What do i do with his fringe?

As you know bloo does agility and loves to play fetch at the field.
Well at the moment when i throw the ball he doesnt know where its gone so he runs in circles. And for agility he has to have his hair tied up so he can see. At home bloo keep walking into things, e.g the cupboard handles and the corner of the table!!

His fringe isnt long enough to put into an elastic...so yesterday i did triceratops. (I put 3 elastics in, 2either side of his eyes and one in the middle) - His eyelashes are so long i keep tying them up to on accident :( And even with elastics init doesnt make much difference as his eye brows are too bushy. :headbang:
When we took him to karens the other months she cut his monobrow (the fur between the eyes) so its growing all sticking up everywhere. Im frightened to cut his fringe incase i make it look a mess.
Should i trim it again, or let it grow out so ts long enough to tie up???

Ive tried clips hair slides and barettes, but they come out when he shakes his head, and his furs so think i need about 100 to make them all stick!

Whats the best path to take? He keeps walking into things! :headbang:
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I ALWAYS did the three elastic ties. Not to mention, it stayed in longer that way for Yuki.
It just depends on what look you want.
I like the longer hair, and keep it pulled up in one or 2 binders. Both my dogs live with them in all the time - day and night. Is there some reason you take Bloo's out at home and make him unable to see??
Our first oes had her fringe cut short, but I love doing Summers hair up. If you dip the comb in water when you are doing his fringe you can tie it up much easier. Use the thin hair bands with no metal bit in, it will get easier as it gets longer. I used to use slides in Summers as well, but I worry she should eat them if they fell out!
They NEED to be able to see, so it is a very good thing you
are looking for a solution. I vote for letting it grow out
so you can keep it up with several elastics. Using three at
a time works very well until you have enough length to go
to one. You also have the option of creating "bangs" over
the eyes or having someone knowledgeable use
thinning shears to thin out enough hair so he can see
through the thin "veil" of coat. Find something that works
as soon as you can. It is dangerous for a dog to be running
and not able to see where they are going very well.
I learned my lesson years ago when one of my dogs ran
full tilt into a metal trash can while playing ball at the park and
nearly knocked himself out. :cry:

Linda Zimmerman & Hudson, Chloe & Kristy
You can keep trying to tie it up or trim it.

Since both boys are in puppy cut...kinda...I trim the hair around the eyes. It takes some practice to get it just right. Sometimes I cut it...the next day I see what I missed and trim again, and again etc.

If you mess up, guess what? It grows back and you have a lesson of what not to do. Trial and error.
Since you've decided to stick with agility and not go near conformation, (wise choice with Bloo!) I'd focus your attention on keeping Bloo's coat short and manageable as his coat has now officially fallen off the top of your showing priority list. Yeah, he needs to be clean and brushed out, but far shorter than what conformation folks like me need to have. He'll probably like having a shorter cut doing the agility as it will help him keep cool too.

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