News on Max!

Update on Maxie Paws! After careful observation, blood tests, x-rays and some neurological tests, we have a diagnosis.

According to the Vet, Max's issues are a result of severe pain in his hind quarters. :( :( They told us when an animal refuses food or water because of pain, it's pretty intense. The x-rays show a spur on the area of the spine where Max had surgery.

Because of his weak hind quarters, when he gets up, he is putting all of his weight on the front legs. His balance is off, and he is having a hard time standing in a comfortable position. All blood work is good, and suprisingly, he has very little arthritis in his spine. In fact, Doc said that given his age now (8), and spinal surgery at such a young age, his spine is better than a lot of dogs they see.

He said we had done a good job of keeping him healthy. That made me feel better, because right now I am feeling very guilty that I did not know my baby was in such pain. Max has always been low keyed... and must have a very high tolerence of pain. We assume the set back comes from over doing it. He follows us everywhere outside, and we should have been more on top of his activity. :oops: It's a busy time on the "farm" right now, and he has traveled many miles keeping up. The patient is on bed rest for a week-- anti inflamatory meds, pain meds and pepcid. He ate a little bit tonight, and drank quite a bit of water. This was after pain meds.

The Vet said many animals become mean or grouchy when they are in pain. Max has been poked and prodded since yesterday, and has been a complete gentleman. He said he was one of the best dogs he had ever seen as far as temperment. :aww: :aww: :aww:

Right now, the patient is resting comfortably, on a nice, new, ortho bed. I cried tears of relief that it's something managable. I think I saw a tear in John's eye too.

Thank you for your concern -- You're the BEST!!!
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Please don't beat yourself up for not knowing he was in pain. I had read that dogs will not show pain because of their pack instinct. If they would show their pain, the pack would leave them behind. They cover their pain very well and won't show it until it is very painful. When I look back now, I could see pain in Pooh's face towards the last few months, but he covered it up very well. We had him on Deramaxx the last year of his life and he did well with that.
Glad to hear Max is better! Give him a hug! :ghug:
I am so glad it is something you can deal with. I hope he feels much better soon. You hate it when they are sick or in pain because they can't tell you waht is wrong.
Have a restful weekend.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Carley's Mom
Lori, I'm with you - grateful that, although serious, this is something that can be managed
to improve things for Max. Don't feel badly that you didn't know he was in such pain.
Dogs are very stoic and frequently do not show pain until they have no choice in the matter.
You did notice and because of your care, taking him to the vet, having the appropriate tests done, etc. your dear patient will improve. Now you have been sensitized to this, you'll be more aware should it happen in the future.

Best regards,
Linda Zimmerman & Hudson, Chloe & Kristy
Hooray!!! :banana: :banana:

Of course, it stinks that he is in pain but it is so great that it is not some scary disease or untreatable condition. :high5:

Having met your sweet Max, I am not at all surprised to learn he has been the perfect gentleman throughout his ordeal. He is a beautiful being -- so sweet and good. Pure goodness.

I am hoping he enjoys his new comfy bed, gets some solid rest, and feels better soon.

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
That's good news to know the reason. Great some rest Max and feel better!


:ghug: :ghug: Hugs to Max! So glad it is something you can manage! Hope he feels better soon!
Well, that is mostly good news. :)
Thank goodness, as pain meds have made good advances and there are so many (safer) options.
I'm glad it's manageable, nobody wants their dog to be in pain. Hope he continues to feel better!
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