Wild Saturday Night. One of us overindulged. Guess who!

Yup. That would be Hudson.

He is a very talented counter surfer. He has never reached anything along the back wall on the counter but I guess the smell of almost five dozen freshly baked chocolate chip cookies encouraged him to try harder.

I think he hooked the edge of the plate with his toenails and dragged it forward to where he could munch comfortably. Hubby caught him in the act. He easily downed three dozen. I had baked them for dessert as we had my parents over.

About five minutes later he is pacing, his tummy is like a rock, his legs are bowing out, and he is drooling. I excuse myself from the game of Bridge, grab hubby, and say to my folks, "Chat amongst yourselves. We just need a few minutes to induce vomiting."

So up on the counter he goes, hacking and crying, and boy is he ticked when the hydrogen peroxide goes down. (This is not his first.)

Five minutes later he's rapid fire heaving into the garbage disposal while we hold back his ears so nothing ends up in his fur....just like our wild teenage years, except without any of the fun for the actual people. It took twelve heaves. I cannot believe the sheer volume of cookies he had swallowed.

After the explosions subsided he got a brisk facewash, had a drink of water, crawled under the table where we were playing cards, and sulked himself to sleep. I did not have a single decent hand of cards the rest of the night.

This morning my hubby grabbed a remaining cookie remnant from the far end of the plate. Hudson sat pretty and showed his best puppy dog eyes.

Dream on, Hudson. Dream on.
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oh no....but it would have been really awesome if someone got video of that maneuver at the sink!!!
:twitch: :twitch: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Too funny! Well kind of. But really, it's funny.
:aww: poor Hudson! He thought you were busy and wouldn't notice! :pupeyes:
Parents probably rolling their eyes........we didn't raise her for this!
Darn it thought it was one of the Fur Parents !!!!! 8) :lol: :lol:
Wow! I'm impressed that you got him to vomit into the sink. Great story although I don't exactly want cookies anytime soon.
Valerie wrote:
Wow! I'm impressed that you got him to vomit into the sink.

My thoughts too!! Very impressive. :cow:
Wow quick thinking and quick remidy. Thank you for reminding us the trick on getting them to "release' what they shouldn't have eaten. I hope Hudson is feeling better today.
I pictured the whole thing, great description. Oh poor guy. Poor you with no good hands of cards afterwards.
Sadly, we've had the experience with Hudson before. We stand him on the counter, hold his head over the sink, have him let loose, and then it all goes down the garbage disposal. It's a lot easier to bleach the sink after than it is to clean up carpets, or, deal with the bedding. Because of course, as soon as his tummy was hurting him, he did start kicking at the bedroom door. His favourite puke spot is OUR BED.

He was fine immediately after, and actually started kicking at his empty food bowl. That dog will not tolerate an unfull tummy!
And what would Hudson do if you put out another plate with several dozen freshly baked cookies? I think we could wager a guess! :lol:
Oh my goodness... what an adventure for you and for Hudson!
Glad you were able to effect an immediate remedy.

We once had a wonderful OES, Snoopy (a rescue who came with that name), who ate 6 dozen freshly baked & decorated sugar cookies that had all been wrapped and arranged on plates ready to give as Christmas gifts to all the neighbors the next morning. Snoopy had always been a perfect girl who never did anything naughty, so we thought nothing of leaving the cookie plates out on the dining room table as we went out for an hour. Came back home to find nothing but the saran wrap and paper plates on the floor. Poor Snoop was one sick girl up all night long.

Linda Zimmerman & Hudson, Chloe & Kristy
and of course our dear rudy must have been lol watching his brother in trouble
Poor Hudson will never learn. Good thinking getting him to...heave...over the sink.

Gar had that unfortunate experience this past Christmas when he ate the cookies, the M&M's and something else I can't remember. I'm not as smart as you. He puked ALL OVER the house.
Poor Hudson. Such quick thinking on your part. So relieved for the happy ending.

Would you mind sharing how much Hudson weighs and how much hydrogen peroxide you used? It could save a life in the future. I remember this being discussed before and thought I remembered but not. Always good for a reminder.
I remembered what I used to do when my first dog would be sick. Grocery bag! She would stick her head in it and throw up.
Hudson weighs about 80 pounds, and the emergency vet told us last time that two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide would do it. He said you could do a second round if needed, but to give it time first. It takes four or five full minutes before the action begins, and you do second guess yourself at that point, but hold on, because it IS coming.

Our bottle was fairly old - three years - and I worried it might not be strong enough, but sure enough, four and a half minutes or so and it did the job just fine.

We're getting a fresh one asap, because with Hudson it's only a matter of time.

And, it's so nice to not have to be up with him all night, chasing him around the house, wondering when it will end, and cleaning everything in sight.

From start to finish (including bleaching the sink), this is a ten minute intervention and then life goes right back to normal...except the sheepie in question is usually cranky that he didn't get to keep his ill gotten booty.
:clappurple: Quick thinkin' Tracie!

Wow, 5 dozen cookies, what a baker!

OMG, lol. Great story! Especially holding his ears back, haha.
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