks we are going down there is no stopping him and he barrels ahead of me before I can grab him. Is once or twice a day on the stairs going to hurt him? The majority of the time I carry him. Our outside steps have 2 steps that aren't steep and he does those on his own most of the time.
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I think 45 to 60 minutes can work as long as you aren't speed walking or anything. I think ultimately it is the distance covered that matters. Also, it is important to watch/know your puppy and be aware of signs of fatigue or tired legs/paws.

We don't have a fenced yard, so any play takes place indoors or when we go to a dog park. Therefore, even when Taylor was a puppy, most exercise was in the form of long walks. While 45 to 60 minutes, the walks were hardly too much for him. They consisted of learning to walk on a leash and some general training, sniffing and investigating the world and just wandering around outside. If anything, it always amazed me at how little distance we could cover while being out for so long :roll:

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