Puppy WAY! to excited!

Recently our dad bought my sisters and I an OES. We took his first bath last week. He went completely NUTS! :excited:

He was running around, barking, and growling! We took him another bath today, just to help him sleep a little more.
He did the exact same thing today! :(

I think it might be something he has. I think he felt something prick him and he went haywire.
Right when we took him out of his bath. He ran all over the HOUSE!

I'm worried and would like to know whats going on with my pup :(

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Hmm. When we give Eevee a bath, she likes to zoom all over the house when she gets out, then when I start to blowdry her fur, she calms down a lot and will even go to sleep.
yep, he has afterbath zoomies. 8) i miss those immensely. :lol:
Yes--that is a regular activity here :D The after bath zoomies and rug rubs!
Yep,that's normal,when they are bigger it takes ages to clean up after them.We shut all doors so he can't go on sofa etc.x
Our Zoey is four years old and STILL does that!!! VERY normal.

Videos for further study would be good...

Expect much more of that. The zoomies rarely do away. ALL my dogs get them after a bath, lily also gets after getting dryed zoomies.
Zoomies! We keep Benson confined to the bathroom until we've dried her, but those first steps out of the bath are just zoom zoom shake zoom zoom! :excited:
Oh man, try TWO sheepie puppies straight out of the bath and ZOOMIES!! Ava and Lacy are 5 months, and 3 months respectively, and there is no point in bathing one and NOT bathing the other. (because what one of them gets into, the other isn't far behind).

Totally normal sheepie behavior to zoom after the bath. There is wall rubbing and butt shaking and ear flapping and running around the "racetrack" that is the downstairs.
I think we need more pictures of Ava and Lacy together. Actually I check daily for them.... :lol: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
SamHeinous wrote:
Oh man, try TWO sheepie puppies straight out of the bath and ZOOMIES!! Ava and Lacy are 5 months, and 3 months respectively, and there is no point in bathing one and NOT bathing the other. (because what one of them gets into, the other isn't far behind).

Totally normal sheepie behavior to zoom after the bath. There is wall rubbing and butt shaking and ear flapping and running around the "racetrack" that is the downstairs.

Its not just sheepie behavior. Lots of different breeds of dogs do this after a bath. So its a canine thing.
Our super lazy hound, who would rather do nothing but eat and sleep, even gets the zoomies ater a bath. Our wolf hybrid gets the super zoomies after a bath (he will steal towels and bathmats/anything to accompany him during his zoomies)
Ryleigh wrote:
I think we need more pictures of Ava and Lacy together. Actually I check daily for them.... :lol: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Lol, I JUST posted some, check the "Girls Gone Wild" thread in photos, lol
This sort of zoomies will also show up upon shaving a dog down. About every six months or so, we shave Zoey down and once turned loose in the backyard, it's ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM for a good ten, sometimes twenty minutes. I once had to go get her as I was afraid die kill herself from running so much.

Incidentally, our Cocker never did this and he was a pretty spastic little guy.

Oh yes the zoomies! The OES and the shih tzus do it.
lola had the funniest zoomie last night...got back from her last potty walk...she zoomed into the lobby...smashed into the wall, zoomed into the elevator, smashed into the wall...zoomed down the hallway, into the apartment, zoomed around the table, living room coffee table, back again..slammed into the bedroom door, crashed it open and took a 4 foot leap onto brian who was laying on the bed....

i think she needs to do agility :)
Glasses may help too!
Darcy, I agree. Lola might do very well at agility. She needs an outlet for all of that energy.
Carley did zoomies when she was younger. Now she goes to the groomers for a bath. I wonder if she tries it there?

Bonnie/Carley's Mom
If I wash my hairy guys at the Paw (bath station's in the pool area) - they can race around and shake to their heart's content. Then they get dried with the blaster dryers.
At home they get a bit of towel dry and several shakes in the bathroom, then go straight to the grooming table and under the dryer.
That's just too much hair and wet to be all over the house. :wink:

The bassets and other smooth coateds do get to race and roll after being towel dried. Even 14 year old Harley (basset) still gets the zoomies every single time.
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