Dublin and her "issues" - vet

Dublin is very set in her ways, very stubborn, and sometimes altogether a big crazy dog. A few weeks ago we went to the vet for him to look at her seemingly injured paw and for her shots. One paw inside the vet office, she freezes and freaks out. Will not walk on the floor and goes to the door to try to leave. (She doesn't like to walk on shiny floors to begin with).
Today, she was back again, a little bit better because she actually made it to the exam room on her own power instead of having to be carried. But, when up on the table, she clenched her paws so the vet could not to a thorough exam. Of course once in the car, she is so proud of herself and paws are unclenched. If there was puppy counseling, Dublin would be a weekly visitor.

So, my question - does anyone have any tips for calming down a 4 year old dog at the vet office? Or even reducing stress/anxiety?
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I like to do random drop ins not a visit perhaps just get their weight and a cookie. Sometimes I go into different vets since mine is further away. Also I wonder if she really needs to be on the table my vet doesn't do that, I think it is stressful to be up on a table. He gets down on the floor with mine. I do the same with the groomers just drop by for a cookie.
The drop-in idea rules!!! I'd try that as well as what we have to do with Caitlyn and her training classes - show up about 20-30 minutes early and let her settle in. She has to get past that 'Holy cow! I'm at training and get to see all the others doggies I know!'. Sounds crazy but it helps.

Yes, our vet incourages drop ins for a quick weigh and cookie. Eventually they learn to relax....except Simone. Never has. Figured if she can't leave after the weigh in, the end of the world is coming and best place is in the window sill above the bancos.....benches. Maybe the window will break and she'll be free. Our vet has always gotten down on the floor with the big guys.......of course my vet weighs less than 90 pounds and is quite agile....even at 67 years old.
haha one time we went straight to the office instead of weighing and Laika wasn't having any of it she went straight for the scales past the office door. I would too if I was all thin and good looking. Show off!
Is it just a shiny floor thing? My dad's dog has issues with any shiny floor surface, basically anything that isn't grass, concrete, or carpeting. He does the same stuff as Dublin, like not wanting to walk on the floor and trying to go back out the door. If you get him far enough on the floor, he just lays down. He hates sliding around on the floor. We had to take him into a hotel once where the lobby was shiny floor and the rest of it was carpeted. We couldn't get him to walk in on his own, and I didn't wanna pull him across it, so we borrowed the rug in front of the lobby desk, got him to stand on it, and pulled him to the carpeting! After that he was fine.
My vet also doesn't put bigger dogs on the table. Eevee doesn't like being on the table, she almost jumped off once!

If it's not just the floor thing, then I'd go with visiting the vet every now and then to get her used to it. If she's just nervous about the floor, maybe you can make her a trail of blankets or towels or something to the exam room!
I take my own little rug with me. Better for the exam room. Still have the issue of getting across the floor. I can remember pulling Simone across, she sat and I pulled. Too bad we didn't have a wagon or mechanic's thing. Make sure hair between pads is gone, nails are short. Try some Musher's stuff on their paws before entering. I wonder if Bag Balm or Vasoline would help?
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