
Has lots too do. Went to bank & sorted out direct debits & then the local tax. Went to get my laptop sorted & still having issues so back to route 1 again :(. Will have to send it back to acer for the 4th time. Keeps on coming back with the same issue. I have done a video of the issue & sent it to their support via e-mail & have a letter from the shop where I brought the thing. Fingers crossed & will get it fixed. Took the dogs for a walk before it rains again & met some lovely dogs & owners today. Cut the grass as well as it has rained all month so its the first time I have had chance too. On Tuesday will be grooming another OESD but only for £30 for 6 hrs worth of work. Going to my brothers later & out with my mate for a few beers & might get a curry. Should not be drinking or having a curry due to lung infection (never smoked in my life) but hay ho you only live once :excited:. And been on here again & again & again :)
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I have the day off from work.
I woke up with what feels like the start of a cold - sore throat and phlegm. Feel tired. :(
I do have a therapy dog visit today - need to get moving soon! It is at the University during finals week - we are there for 3 hours (it's a drop in visit - come whenever we can between 11-2) at the Student Union for the students to destress. They can come hug a dog!
Then I also need to finish mowing - I did about half of it in 2 hours last Friday with the push mower - have another couple hours and it will all be done once. (yes - very large farm yard) :roll: We do have an old rider, but only Todd runs that beast - and he is too busy. :(
And tonight is teaching dog training classes.
Then tomorrow it's back to work for 12 hour shifts....
Go out and enjoy yourself, you only live once as you say.
I have had a busy day. Ive been to school, and walked home with bloo now im on the forum, well im tired its hard being a teen :P

You coming to the midland oes show on sunday?
All I want to know is if the Rozzers came calling yet?

Day at home, nobody coming, don't have to be anywhere. Despertly need groceries but will wait until Wednesday for senior discount day. Had a good meal at a fund raising event will have to hold us. pasta and peantbutter next few days? :lol: :lol:

Weather will be lovely, mid 80s, no wind ( :banana: :banana: :banana: ). Maybe I'll hang laundry today........ :lmt:
Just did some regular, everyday chores, put out some of my summer stuff on the deck and then decided I'd give the "boy" a bath.

He no longer bawls when I get him in the tub, the new one now is that I got him all watered and soaped up, then, he decided he had to press his body into my chest (I was on my knees), put his head under my arm and press against me as hard as he could. It was a real challenge trying to bathe him and get him rinsed, finally after I had the conditioner on him Carl calls thru the door, could you use some help. We managed to get him cleaned and dried off, good thing he's in his short coat and finished. I was soaking wet, even my hair is wet but he looks good for the time being.

Will have to ask Carol, his groomer, if he does that to her.
I woke up early this morning about 2:00 so started to watch a few shows I had on DVR: Army Wives, The Good Wife, Harry's Law, Who do you think you are? Finally got up at 6:00 feed the dogs and started the usually daily chores. Had my last eye surgeon appointment...I was there for 2 hrs...finally glad to get out of there. I don't have to go back until November. My eyes are doing fantastic! Had homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner.(we eat in the middle of the day because chuck works midnights and has to sleep the afternoon away). Just fed the girls their dinner and goofing off on the computer. Starting to get tired. lol
Today I came back from vacay--a week in Lexington KY in horse country. I'm still off work tomorrow and will go back Wednesday. Had a great time and came home with money, which will be used for Sheepiepalooza!
Hubby and I both woke up at 4:30 AM...*wide awake* 8O . This is what comes of leaving the blackout curtains open when its almost May!

Almost went back to sleep, but realized, hey! the hot tub should still be pretty warm from having fired it up last night! :yay:

So Scott stoked the fire back up, made a pot of coffee, and we soaked and drank it as we watched the sunrise :D . It was awesome.

Off to work for Scott, then, and the studio for me. I'm working on 6 different new images to be coming out for my summer season, and today is the day I start my cutting out stage for all 6 collages. So far so good. I'm on my lunch/dogwalk break now.

I keep half expecting to run out of steam and fall asleep in the middle of something, considering how little sleep we got! :?
ravenmoonart wrote:
Hubby and I both woke up at 4:30 AM...*wide awake* 8O . This is what comes of leaving the blackout curtains open when its almost May!

Almost went back to sleep, but realized, hey! the hot tub should still be pretty warm from having fired it up last night! :yay:

So Scott stoked the fire back up, made a pot of coffee, and we soaked and drank it as we watched the sunrise :D . It was awesome.

Off to work for Scott, then, and the studio for me. I'm working on 6 different new images to be coming out for my summer season, and today is the day I start my cutting out stage for all 6 collages. So far so good. I'm on my lunch/dogwalk break now.

I keep half expecting to run out of steam and fall asleep in the middle of something, considering how little sleep we got! :?

That sounds lovely. :aww:
Today I received the dreaded notice that my job is 'affected' and I will have to compete with my colleagues for what jobs remain. Came home to three wiggle bum sheepies, though, which cheered me up!
Mady wrote:
Today I received the dreaded notice that my job is 'affected' and I will have to compete with my colleagues for what jobs remain. Came home to three wiggle bum sheepies, though, which cheered me up!

Hang in there Kim! Will be thinking of you!
Had the day off from my "paying job" and did my not paying job...cleaned the kitchen and the (gross) bathroom. Threw some laundry in for fun.

Kim, how do you compete for your job?
Simon's Mom wrote:
Kim, how do you compete for your job?

You fill out some mysterious form called a 'track record'. We will receive those on the Monday I leave St. Louis and have a week to fill them out. I am really hoping that they can send mine by email so that I can at least read it and have the two days in the car to mull over how I would fill it out. It all seems very mysterious, to be honest. No resumes, no references, no performance reviews of the past years work. Just these 'track records'.

I am trying to stay positive about it all. There are folks at work who are single parents. At least I have David (who I think harbours some secret fantasies of arriving home from work to a clean house, supper on the table, and me handing him a martini!).
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