Argh-Jehovah's Witness people came to my door

One of those Jehovah's Witness people came to my door and just let my cat run out. Totally ignored it too, just kept talking while I was trying to catch the cat. Sigh. :? I don't really mind that they come to the door and whatnot, but it's a bit of a problem when my cat tries to run away...
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Pooh Bear was a good one for barking at anyone at the front door....scared most everyone away. I can remember one Jehova that came around with their small kids and I felt so sorry for the little ones since they weren't sure about the dog and I had no clue who was at the door. I opened the door and bark...bark...bark...and she kept talking and I didn't know what to do since she had toddlers with her.
I'm really sorry if I offended any Jehovah's Witness church members...I didn't intend to!
Eevee usually barks at anyone who comes to the door (and keeps the cat from getting too close to the door!) but her and Bailey were both outside when he showed up.

And yes, no offense is meant to any Jehovah's Witness members!
We live next door to one! Shes really nice.

But anyways, we dont answer the door to anyone :P Or if we do and they are advertising people just slam the door on their faces :P Haha

Sam xx
I told Jacob not to answer the door, but he never listens to me :lol:
We have a gate around our house with signs that say Beware of Dog and Do Not Enter and yet they, and other solicitators, freely open the gate and walk right in! I find that very "ballsy"!

I'm not against any religion in particular. I just don't think anyone should be forcing their beliefs on me. Keep your beliefs in your church of choice thank you.
I don't like getting beliefs pushed on me either, religious or otherwise. It's one thing when they're just trying to tell you about it, or if I asked a question about it, but flat out telling me I should believe what they believe I really dislike.
Jacob won't let me put up a beware of dog sign, he thinks it would make us look trashy based on the fact that nobody else in our neighborhood has one :roll:
Solicitors may be eaten.
;)) I want one that says:

SOLICITORS: That's not a dog - it's a bear.
We live in an area with the average house costing a million ...would rethink the trashy idea!
Ashley wrote:
We live in an area with the average house costing a million ...would rethink the trashy idea!

Oh my goodness! 8O I can't even imagine spending that much on a house.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind a sign, keep all those pesky people away. As long as it doesn't keep girl scouts away, cause I love their cookies!! Sadly, none of them have come to my house yet.
I was out cutting the grass one day when the "witness" came. She waited in the driveway for me to finish :? I turned off the lawnmower and she started on me. I politely told her that everyone has their own beliefs...didn't put her off.

We have a breezeway and most everyone comes to that door. If I sense that someone is selling something, I open the kitchen door...let the dogs go first...barking...and than answer the door. Most people back off from the barking and then I politely tell them "sorry, I can't hear you with the barking" :) . Works most of the time.
I'm thinking about putting up a sign on our front door that says "Unless we invited you, or you are selling girl scout cookies, GO AWAY!" Lol. I wonder if that would work.
We don't have a breezeway or anything, our front door opens straight into the living room. It's also very obvious when we're home, you can see right in our windows, so we can't really pretend we aren't here. We have like three different people who come and ask to mow our grass (one of them really creeps me out), random kids who skate up and down our sidewalk, kids selling candy bars for their fundraisers, and all sorts of stuff. I can't wait until we move out of town and into the countryside, it'll be nice. This is my first time actually living in town, and it's been nice aside from all the people selling stuff. When I lived in the country with my parents, it was very rare that anyone would show up, except the girl scouts. Now everyone is showing up except the girl scouts!! I miss their cookies.
Since I have the luxury of making my own signs, this may be going up VERY soon at out house...

See, the problem with the JW and many others is they don't think they're 'soliciting'. To them, soliciting means selling, for money. Since they're not asking for money, they're not soliciting.

As I've said before, I live in a split level home and as you walk up to the front door, you walk past the front window where the dogs live. I have a friend who is 6'4" and the dogs are still a foot above him. If you're the least intimidated by dogs, I'm betting this could do you in as they can sound pretty scary. I've gotten to where I won't answer the door, even if the front door is open and the glass storm door is still closed. Just won't do it. I don't have a door bell or a knocker of any kind. I have the dogs to tell me who is there and they're a better judge of character than me...

There are three things I really try to stay away from publicly; religion, politics and sexual orientation. I feel you can do whatever you want and have all the fun with it that you can muster. I have friends who are different religions than myself. I have friends who vote very differently than me. I have friends who chase people on a different team than me, (sorry, I heard that term not long ago and kinda like it). And I'm cool with all of them. However, the first word towards pushing me to your beliefs will be met with resistance like you may not have witnessed before, pun intended. I stated this clearly to two friends who I took to Louisville with me to a car show telling them that I will kick them out of my car if the touch any of the three. Halfway there, one of them started talking about politics. I politely warned him that I won't tolerate it IN MY CAR and he stopped. On the way home, he started at it again. He ended up finding another ride to his home from Covington, KY. He lived in north Cincinnati. I told him the rules and warned him.

I caution anyone who posts a sign stating Beware Of Dog(s). Here in Ohio, there have been several court cases where the home owners were charged with various misdemeanors because the judges felt the owners were admitting to owning viscous or potentially viscous dogs. I know it's crazy.

Vance your such a square :)
With rounded corners...

When I first got married we had a rescue OES called Cass.A male Jehovahs witness knocked on the door and I answered.Whilst he was talking Cass went and sat in front of him to get his head scratched and the JW thought he was very cute and willingly obliged .All was fine until the JW went into his pocket for some leaflets and stopped scratching my pooches head.Cass pawed him for more scratches ,right between the legs , the poor bloke ended up on his knees 8O .

For some unknown reason I haven't been bothered by JW's since :lol:
Vance, can you make a sign that reads "unless you are selling Thin Mints, don't ring or knock." That would cover everyone!

Or, how offensive would it be to have a sign "no religious solicitation" or words to that effect? We don't have JWs in our area, but there is another church that goes from house to house. I'm not targeting religious groups, I just don't want ANYONE to ring my doorbell unless it's my neighbor, or my house is on fire. I'm not interested in subscribing to newspapers or magazines or giving money to any charity or buying candy or supporting the softball team. Just stay away!
We have 100000000 illegals always at our door trying to sell us their business (cleaning and lawn pretty much). Our neighborhood doesn't allow solicitors but it's near impossible to stop them from walking on public streets and leaving something at the door. We come home every day with at least 3 flyers to throw away. I'm not going to lie.. I enjoy reading them. They take the time to make business cards but never get someone to proofread them. We get this all the time: larn cervice. $20 4 front and bak. pleaz call jorge.
Vance wrote:
See, the problem with the JW and many others is they don't think they're 'soliciting'. To them, soliciting means selling, for money. Since they're not asking for money, they're not soliciting.Vance

We had a large sign at the one and only entrance to our old neighborhood that said "No Solicitors," yet we had constant knocking at the door. And yeah, there was a lot of "we aren't selling anything." I finally kept a copies of the dictionary page with "soliciting" on it, and started handing that out to anyone who knocked uninvited. :lol:
In my area you must have a permit now (there are exceptions of course) and if
someone is selling door to door they must have it on their person. I think girl/boy scouts
and school/sport organizations are the exceptions. Otherwise you call the police.
The JWs get away with it because they are only "visiting" and not selling.
Out where we live now, we have only had the JWs and nobody else selling anything.

Vance, you should send me one of those Thin Mints signs!
We are in a fairly affluent farm area Not a million dollar type but good. There are only 6 houses back here and the rest of the roads are filled with cows, horses and fields of corn or soybeans. I was so relieved that the JW group was not working the area when we first moved. Well...about 2 years ago they found us. I opened the door (after listening and being polite) and stated I have my own church ,thank you and have a good day. Well they got pushy. I opened the door to two oes and two rather big german shepherd dogs jumping and spronging I smiled and said you have 3 min to get off my porch or I turn them loose. Well they left!! I do not like to be disturbed to have things crammed down my throat. If I were lonely and looking for a group to join then maybe. Bigdogs do help........................I felt bad because there was an older woman with them but the other two got her by the arms and sped off the porch!!!
3 minutes is WAAAAAY too generous.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CINDY! That is way too funny.
I will have to remember that one. I did see a little sign on a post
to put in your flower bed that said - My dog can make it to the
fence in 2.5 seconds. Can you?
I wanted it, but I don't have a fence anymore. :roll:
I loved the one guy who opened my storm door, and held it open till
I answered the door. He had to hear my dogs, I can't imagine what he
was thinking. Duh.

I like the tin mints sign! But thagt probably wouldn't work. I doubt anything works with people who are deermined to get to your door for soemthing they believe in :roll:

BTW..I live in NY...our million dollar houses don't get half of way you can get in othr parts of the country! I have just under an acrea of land - and that is considered HUGE here. My house is nothing spectacular but its one house from the water and about five from the Bay, and another short distance to the Ocean. THAT is why the area is so expensive...I'd prefer to live in the country :)
We used to have a "beware of dog" sign and than we heard you could be sued. We replaced the sign with one that reads "Dog on Premises". I would think that would give someone pause.
I had a terrifying incident with some door-to-door religious people ( I have no idea what affiliation) a few years ago.

Our front stairs were badly dry-rotted and very very steep a (we have since then replaced them), and there was a closed gate at the top, to prevent the dogs from going down them. Two women, one of the VERY elderly, climbed the rickety stairs and in spite of *TWO BARKING SHEEPDOGS* 8O , opened the gate! It was an absolute miracle that Bert didn't knock the old lady down the steep incline! I was, in the mean time running and yelling: "NO...don't open that gate!" :evil: They ignored me, but luckily I was able to grab Bert. I then started yelling at them, which I felt a bit bad about because...well...little old lady! :oops: They just carried on with the proselytizing, as if nothing had happened!

An acquaintance who is a JW later told us that a "no trespassing" sign would keep them away in the future, as they are trained to not approach houses posted that way. I buy my Girl Scout cookies from friend's kids, and call it good! :D
ravenmoonart wrote:
I had a terrifying incident with some door-to-door religious people ( I have no idea what affiliation) a few years ago.

Our front stairs were badly dry-rotted and very very steep a (we have since then replaced them), and there was a closed gate at the top, to prevent the dogs from going down them. Two women, one of the VERY elderly, climbed the rickety stairs and in spite of *TWO BARKING SHEEPDOGS* 8O , opened the gate! It was an absolute miracle that Bert didn't knock the old lady down the steep incline! I was, in the mean time running and yelling: "NO...don't open that gate!" :evil: They ignored me, but luckily I was able to grab Bert. I then started yelling at them, which I felt a bit bad about because...well...little old lady! :oops: They just carried on with the proselytizing, as if nothing had happened!

An acquaintance who is a JW later told us that a "no trespassing" sign would keep them away in the future, as they are trained to not approach houses posted that way. I buy my Girl Scout cookies from friend's kids, and call it good! :D

Wont a hungry bear act as a good deterrent in the future? :D
Baba wrote:
ravenmoonart wrote:
I had a terrifying incident with some door-to-door religious people ( I have no idea what affiliation) a few years ago.

Our front stairs were badly dry-rotted and very very steep a (we have since then replaced them), and there was a closed gate at the top, to prevent the dogs from going down them. Two women, one of the VERY elderly, climbed the rickety stairs and in spite of *TWO BARKING SHEEPDOGS* 8O , opened the gate! It was an absolute miracle that Bert didn't knock the old lady down the steep incline! I was, in the mean time running and yelling: "NO...don't open that gate!" :evil: They ignored me, but luckily I was able to grab Bert. I then started yelling at them, which I felt a bit bad about because...well...little old lady! :oops: They just carried on with the proselytizing, as if nothing had happened!

An acquaintance who is a JW later told us that a "no trespassing" sign would keep them away in the future, as they are trained to not approach houses posted that way. I buy my Girl Scout cookies from friend's kids, and call it good! :D

Wont a hungry bear act as a good deterrent in the future? :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: naw...these are tough Alaskan bible-thumpers! :wink:
I handle those types of visits by simply inviting THEM to come to MY Church on Sunday. I give them about 15 seconds to tell me their thoughts then invite them to my Church and then thank them for stopping by and close the door. It's amazing that so far NONE of them have taken me up on my invite! Go figure.
baileesdad wrote:
I handle those types of visits by simply inviting THEM to come to MY Church on Sunday. I give them about 15 seconds to tell me their thoughts then invite them to my Church and then thank them for stopping by and close the door. It's amazing that so far NONE of them have taken me up on my invite! Go figure.

My Dad takes this a step further and invites them to do yard work if they visit while he is out in the yard. They help him out and then he invites them in to read from his bible. It always cracks me up when I visit and there is a random person raking and I find out it's a JW.
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