Dog IQ Test

I saw this a long time ago and just now Stumbled across it again.

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Interesting. But almost all of them involve food as the incentive....and I have a very low food drive dog.
I leave Chewie in the car with my treats in my open training bag, or groceries, and he ignores them. In fact he even keeps OTHER DOGS out of them too - he did it in St Louis with notorious sister Sybil, and does it now w/ Bond.
That darn dog gets more perfect........ :wink: I'm afraid if I had a Chewie Jr. he'd be smarter than me! Probably become frustrated with his stupid upright.
I think that Chewie actually authored this test so that others could be compared to him. He may be like the Chuck Norris of the dog world...

And the towel over the dog's head one made me laugh....I would think many OES are so used to the hair flopping over their eyes that they really won't be that quick to flip the will seem normal! ;)

I still hope to remember to print it out and give it a try...maybe tonight before class....??
Mine will fail due to # 2. They proudly wear their towels all the time! They love to run into them for a rub down, and then wear them around. It should say, how long does your doggie want to keep the towel on!
Brigadigit wrote:
Mine will fail due to # 2. They proudly wear their towels all the time! They love to run into them for a rub down, and then wear them around. It should say, how long does your doggie want to keep the towel on!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The only reason, I suspect, mine tolerate being bathed is the "wearing of the towel" that follows :roll: When I put them on the table they drop and wait to me to drop a towel over their heads and rub them. In Mad's case she occasionally plays tug with it as well. And it doesn't matter if it's still draped over her head at the time 8)

Yeah, suspect big time failure on that one.

ooohhh hooo! Laika 38 and Langley 39. Laika took longer with the soup can.

So not sure if I didn't some stuff correct. I put a treat under the coffee table which is like 3 inches to work under. Laika scooteder her paw under and got it and hahaha Langley pushed the table his face and it is a heavy table so I gave 5 points :) with in the time alotted. The box one I wasn't sure what they meant so I put it in a box with a flap closed and they both opened it seems better than walk around actually opening it so I gave them 5 points. :) For the test 5 I had to remove Langley from the room he was so crazy for the cookie and when I opened the door he tore out of there like a crazy nut! I think it helps the love their cookies. Which makes train easier for sure. I can get Langley to close a door but get a consistant sit... forget about it!
Geniuses!! Take that Border Collies!
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