Ryleigh the bunny slayer...

We have a wild bunny that insist on make her nest and having her babies in my backyard. Last year she had 3, they all died- 2 from heat and 1 from Ryleigh getting it. This year she had 5. I didnt even know they were back there till I couldnt get Ryleigh to come in when I was calling her. Went to look what she was doing and found them. 3 dead.. 2 still ok. :evil:

I went and got some of that plastic fence stuff to fence off the area they are in so hopefully they will have a chance.

Neither one of my neighbors have dogs, why cant she go over there??
I think she has gotten so used to us, we walk right by her all the time when she is in the front yard and talk to her and she just sits there, she just needs to find a safer-dog free area for her babies.

Its funny, my 2 labs-"hunting dogs" dont bother them. :lol:
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That stinks those babies keep dying. :( I would love a problem like that though just to get to look at something like that. I should say, would like that problem "if" my dog hadn't actually got to one before!!! You sure those labs are really dogs? :lol:
I am so glad my dogs are gentle with the bunnies in my yard. A few years ago, the 3 found the bunny nest. When I went out, one was dead and the others were in the nest. I told the dogs, Mom loves bunnies and you have to be very gentle. You don't hurt bunnies. After that, the dogs would go out, glance at the hole and cautiously walk by. Unfortunately, the hawks and crows got them. Two weeks ago, Oliver found a nest. These bunnies were really too little to be out of the nest. When the 3 bunnies scattered, I collected them and held them. Oliver and Abbey were very interested. I did the same speech. Both dogs were waiting to see them. Abbey, my Golden, was wagging her tail and sniffing them. Oliver waited his turn and he was wagging his bum and giving them all kinds of gentle kisses. The he tried to sniff their bums. The bunnies weren't afraid. I was a little irked because it is like pulling teeth for me to get kisses from him!!!!! :roll: That's my boy!!
I guess thats why they are Labrador retriever-- they retrieve it AFTER its dead.. :lol:

I got the fencing up and Ryleigh is staying away. I did do a few loud NO!! and she kept away from that area but this way I can let them out back without having to go with them.

We live in a city, in a suburb but we have ducks who have babies in my front bed, bunnies who have babies in my backyard, snakes, squirrels out the whazoo (who the labs do go after), and yesterday I saw a roadrunner with a little grass snake in its mouth in my front yard. We even get Canada geese that stay around here year round. Guess they got tired of that trip every year. :lol:
Every time I find a bunny nest in the making, I destroy it. I try to keep a good eye on things but sometimes it slips by. If that if the case...I mess with the nest. Mom bunnies are smart and move them after.

At my last house, I had a Siberian Husky and a Golden. If the Siberian found the nest(often) he destroyed the bunnies..reached in found the baby, pulled it out and crunch, reached in found the next and crunch, etc until they were all dead. Since he was only out when I was home, I usually heard the bunnies cry and race out to save whatever was left. My gentle soul of a golden decided it was too cold and wet outside for this poor baby bunny and brought it in the house in his mouth...alive. Picture a golden, his CLOSED mouth full, cheeks full and balloned out. I had to pry his mouth open and out popped a baby bunny. Too small to move much, I picked it up and it was unharmed. I really don't have any idea what his plans were for the little thing.
When we first moved to Florida, Pearl used to go after the lizards. I would see her walk by with a "tail" sticking out of her mouth. I tried to save them by pulling them out of her mouth on many occasions, which was so gross on so many levels, that I finally gave up. She hunted the lizards until shortly before she passes away.
At least it was your dogs that killed them.
One day, at my first house, when I was mowing the lawn with my yard tractor, I was just going along and all of a sudden, I saw a bunch of things hopping in the grass.
At first I thought they were frogs, but then I realized they were baby bunnies and they were screaming.
I ran over the nest with the business part of the tractor. :(
That killed several of them instantly. :(

I tried capturing the ones that were scampering off, but I'm not sure I got them all.

One of the ones I captured must've been badly injured. He/she wasn't doing well.
I was holding him/her in my hand when he/she died. :(

I gave the remainder of them to a vet tech friend who relocated them somewhere safe. She nursed them till they were a bit bigger & stronger before releasing them.

So sad. :(
CamVal1 wrote:
At least it was your dogs that killed them.
One day, at my first house, when I was mowing the lawn with my yard tractor, I was just going along and all of a sudden, I saw a bunch of things hopping in the grass.
At first I thought they were frogs, but then I realized they were baby bunnies and they were screaming.
I ran over the nest with the business part of the tractor. :(
That killed several of them instantly. :(

I tried capturing the ones that were scampering off, but I'm not sure I got them all.

One of the ones I captured must've been badly injured. He/she wasn't doing well.
I was holding him/her in my hand when he/she died. :(

I gave the remainder of them to a vet tech friend who relocated them somewhere safe. She nursed them till they were a bit bigger & stronger before releasing them.

So sad. :(

lalalalalalala! I didn't read that. Poor you!
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