I Don't Mind The Heat

Too much of a good(?) thing. Really, lets back it down to the 80's again.

For the last week its been REALLY HOT!!! Last three days OVER 100. Today I came home at 3:30 and my thermometer, in the shade, read 106, dew points in the 60's and 70's. Do I need to remind Mother Nature this is Wisconsin?

Dogs are either climbing the walls or stalking me. Let them out for less than five minutes, just do your job and then back in the AC. I can't walk them early or late as its still a low of 80 8O with high dew points.

And as long as I'm complaining...where is the rain??? Most of my grass is hay. I'm watering my plants and flowers every day and even then the flowers are wilting because of the HEAT. I've been watering the tree's and the leaves are still turning brown and falling off.

Ok...I'm done ranting.
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You can have some of our rain if you like-forgotten what summer means! Not so bad as that really,had 2 warm days without rain.x
Allyson, please send some of your rain. Almost the entire U.S. in some level of drought. Pam, the cool down starts tomorrow. Just one more day!

I slept in the living room on an air mattress last night. Couldn't get the upstairs cool enough, even with central a/c. I'd love to have a portable unit in my bedroom but I have those stoopid slider windows.
They just said it is 102 here today. I am so tired of this heat and humidity. Here I am off finally and I can't get out and do anything.
Carley doesn't want to go out at all. She sleeps or whines about it being so hot.
We started painting inside today. The heat wears you out so bad that we didn't get as much done as we hoped.

Stay cool everyone. I can't wait to see my electric bill next month!!!!!!!

Bonnie/Carley's Mom
Driving home from grocery store. Glance at car's thermometer: 101 F. Not sure I've ever seen a reading that high before. At least not anywhere in my physical presence. Walk outside and stand in the shade for even five minutes and you're dripping with sweat. Truly disgusting. Heat warning extended until tomorrow morning. Never seen anything like it. Ugh,

And no rain. Unbelievable. Hope this breaks soon. Puppers are climbing the walls.

Wisconsin is really drying out. We haven't had rain in ages. It goes north and south of us. I've been watering everyday. Poor Angus is climbing the walls, too. He doesn't stay out long either. Haven't walked him in a while. Heat index of 110 now. High of 85 tomorrow and 40% chance of rain....yipee!!!!!!!
83F and 30 % chance of rain here, tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it :-)

Us too, in So. Minnesota. Rain and cooler weather has hit northern MN, but we are still baking. Same thing - no rain in forever either. Watering plants, lawn is brown. But hey, no mowing!! :?
My digital thermometer reads 103.6 right now (39.8C). And that's in the shade - the sensor is mounted on the north side of Todd's garage.
They just extended the heat here one more day. It was supposed to be 8o's tomorrow, but now they're saying 95. So beware, those to my east... :(

This afternoon in town:

Then later at home:

The only things happy with the temps...heat loving moss roses and Lantana :wink:

...and that's with 1-2x/day watering!
One of the joys of living in a village here in Wisconsin, is that it is not too far from farm fields. Besides it being HOT, HOT, HOT.....some farmer decided to spread manure on the fields close by! PU..PU....PU....HOT and warm manure smells!!!!! UGH!!!!!!
germany wrote:
One of the joys of living in a village here in Wisconsin, is that it is not too far from farm fields. Besides it being HOT, HOT, HOT.....some farmer decided to spread manure on the fields close by! PU..PU....PU....HOT and warm manure smells!!!!! UGH!!!!!!

oh no...we or our neighbors have NOT done that yet!
At least it will dry really really fast. :?
got sheep wrote:
germany wrote:
One of the joys of living in a village here in Wisconsin, is that it is not too far from farm fields. Besides it being HOT, HOT, HOT.....some farmer decided to spread manure on the fields close by! PU..PU....PU....HOT and warm manure smells!!!!! UGH!!!!!!

oh no...we or our neighbors have NOT done that yet!
At least it will dry really really fast. :?

It's bad enough when you walk outside and the heat hits you hard, but the fresh, warm...no HOT...manure smells, just make you want to run back inside!
We got rain in NE Wi last weekend, it has been so humid that the dirt we spread to fill in some grass is just now drying out. It was a little cooler up here today, dew pt dropped some but south of us around Green Bay was in for another scorcher. We are suppose to get rain tonight but I worry when it comes after dark as can't see what's coming.

I can't stand it when it's like this, it takes all you have to breath if you do anything outside at all.

Even inside the ac had all it could do to cool our place, it wasn't chilly by any means.
Yep, AC going ALL the time. No breaks in between...just pumping away....oh hate to see the bill for this :evil:
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