Latest text from my dog


:D :D
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Hahahaa, I just laughed out loud.
That is soooooo funny! Thanks for the laugh!
David you're a champ!!
I don't have to load a separate site as you so kindly paste it to my favorite and most often visited sight.

You're making me lazy and depriving me of the chance to develop initiative. It's freakin' GREAT!!! :banana: :mrgreen:
Mim wrote:
David you're a champ!!
I don't have to load a separate site as you so kindly paste it to my favorite and most often visited sight.

You're making me lazy and depriving me of the chance to develop initiative. It's freakin' GREAT!!! :banana: :mrgreen:

Hey, if we came to visit, or vice-versa, I'd also pour all your drinks, I love playing the bartender! :D

That's funny....both of those "texts" - Hilarious...oh em gee!

Baba wrote:
Mim wrote:
David you're a champ!!
I don't have to load a separate site as you so kindly paste it to my favorite and most often visited sight.

You're making me lazy and depriving me of the chance to develop initiative. It's freakin' GREAT!!! :banana: :mrgreen:

Hey, if we came to visit, or vice-versa, I'd also pour all your drinks, I love playing the bartender! :D

Cool, I love not having to get my own drinks.

It takes me longer to notice how drunk I am when I don't have to get up and find out how staggery I am. I think staggery is only a word when I'm drunk. And I become even more lazy, although initiative is required ..... 'do I want another drink, mmm yes of course I do, will I have more of the same or change drinks ............... mmmm tricky, tricky question.' :lmt:
:D :D :D just love those!

Harry the Husky better watch his back....... :lol:

Laurie and Oscar
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:D :D :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not the butler either!!

But I AM the doorman. :evil:

Tiggy rings the bell to go out, I get off the sofa and open the door.
Then she want to come back in, I get off the sofa and open the door.
Rastus wants to go out and paws at the glass, I get off the sofa and open the door.
Rastus wants to come back in and paws at the glass, I get off the sofa and open the door.
Rastus feels uncertain about coming in now that the door is open and hesitates, the cat does a runner.
I swear and chase him. Catch the cat, get Rastus in, sit down on the sofa.
Tiggy feels like she missed something and rings the bell to go out.
When I'm too tired to think I get off the sofa and let her out. When I'm semi alert I shout 'You just went out, you do NOT need to pee! Go lie on your bed.'
Tiggy gives me the 'you can't get good service anymore' look. :cow:

See I'm the doorman at some upmarket boutique hotel. (sigh)
You need an automatic or at least an electric door opener!

(Or move your couch next to the door! :lol:)
Mim - that's even funnier than the texts! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I admit I'm really enjoying the texts though I'd like to think your average OES' language would be a little more, eh, delicate.

Then again, there's Tiggy and Sybil... :roll: So probably not. 8)

oh mim,
there are worse things. 8) :clappurple:

If only! :D

Keep them coming David and thanks for the laugh
Love it!


:lol: :lol: :lol:
needed a laugh tonight!
Thanks again David. Where do you get these from?
I'm not David! But they come from :D
Thanks David I was just thinking earlier this week that you hadn't posted any batdog for a while and I'd have to go and look him up.
DH is not happy with you though. I read the texts out to him and fall about laughing.
We have different senses of humor, he just says 'I don't get it'.
How is it that I'm LMAO and he's looking at me like I've two heads?
First new text from my dog in a couple of weeks! But there's an explanation for it:


These are awesome! :lol:
hahahaha loved them! Those are hilarious, especially the husky one :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Love the husky one!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the laugh
I saw this one earlier - it's one of my favorites!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I love that one!

Haha! :D
:D :D Love that one!
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