Crappy weekend thanks to the weather...

Our weekend started out crappy and continued throughout the two days with a few bright spots. As you can imagine, the bright spot involved a Sheepie or two.

It started Friday afternoon, when a really big thunderstorm rolled through my neck of the wood. So bad in fact that below is what I was facing when I got home. The house to the right of ours, (ours being the grey split-level) has been empty for over a year and the one tree decided it had enough of this vertical crap. So it laid down... IN MY DRIVE WAY!!! Not only was I dealing with this, we also had no power in the house. Thankfully, the temps did plummet over 30 degrees in about an hour and ten minutes. Humidity was still way up, but at least is was cooling off. Oh, look close at the photo and the first column from the left. What's wrong with that picture? The storm must have lifted the porch enough for the wind to blow the column out and off of the concrete pad that is the porch. State Farm loves me...

I knew it was gonna be a hot weekend and the Lima show was outside with no natural shade. I had almost resigned myself to not going due to the forecast of the temps reaching and possibly exceeding 100F on Saturday and I know I don’t do well in that weather and wasn’t sure about Caitlyn. Just before I left work is when the rain really hit. When I got to my car, the temps had begun their down turn and I thought I may be able to pull this off. So my plans were now to come home and bath Caitlyn in prep for the Lima dog show. Well, imagine my anger when I realized that was now dashed. You can't wash AND dry a Sheepie without power.

Saturday morning Sheepie breakfast time came and we still had no power. Ring time in Lima was at 12:30PM, so Saturday was a wash, pun intended. Power did finally come back on around noon, or just before. As it turned out the temps returned and the humidity came along with them. So I guess the day went as expected with me, Jen and Caitlyn at home.

My attention then turned to the tree in the driveway. I borrowed a friend’s chainsaw and cut away enough of the tree to gain full access to my property. This was the recommendation of our insurance rep. While I had the chainsaw, I cut down some more trees in the back yard that were just asking for it at that point. They were mocking me so I took them down too.

Sunday came and as it did, so did another day of high temps and high humidity in the forecast. With a ring time on Sunday of 2PM, within the hottest time block of the day, this day was looking even bleaker than Saturday. We chose to sit out again. Sadly, the forecast was pretty close. And what the forecast didn’t mention that early in the day was a fairly robust storm that rolled through late in the afternoon. Late enough to probably put a damper, (again, pun intended) on the post 2PM ring time festivities. And a long with this storm, came yet another power outage. Twice in two days. We haven’t seen that in years. Luckily, this one only lasted about two hours.

To close this on an up-note… while I was at home late this morning, I wasn’t feeling all that well and went to take a little nap. As typical, Caitlyn decided to join me. Below are some shots that Jen was able to sneak of the two of us whilst I slept. Caitlyn is such a good little guardian… Incidentally, this is how she looks after taking out her top knot prior to bathing. She’s got this pretty funny pompadour thing going on. Ain’t it adorable?

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Bummer weekend! As for the column, hope you get a chance to get it properly installed to prevent this again! Thankfully lazy tree missed your house! Good for you going after the other trees!
Wow, I saw some crazy storms were your way :(
My question too - did you get the porch support shored up?? 8O
Glad you could vent with the chainsaw though!
We have been reading about your storms and heat over here. It's cold in Melbourne, well not for many of you but it is for us.

Hope you've got things sorted Vance and that everyone has power back on to stay cool.

Vance I'm glad to see the bed side table in the pic, it looks just like mine. Although the height of the pile is decreasing here since I became the happy owner of an e-reader. Dog training and agility books don't work out on an ereader though.
Although the height of the pile is decreasing here since I became the happy owner of an e-reader

:lol: :lol: yeah I noticed the familiar decorating scheme as well and I too am reducing mass with e-reader which is great, change font size as eyes tire, can read longer!! :yay:
That's Jen's side of the bed. I don't read. Ever. Well, except the new book by Josh Dean called SHOW DOG. This is great book. It's easily the first book in twenty years that I chose to read after hearing his interview on the radio.

My bedside table has a lamp, the alarm clock and the phone, all the important things.

Sorry about the problems to the house. When trees fall in storms, they never seem to fall "out of the way." Usually cutting something off. We had an oak tree falling insident during one of the Hurricanes of fell across the front of the house and took the elect out. We hired a guy to cut up and get rid of the tree for $300, but were without elect for 2 wks.

I hope things get worked out quickly for you.
looks like you was lucky Vance. Hope you and the family are ok. Looking at he pics it looks like the only thing dropped on you was a sheepie
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