sleep deprived....yeah, i know...

need some ideas....we know lola can sleep from 10 to 530 am...she has done it several times...but there are other nights where she is up at 330...

we take her water away around 730 pm...we play play play till 10 pm, go for a final potty then night night...

she is in her crate in the guest bathroom..we have a radio and night light on...we have a blanket over the top of her crate with her bed and one stuffie inside...

brian, this morning gave me the look of death...since i have to work, he has the 330 duty...he is being very very good, considering, I was the one who had to HAVE a puppy.

any advice on how i can get BOTH of them to sleep thru the night??
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Don't give in and she'll learn that she's down for the night. Once you give in, SHE WINS. Once she wins, she knows to keep doing it as she knows you'll cave.

problem is that it not only affects us, but our neighbors too...dont forget we are in a high rise condo....
Is it out of the question to move her crate into your room? I know Ava just wants to sleep near her peoples. Or is there some reason it needs to be where it is?
Darcy, once we chose not to give in, it took one, maybe two nights and Caitlyn got the hint. She was living under OUR pack's rules, not hers.

Don't know if you are willing to do this but this worked for us...

We kept Murphy in his crate at night for two weeks. Some nights he slept through until about 6 AM -other nights we were up at least once around 3 or 4.

I decided I was too old for 'middle of the nights' :D --so at 10 weeks we left his crate door open at night and the bathroom door closed. We had a few accidents the first couple of nights but for the most part he did very well. He was generally ready to go out at 6 am. It did stop the middle of the night crying and whining. He still sleeps in his crate but can get up when he wants too.

I haven't found that this affected his willingness to go in his crate when necessary. This solved our problem--we couldn't bring him into the bedroom because his two brothers sleep there and I did not want to change their routine for the puppy.
I was fortunate both my dogs slept through the night. Maybe once or twice they would wake up. I had them in a crate in the room I also put a ticking clock under their bedding. You mentioned the crate in the guest room. Maybe for the first few weeks have her on your side of the bed. It can be a drastic change from sleeping with litter mates and Mama to all by herself. Is that an option. Then gradually move her out of the room. I hope you find a solution :crossed:
found this website...seems to give some good advice...

basically, stay one step ahead of the time she barks and howls, she is wide awake...

we know she wakes up between 300-330, im going to put her on my schedule..wake HER up about 2 am and quietly go down for a potty...and hopefully, she will go back to sleep after that....

fingers crossed :crossed:
Summer used to hate having her crate door closed. She would sleep in it, but the door had to be open and paper down. She used to grizzle a bit, wee on the paper and then go back to sleep. good luck...she is worth the sleepless nights..adorable xx
SamHeinous wrote:
Is it out of the question to move her crate into your room? I know Ava just wants to sleep near her peoples. Or is there some reason it needs to be where it is?

This worked for us. Simon whined a little...I put my hand down by the crate and he was fine. Getting up in the middle of the night...not fun but needs to be.

Simon used to get up twice a night for a few weeks, then once a night...then blessedly slept the whole night.

BTW, dh NEVER ONCE got up with him. He said it was my idea to get a puppy :roll:
Crate in bedroom with you and brian,then progress to, in another room of her own :wink: Yeah I know, no romantic times as a baby fur parents till madam settles into a routine and way of life away from sissy and momma, but it will get better in time. 8) It does :pupeyes:

Welcome again to Puppy fur parents custody :? 8O :lol: :lol:

I'd definately have her in the bedroom with you all for the time being :wink: :ghug:

Hey what lola wants, Lola gets, pretty princess with a loving family that after leaving the nest, just needs time to fulfill a new home schedule. :wink:

It will get better as the tiny princess starts to fit into apartment and new loving families life :ghug:
Simon's Mom wrote:
SamHeinous wrote:
BTW, dh NEVER ONCE got up with him. He said it was my idea to get a puppy :roll:

kinda the same here..although brian has gotten up, he is a little was my idea..

so far it has worked pretty good...the other night i got up at 230 and took her down...last night, i took her down at 245...nothing like walking into the security guard in your jammies, holding your puppy that is trying to chew your glasses off of your face...

i dont say a word to her except a quiet ''good girl''...go back upstairs, settle into the crate..i sit on the floor next to her till she falls asleep...then i go back to bed......

we cant put the crate in our room because there is no room to put it....this, so far is working...fingers crossed that it continues....tonight im going to try 3 am...
We actually managed without a crate because our room is small, plus she was sharing the space with Bailey. We had very few nighttime accidents that way, just keeping the bedroom door shut and letting them sleep.on the floor. Eevee was already 13 weeks when we got her though, so being older might have made a difference.
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