My two dogs are not sheepies, but they are hilarious none the less. I have an 8 month old Cheasapake Bay Retriver(Male; Koda) and an 9 month old Mix Ridgeback and Catahola(Female; Penny). We have taught then how to jump and shake and sit and dance andthe usual sit stay lie down blah b;ah b;ah. They pickd up on it super fast with treats. But KODA is like a wooly mamoth, always bumping and pushing to get his way. Penny is alittle lighting bolt, always tracking something, even though we do not use her for hunting much to the dismay of Chris's father. Last weekend we gave the flea and tick collars. Koda doesn't mi9ng his at all, but when we put in on Penny he kept on buting it off, no matter what we did to him he would not loet it be. Eventually we took her in side anput it on saftey pinning it t o her collar, so he couldn't see it. He sat outside the door howling all the while like we weremudering his best friend:O) Later that day we decided to go fo r a walk along the raod. We have those black retractable leahses were u can adjust the length. We had them sit and clipped them on then gave the command "walk" they followed us, till Koda saw a black "rope" hanging from her neck and charged at it. He attacked the leash all the while bitinga dn kicking thel eash almost stangling poor Penny, who was the best leash dog i have ever seen . So we seperated them and Penny was just walking along my side. While Chris took Koda father back and it turned into a wrestling match between the two. If you can image our 75 lb Koda floppin around criscrossin doing anthing in his power to rid himself of this horrible leash, while Chris is trying to remain calm by getting him to do command he alrady knows. It was mess, a very funny mess, but.. I traded him and completley shortend the lesh and had him wak beside me, saying things like no pull and everytime he got to rowdy sit or stay. It was the best workout i have had all week. Good thing is though we have done this eveyday and he is being super good, we just can;t let koDA GET NEAR POenny b/c he tries to get the leash off of her:)
Shannon |