How is Abby?

Just curious how little Abby is doing? Would love to see some pictures of how big she has gotten.
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I was thinking the same yesterday.
Hubby asked about her yesterday as well. He expects weekly updates. :D

Laurie and Oscar
I think I read that baby Abbey went to live with the Vet Tech that was taking care of her while she was sick and going through her surgeries. But I also would love to hear how she is doing now!
Oscar's Mom wrote:
Hubby asked about her yesterday as well. He expects weekly updates. :D

Laurie and Oscar

I have to be honest that I have been shying away from posting anything on this forum lately, as certain people have decided to twist things posted here to make them appear to be what they are not. I will come on and make general non-personal comments, but that will be all I will do from now on. No more personal information or anything about my dogs. Trust me, I am very sad about this, as without the suppport from this forum, I would have never made it through with Abby. There are truly some wonderful people here, and I hope to meet each and every one of you someday!

It was brought to my attention that certain people lurking here have been trying to ruin my rep. Because of the fact that donations were made for Abby (which I am forever grateful for, and so is Abby :hearts: ), donations I never came on here asking for (anyone can read the posts themselves) a complaint was made in regards to my OESCA membership application. Apparently I came on here begging everyone for money. As anyone can look back and see my initial post was aimed to fellow breeders to see if they had ever had such a small yet active puppy and to get their opinion of her as at first, my vet could not find anything wrong with her. When the diagnosis was made, I did not hide it. I have not nor will ever hide anything about my dogs health or anything else for that matter. I came here to share her diagnosis and honestly, was just looking for emotional support, not financial. The person complaining also brought up the fact that my husband is laid off (how humiliating for Steve, as he had no idea I wrote this on a public forum and in hindsight, I was obviously wrong to share such personal info) Apparently my husbands current employment situation should also be a considering factor in my OESCA application according to this person. There is more to the story however I think I have already said too much and have given the evil clan enough to now talk about. Plain and simple - I do not want to contribute to the soap opera so many people need to have in their lives. I love my family, I love my dogs, and I want to continue to have fun with my dogs, compete with them, and enjoy them. I will not allow anyone to take my passion away from me.

To the good people on this forum who would like updates on Abby, or talk to me about my dogs, PM me and I will give you my home e-mail address. It is sad it has to come to this.

Completely understandable.

I hope you know how much support you have from sooo many people! :hearts: :hearts:

And with that I will say - whatever you need - never hesitate to pick up the phone and call!

See - you do need to come down to Florida :wink:

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
What a shame. :(

Continue to do the right thing on behalf of yourself and this breed. The truth tends to come out in the end
and those causing the stink often end up looking petty or worse.

Hugs to Abby.
I strongly dislike back stabbers, rumor mongers, tattle's why I refused to go into competition with my dogs. There were lovely people, but there were too many who needed to bash down others for their own glory. Sorry they are lurking here too........
Amber, I'm so sorry to read this, but hardly surprised. I endured my own personal vilification here on 4 years ago when I chose to pursue a controversial training method with my girls rather than have one of them PTS for aggression. I stood my ground and have since won back the respect of some of the people that didn't agree with my decision. But its 4 years later, and the honest truth is, I never did care much about what people think or say about me. Of course in your situation, it's much more important how the sheepdog community views you and your actions. As a breeder, you want and need people to support you and view you with respect. I'm just sorry that some people are so quick to judge, and are less likely to take the time to fully understand the actions some of us feel forced to take when we are in situations that many of these people may never find themselves in.

I haven't met you in person, nor have I had the opportunity to own one of your dogs. But I see many of your dogs here on the forum, and I talk to members here that have your dogs and say only wonderful things about them (and you). I'd consider myself very fortunate to one day be able to add one of your sheepdogs to our home. :hearts:
I am so very sorry Amber :cry:
I do not know you or your family of furries..
It is very sad that people can't mind their own business :|

One thing I have learned recently is to let all the BS go and enjoy my only have one "go round"
I absolutely used to be stressed about what others thought...since I have given that up I am so much happier!

We do the best we can, that is all we can do!

:ghug: :ghug:

Hope little Abby is doing well (Back to subject)
Sometimes it is hard to focus on the fact that 90% of people are great. If only we could ignore the 10% who stir things up! All the best Amber to you Steve and your lovely furry family. Debs xx
So sorry to hear about the stuff that's happening because of Abby.
Ya know what? Screw that person who said the negative things.
I hope he/she realizes that he/she is probably no longer a friend of the board.

Man, I can't believe someone would give you grief over Abby. And then to drag your personal stuff into it as well.
What a scumbag that person is.
You saved an innocent life. What could be better than that? How could someone find fault with that?

And if that person is reading this; Amber NEVER asked for help. WE offered. As a matter of fact, I was the first one to bring up the concept of help from the board.
So if you have a beef, have it with me!! But I suspect you are spineless, that's why you lurk.
Why don't you reveal yourself?!?!
Abby is living a happy, healthy life because of the kind people on this board, and the hard work that you put into her recovery and, of course, the continued love and care of the vet tech and her family who are now Abby's forever family. I can't see why anyone would criticize that. As for Steve's employment, I have seen how hard that man works at finding work and for someone to use his situation for malicious purposes is disgusting. Like so many others (including possibly me next week), economic times have resulted in layoffs. That is a time when people and communities pull together and I do think of the people on this board as a community-they showed it when they pulled together to save Abby and they show it daily when they give such support to each other on a daily basis.

Focus on your family, friends and dogs. There are many of us who would happily be a reference for you regarding the support we get from you as a breeder. You do all of the health clearances, the socialization, the careful breeding, the showing to make sure that independent judges confirm that you are following the breed standard. You mentor other people regarding breeding. You volunteer your time in so many ways to the betterment of the breed. You have given David and I so much of your time to teach us how to groom and are always there to answer my million neurotic questions. We who love the OES breed need to be supporting and encouraging the breeders who try so hard to do things right. We are lucky on this forum to have several excellent breeders who provide so much support, advice and encouragement to newbies like me and I hope that you all keep up with your good work, as I want my life to be full of sheepies. Rescue folks are brilliant, the good breeders are brilliant, it is the stuff in the middle that we need to weed out and supporting the good breeders and the good rescue folks can only help the breed that we all love so much. Now I am going to go hug a sheepie. Or two. Or three....

It is a shame that a few people have forced you into this situation. Although I have not met you personally, we have talked on the phone and your love, caring and understanding of this breed oozes from you, even over the phone. It is unfortune for us non-educated sheepie owners that we will loose one of the fantastic breeders from sharing her knowledge with us, but you must do what is right for you, your family and dogs. I know I will be pm to check on little Abby. I'm proud of the work we all did (without you asking) to save sweet Abby's life.

It is very sad when one or a small group of people need to push someone down just to raise themselves up. Maybe someday you will learn that raising yourself up this way is hollow, but I doubt it, your too self-centered to realize anything about the world outside of yourself.
UG! I hate that some people take something wonderful and heartfelt and try and make it negative! SHAME!!!!
Interesting I wrote shame same time you were writing shame.
Here's the thing-- its easy to tell Amber to ignore whoever is saying such things. But if its interfering with her OESCA membership? That's completely different. Do we not tell everyone that is looking for a puppy: "Make sure they are a member of OESCA"? And do we not tell people : "Don't go with a breeder that is in it for the money; look for a breeder that loves what they do and are doing it for the betterment of the breed"? So OF COURSE people will use Amber's husband's unemployment against her-- if he's not working, then isn't the breeding the only source of income, or if not the only source, then at least supplementing it?

Again, we vilify these things that we ourselves aren't going through and cannot possibly understand. We are unwilling to accept the fact that maybe some of the times, or even most of the time, these are bad things, but not 100% of the time. And once an accusation is thrown out there, it's hard to take back. How many people can really say "I was wrong, and I'm sorry"? I find most people would rather stick to their opinion than admit that they acted too quickly, or without the proper knowledge of a situation, and admit that they were wrong. And with all of that in mind, I can see why Amber is having a hard time. She CAN'T ignore it, as she needs the OESCA approval-- we've seen to that. So her options are to fight head on and have it possibly affect her ability to have the community's approval, or to gracefully bow out of the conflict, and hope to minimize the damage. Unfortunately, in that second scenario, we the community are the ones that are really hurt.

The people that are questioning Amber's integrity as a breeder have every right to do so- a good breeder's record can speak for them. But to not let it go and to harass her until she's driven from the board goes way beyond protecting the breed- it hurts it. Now those of us that visit here can no longer depend on Amber's experiences with sheepdogs to help our own understanding of the breed. We can no longer expect her feedback on situations we encounter, her advice from her years of experience, or her opinions. We've effectively silenced someone we actually need as a part of the board, and it makes me really sad and frustrated.

I wish I could say I was surprised, but I've noticed quite a few "old timers" that no longer post here on When I asked them why, they all tell me the same story; that they were judged here beyond their ability to cope and to respond and still come off sounding good. Sounding like the nice people that they are. So they leave, or the pull back and decide to lurk instead. And we all lose.

Maybe social media isn't what's to blame for's dropping numbers of participants. Maybe its our own fault for driving the people that make this board what it is away with our judgmental nature and our critical attitudes.
I think that fact she tried everything she can, and I never thought she was trying to get money out of us ever. But the fact she didn't put that little puppy down is a huge testament. How many breeders would have given up on little Abbey? I think Amber should be commended not questioned.
I'm glad Amber has posted this. I've been wanting to post something for a while now. The level of harassment Amber is receiving is criminal, these people could be sued easily for libel. One thing, Amber knows who they are, I know who they are. One of them is actually a breeder, one is a retired breeder. Neither of them have ever posted on the forums (except as anonymous guests). They spread the most ridiculous lies. It's not just something that can be ignored, because the breeder in particular, tells these lies to anyone looking for a puppy, and tries to sabotage Amber professionally, for instance the complaint to OESCA to have her membership denied (because she's a BYB puppy mill, WHAT THE ####???? :evil: :evil: )
None of their libel is honest criticism or inquiry (which people should do for breeders), it is deliberately malicious lies to try and ruin her as an OES breeder. The only possible explanation is that they are pathetic worms who are jealous of Amber's success, because Amber is easily a much better, much more ethical breeder. And instead of trying to become better, and more ethical breeders themselves (and if they approached this all differently, Amber would have HELPED them at the drop of a hat), they want to drag Amber down instead. They are worthless scumbags. They do not care at all for the breed. There was just over 130 registered sheepdog puppies last year in Canada through the CKC, the breed does not need this crap or it wont survive.

I will be happy to name names and give examples of their malicious libel in person at Sheepiepalooza. I think the first step in countering this is exposing them and their lies. The next step is a lawyer.

:evil: :evil: :evil:
spacegirl21 wrote:
I think that fact she tried everything she can, and I never thought she was trying to get money out of us ever. But the fact she didn't put that little puppy down is a huge testament. How many breeders would have given up on little Abbey? I think Amber should be commended not questioned.

That's the tough issue, though, isn't it? A decent human being would do whatever it takes to save a dog like Abby. A responsible breeder might just see that little puppy as a dog that has genetic flaws, and needs to be removed from the genetic pool. I'm not trying to be an A$$#*^%, I'm just saying that if your focus is breed betterment, then dogs like Abby have to make you question your approach to breeding. And does being a "good breeder" mean that you have to also abandon being a decent human being? Ultimately, the cost of helping little Abby was extremely prohibitive. She probably would not have gotten the help she needed to live unless some of us here on had taken the situation into our own hands and raised the money to help get her on the path to health.

In the end, Amber learned that what Abby suffered from wasn't a genetic short-coming. But that wasn't so easy to determine without the necessary surgeries. And those surgeries were made possible thank in part to the caring community here on It's ironic and sad that the "caring community" and the critical one that is driving Amber away from the board are one and the same.
Baba wrote:

I will be happy to name names and give examples of their malicious libel in person at Sheepiepalooza. I think the first step in countering this is exposing them and their lies. The next step is a lawyer.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

I'll buy the first round of drinks. 8)
Allison- I couldn't agree more. :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Most of the people on this site are lovely, helpful, and very kind. However, in the short time that I have been a member of this forum I have noticed that there are some who are less than kind or understanding. It saddens me that Amber has been singled out and been attacked for doing the right thing for Abby. I gave what I could to help out little Abby and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Amber did not in anyway ask me for money....I offered it. I feel she did nothing wrong and I would be happy to tell that to anyone. I have not purchased a puppy from Amber or ever spoken to her one on one, but I can tell she LOVES this breed and is doing all she can to be a responsible breeder.

I have begun to post less on this forum and am spending more time on facebook because I can friend and communicate with all of the lovely people I have met on this forum and not those who are not so nice. Ron, this is why people leave. If users post on this forum they are subject to comments from all, and some people just get tired of the bs. I will continue to post here, but maybe not as much. I hope Amber will continue to post as well, it would be a real shame to lose her. You have many more supporters here than enemies. I wish you, your family, and your beautiful dogs all the best.

Darth Snuggle wrote:
Baba wrote:

I will be happy to name names and give examples of their malicious libel in person at Sheepiepalooza. I think the first step in countering this is exposing them and their lies. The next step is a lawyer.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

I'll buy the first round of drinks. 8)

I'll buy the second :wink:
I have followed Abby's story since I arrived here at I have been floored by Ambers dedication to helping her, and by this boards generosity. This place has become a haven for me - a place where I know kind hearted people with like minded feelings towards animals can come together. This place is an overwhelming space of "goodness" in my life.

That said - this is not my first forum experience. I've been on many forums over the years, on various topics. There are always **it starters and vicious people. I'm saddened to hear that it happens here too.

The people that are questioning Amber's integrity as a breeder have every right to do so- a good breeder's record can speak for them. But to not let it go and to harass her until she's driven from the board goes way beyond protecting the breed- it hurts it. Now those of us that visit here can no longer depend on Amber's experiences with sheepdogs to help our own understanding of the breed. We can no longer expect her feedback on situations we encounter, her advice from her years of experience, or her opinions. We've effectively silenced someone we actually need as a part of the board, and it makes me really sad and frustrated.

This sums it up perfectly. We lose. I couldn't have said it better myself.
I am amazed at the time people seem to have in their day to talk bad about others. :roll: Just think what they could accomplish if they used their time for good instead of evil. :lmt:

It saddens me that people do lurk here looking for the bad and trying to use that information against members.

I look forward to Sheepiepalooza and finding out who not to talk to regarding future furry family members.
Darth Snuggle wrote:
spacegirl21 wrote:
I think that fact she tried everything she can, and I never thought she was trying to get money out of us ever. But the fact she didn't put that little puppy down is a huge testament. How many breeders would have given up on little Abbey? I think Amber should be commended not questioned.

That's the tough issue, though, isn't it? A decent human being would do whatever it takes to save a dog like Abby. A responsible breeder might just see that little puppy as a dog that has genetic flaws, and needs to be removed from the genetic pool. I'm not trying to be an A$$#*^%, I'm just saying that if your focus is breed betterment, then dogs like Abby have to make you question your approach to breeding. And does being a "good breeder" mean that you have to also abandon being a decent human being? Ultimately, the cost of helping little Abby was extremely prohibitive. She probably would not have gotten the help she needed to live unless some of us here on had taken the situation into our own hands and raised the money to help get her on the path to health.

In the end, Amber learned that what Abby suffered from wasn't a genetic short-coming. But that wasn't so easy to determine without the necessary surgeries. And those surgeries were made possible thank in part to the caring community here on It's ironic and sad that the "caring community" and the critical one that is driving Amber away from the board are one and the same.

I don't know much about breeding and such. But I figure if the puppy can be saved and live a health life. Why not save it. Plus you can just have her spayed and not be used for breeding. Most puppies out of a litter are family pets for people like us. :) I am glad she got to keep her spunky life and make another family happy.

It is all very sad, I feel bad for the family having to deal with such negativity. Yeah true at least on Facebook you know who your friends are can remove them if not.
Millielover wrote:
I gave what I could to help out little Abby and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Amber did not in anyway ask me for money....I offered it.

My husband made our donation; he doesn't even come here on the board. He heard a puppy was sick, and that the breeder was wrestling with the idea that due to costs, she had to consider all of the options, including euthanizing the puppy rather than letting it die naturally, and very possibly painfully. So he swept in and did what any decent person would; he donated to what we were capable at that time. Adam has never met Amber, he's never even read any of her posts before that day. And I'm not even sure he's read any since. If Amber being the recipient of the generosity of decent people here is ammunition to have her rejected from the OESCA, then I would have to reconsider joining such a club myself.

Here's something that bothers me above and beyond this specific situation. This is NOT an isolated incident. I've been hearing for quite a while that this sort of bullying happens. It's why I haven't joined any clubs up until this point. But I WANT to; I want to be a member of OESCA. I WANT to contribute to our community. We keep hearing how there isn't enough "new blood" in the OES showing and breeding world; I want to be that new blood. I want to get a show dog, and maybe in 5 or 10 years, think about breeding and setting up a kennel. But you know what will happen? Someone will dig up and drag out the 17- page thread on how I chose to train my aggressive OES puppies using electric collars. I'll be black listed again, harassed and haranged AGAIN. Do I care? Not so much. But it won't help me to find good breeding dogs. It will always make me wonder if judges are really looking at my dogs, or at my reputation. And that sort of thing can be really deflating; so I have to ask myself- how much do I want to be a part of the showing and breeding community?

My answer is always the same: A LOT. I want to better the breed. I want to surround myself with amazing, healthy dogs and make these dogs available to people to have as family members. I want to make sure that no one need ever have to make the decisions I did, thanks to an irresponsible breeder: to put a dog to sleep or train it using controversial methods. But I also know that I'm not going to have many friends. I'm too outspoken, and too unbending. Hell, simply by posting this, I'm probably making my own way a little bit harder. :wink: But I love these dogs, so I'll do what I have to to be a part of the lifestyle that involves them.
I laugh at the thought Amber is a BYB to support her family while her husband looks for work. BS! Anyone who is breeding correctly; health checks, darn lucky to break even on the litters! Let's not talk about showing the dogs, developing a recognized line worthy of breeding.........

I've heard this same cr** about rescues. I couldn't afford it any longer without getting involved in fund raising. There is no profit. Sure the dog may be free but the adoption fee will not cover the expenses....spay/neuter, vaccinations, health evaluations........woe be if a problem arrises (if in shelter too long you could guarantee kennel cough) or the bitch is pregnant, develops mastitits or needs a C-section, etc, etc. Dogs with biting history, Jack, could not be adopted out unless I upped my liability insurance. I only put one dog down in rescue and still weep about it.

I am no longer a member of OESCA or else I'd write a strong letter of support for Amber's membership. I will miss her here! I'm sorry now I won't be at Sheepiepalooza, just to learn more.
I'm sorry now I won't be at Sheepiepalooza, just to learn more.

Susan, maybe next year we can caravan to STL for Sheepiepalooza. I can't go this year either.
Little Abby will be spayed once she has grown a bit and caught up health wise and so far from what I hear all is looking good in that regard, so of course she won't be part of any breeding program. As for OESCA, from what I know they handle applications for membership very carefully. They have to look into a breeder's application, and I think that it is wonderful that they try to be so thorough. We should expect them to be thorough. My beef is not with them, it is with a few nasty people who have never even been to Amber's home, for heaven's sake, who are trying to stir up trouble. I am confident that OESCA will, with all due diligence, consider Amber's application fairly.

I thought alot about what Allison said and she echoes my thoughts. We should be supporting good breeders and we should be supporting younger people who want to become part of the future of OES. The older breeders are such a tremendous resource but one by one they are retiring and it would be wonderful to see that knowledge transferred to the next generation. I know that, informally, mentoring happens. Thank heavens it does and I wish it would happen more. I don't want to see a future where the only OES we see are from puppy mills. :(
Like I said before, these 2 people have just made a bunch of enemies. Once I learn their names, I will go out of my way to not have any interaction with them. They don't deserve it.
And hopefully OESCA will do enough research to know that these 2 people gave negative feedback regarding Amber only to hurt her. If they don't, then I will never have any interaction with them, either.

In the meantime, I would suggest that ALL owners of a Blushire pup write OESCA and tell them how awesome their pups are and what wonderful experiences they've had with Amber and her dogs. That's the only thing that will blunt or mute these 2 people from doing any more damage. Hopefully OESCA will tell these 2 people to go take a hike.
It shouldn't interfere with her OESCA membership... she did nothing wrong and I think the truth will come out in the end. I think common sense will rule with those overseeing the membership process. Many will be disgusted if that's not the case.

So I'm really wondering who did this. Thinking their word and character won't mean much in the future because all Amber has to do is print up the conversations stored on and it should explain things clearly. This is where those that "reported" Amber will in the end look pretty stupid in their efforts to "protect" the breed club and their motives will be called into question.

4 years ago I spoke with Amber about a puppy... she shared everything about her dogs and people here know her passion for the breed. I want to know what's in the lines so I can possibly head off or at least be prepared to handle what might come along. Not all breeders are this knowledgeable or forthcoming with information.

Those attempting to stir the pot could better spend their time and efforts protecting this breed from crappy, dishonest breeders... lord knows there's enough of those out there... not dogs that are being shown, produced and followed up on responsibly. OESCA needs more caring and responsible breeders like Amber for the club to remain reputable, strong and worthy of respect.
I've been out of town for a funeral and just saw this.
I hope me asking how Abby was didn't upset you. I had no clue any of this was going on.
It’s a sad day when people do this :(. It’s about the dog getting better and not the money & if people want to help they can. If I had something to say I would & would not hide. Who ever made the complaint is a coward in my books & in these times where a lot of people are losing their jobs & things are hard out there. With 99% of the people here are great & if they did not want to help they would not. I would not leave because of someone. Whoever you are I hope you are reading this also you should be ashamed of yourself
People can be so mean and stupid.
Perhaps someone can print out all of the posts about Abby and send it in? There was never a plea or an expectation for assistance.
:lol: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Go team Amber! :wink: :wink:

When I met the family here in Destin that own an OES, he finally asked who I got Pru from. He has owned 3 sheepies in his life and did a lot of research into breeders when he got Bentley. I could tell he wanted to ask but waited to "feel" me out and how we care for Pru (which I totally understand).

Anyway...when I said Amber from Blueshire...he said he knew exactly who she was and he considered getting an OES from her but unfortunately she didn't have a litter at that time and not one coming (or soon enough for their time frame). He had to wait a bit longer and then found the breeder and because she was much closer he went with her. He commented on how impressed he was with Amber and her dogs. THAT is what I call a great reputation!
And even funnier, I swear because I mentioned such a worthy breeder he really opened up and started talking OES shop - like I had passed a ...jk...but you know what I mean ...he knew I took my ownership of my new OES serious.

And - I walked away even more proud of my decision and respect and admiration for Amber than I already had (and I haven't met her in person either ...but boy does she answer all my questions and is available whenever I need her over the phone..and it's a good thing for her she's not a "texter" cause then she may get on here and beg for :lol: :lol: ).

So...Amber...if your lurking... :kiss: :hearts: :high5:
Baba wrote:
I'm glad Amber has posted this. I've been wanting to post something for a while now. The level of harassment Amber is receiving is criminal, these people could be sued easily for libel. One thing, Amber knows who they are, I know who they are. One of them is actually a breeder, one is a retired breeder. Neither of them have ever posted on the forums (except as anonymous guests). They spread the most ridiculous lies. It's not just something that can be ignored, because the breeder in particular, tells these lies to anyone looking for a puppy, and tries to sabotage Amber professionally, for instance the complaint to OESCA to have her membership denied (because she's a BYB puppy mill, WHAT THE ####???? :evil: :evil: )
None of their libel is honest criticism or inquiry (which people should do for breeders), it is deliberately malicious lies to try and ruin her as an OES breeder. The only possible explanation is that they are pathetic worms who are jealous of Amber's success, because Amber is easily a much better, much more ethical breeder. And instead of trying to become better, and more ethical breeders themselves (and if they approached this all differently, Amber would have HELPED them at the drop of a hat), they want to drag Amber down instead. They are worthless scumbags. They do not care at all for the breed. There was just over 130 registered sheepdog puppies last year in Canada through the CKC, the breed does not need this crap or it wont survive.

I will be happy to name names and give examples of their malicious libel in person at Sheepiepalooza. I think the first step in countering this is exposing them and their lies. The next step is a lawyer.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

David--I think you should name names and 'out' their sniveling -pathetic selves! That is what they deserve. People who hide behind anonymous are insecure cowards who have the need to make others look bad so that in their own eyes they look better. :evil:
I do believe and live by the 'Law of Life'--what you send into the lives of others WILL INDEED comeback TENFOLD into your OWN! I have seen it over and over and over. That is when the real pleasure begins--you get to watch it. It may not be today--or tomorrow--but it WILL happen. And when it is dumped back on them TENFOLD--it generally isn't pretty! :twisted:

The real shame here is that Amber feels she cannot participate or share on a forum where we (or I know ME) would really appreciate her knowledge and expertise and to continue learn from her.

When looking for a puppy--of course I wanted a good and reputable breeder, but more important than that--Amber proved herself to be a good PERSON--by the way she expressed her heartfelt pain for little Abby. To me that is really more important in the big scheme of things! I agree that many 'good and reputable breeders' would have put the pup down and never want anyone to know that it happened.

I will echo everyone who has already stated it--Amber never ask for financial help on this forum. It was offered by good and caring people who see the value of a life already here on this earth that could be saved. It appeared to me that each person that 'gave'--gave by choice!

Sometimes it just has to be enough for a person who knows their motives were completely pure--to be able to look in the mirror and say "I know' and the person looking back at me knows--the truth--and that is enough!

You out the cowards-these people with pathetic little lives-and I will buy the next round of drinks!

Below is food for thought: ...

Do It Anyway

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of
selfish motives.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest anyway.
The biggest people with the biggest ideas can
be shot down by
the smallest people with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed
Build anyway.
People really need help but may turn against
you if you help them.
Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you may
get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
There will always be "small" people who like to stir things up. They will see someone who is a good and caring individual and think that can't be. There must be something he/she is hiding.

They(the small person) will make mountains out of mohills. They will make up stories. They will try to ruin the good reputation.

Then they sit back and watch the sh%* fly and feel satisfaction. "See, I told you he/she was up to no good"

Wait till after Sheepiepalooza....we will all know who you are and I will buy a round as we sit around and trash talk about YOU.
bonnaroofairy wrote:
:lol: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Go team Amber! :wink: :wink:

When I met the family here in Destin that own an OES, he finally asked who I got Pru from. He has owned 3 sheepies in his life and did a lot of research into breeders when he got Bentley. I could tell he wanted to ask but waited to "feel" me out and how we care for Pru (which I totally understand).

Anyway...when I said Amber from Blueshire...he said he knew exactly who she was and he considered getting an OES from her but unfortunately she didn't have a litter at that time and not one coming (or soon enough for their time frame). He had to wait a bit longer and then found the breeder and because she was much closer he went with her. He commented on how impressed he was with Amber and her dogs. THAT is what I call a great reputation!
And even funnier, I swear because I mentioned such a worthy breeder he really opened up and started talking OES shop - like I had passed a ...jk...but you know what I mean ...he knew I took my ownership of my new OES serious.

And - I walked away even more proud of my decision and respect and admiration for Amber than I already had (and I haven't met her in person either ...but boy does she answer all my questions and is available whenever I need her over the phone..and it's a good thing for her she's not a "texter" cause then she may get on here and beg for :lol: :lol: ).

So...Amber...if your lurking... :kiss: :hearts: :high5:

When we made the decision to get a OES we also made the decision to get our OES from a reputable breeder. We, mostly my lovely wife, did lots of research. We spoke to, either by phone or email, multiple breeders. Tiffany spoke to Amber and felt she had found the right person. She was very excited and could not wait for me to call Amber. I called and after just a few moments had the same feeling. All one need do is spend a few moments speaking with Amber to know that she LOVES the OES breed and LOVES her pups! As Tiffany said, we have called Amber at varying hours of the day/night and have not once felt like she was put off. To the contrary she has always seemed more then happy to help with any questions or concerns that we have had. It is one thing to claim you love something, it is another to show love and dedication for something the way Amber has every time we have spoken. I honestly didn't get it at first. How someone could be so in love not just with their dog but with a breed of dog. I of course get it now. Now that we have Pru in our lives. Thank you Amber! I know we have said "thank you" many times but it's just not possible we have said it enough!! Pru is our 3rd born. That is how we feel, our entire household. Well maybe not Minnie.... Amber, you have brought an amazing amount of joy and love into our lives. For that we are eternally grateful and we will do anything we can to support Blueshire!

Oh, and Pru sends her love!! :hearts:

AND!! To quote a famous TV star, " Mean people suck"!!!
sheepiezone wrote:

Below is food for thought: ...

Do It Anyway

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of
selfish motives.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest anyway.
The biggest people with the biggest ideas can
be shot down by
the smallest people with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed
Build anyway.
People really need help but may turn against
you if you help them.
Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you may
get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

Thank you Karen!
Very true......very sad but, true!
Does anyone know who this Person/Persons is. Could it be a geust on the site ?
bonnaroofairy wrote:
When I met the family here in Destin that own an OES, he finally asked who I got Pru from. He has owned 3 sheepies in his life and did a lot of research into breeders when he got Bentley. I could tell he wanted to ask but waited to "feel" me out and how we care for Pru (which I totally understand).

Just random bit of info: Bentley in Destin is my Henry's brother! Edy forwarded me an article about him in your local paper. . .

Oh and I agree with what everyone is saying. Having met Abby's sister Lucy, I think anyone would be lucky to have one of Amber's pups. Lucy is a beautiful, spunky, sweet, playful dynamo.
It is so sad that for whatever hateful reason someone thought they had the right to try and destroy Amber's life.

I will never have the pleasure of owning one of her puppies but if I could I would.

I would have had much less respect for her had she not cared about Abby, I too donated, not much but felt this little gal deserved a good life like any other puppy. Nothing Amber did caused this puppie's situation and I am very sorry she feels she can no longer participate in the forum.
HUGS Amber and family sad to hear all that has gone on. WGAS if you want to know what that stands for well here it is "WHO GIVE A STUFF" we are all thrilled and happy abby made it through, we dont care how that happened and me personally I have the most respect and admiration for you, your dogs and family. :ghug: Don let back stabbing, gossip and inuendo take you away from here. Hell it goes on WW in the dog world, as you know the more successfull and wonderfull your dogs & you are the more CRAP & UNTRUTHS is spoken of.

Amber I am just thrilled abby made it through and you are who you are, a person who does the right thing and loves every baby produced in the breed and you do have a heart as big as canada too. :ghug:

What ever happened, tell them to GF (I am sure you can work out that abbrieviation :wink: 8) :lol: )

Love to you all and special sheepie hugs to darling Abby XX
In all walks of life there are positive people and negative people.
The most difficult thing to be able to do is to ignore the difficult people and be sure in your own path.

Gossip and backstabbing have been a feature of every bulletin board there is and really a part of communications of any sort since the dawn of humankind. Gossip and back-stabbing have been around at least since the Old Testament. In the 16th century play Julius Caesar, writing of Ancient Rome Shakespeare imagines the unkindest cut of all and the plaintive wail of "et tu, Brute?" I occasionally wonder if there are any hieroglyphics or cuneiform carvings being catty about a cat breeders methods, or how Ramses' falcons have too straight a beak.

Sometimes people are not able, or are unwilling to expend the mental energy required to deal with the negativity. For their own good they step back, shrink away, avoid the circumstance and I understand this. However, the people backing away from the good they do by participating here should also understand that by doing so the assholes win. Is that what you want, a world filled with victorious puerile assholes who actually can control the discussion by nefarious means even though they are unable to carry the day in rational discussion? A world run by daft fascists skulking in the dark, tossing their inane barbs from the shadows? (Note to the assholes -- I just called you freaking stupid.)

I didn't think so. Please take your time, take a breath and don't let the assholes run or ruin your life.
What Ron said. That is all. :lol:
The bullsh!t that has gone on within this breed is past ridiculous, damaging, stressful, and negatively impacts not only the people but the breed as a whole. These a-holes need to realize they're hurting a breed they claim to love. No new breeders even want to be involved, showmanship is awful, numbers are declining so rapidly it's frightening.
If a breeder does the health testing, shows their dogs, tries to breed to the standard, sells happy, healthy puppies and stands behind those pupies through good and bad and supports their new owners as well as fulfilling their contracts, kudos to them and to hell with everyone else.

I lost my cup of tea Ron, sorry, I'll go have a look for it now.... :sidestep:
Beautifully said!! Thanks Ron! :high5:
SamHeinous wrote:
What Ron said. That is all. :lol:

For the record, I know not who the assholes are and I don't care. I don't care because there's nothing that can be done to prevent them from being destructive towards others because they aren't happy with themselves.

I don't care because ultimately they cannot control my actions. Once in a while they can get the better of me and control the direction of my emotions for a moment or two, but that's all they can accomplish. They can try to make my (or someone else's) life miserable, but they will fail. The best they can hope to do is to make someone's life a little bit different **shrug**. This they have already accomplished. I spent some time writing this post so they've altered my life a little. **shrug**

Now, back to my real cup of chamomile tea. :D
I agree with Ron; I don't think identifying the offenders or ostracizing them helps the situation, or makes any kind of a positive difference. People that act this way do so for several reasons- they can THINK they are doing the right thing, and if that's the case, there's often no convincing them otherwise. Or they are entertained by drama and strife, and again, nothing we can do will change that. Or they could be doing it for a dozen other reasons; we'll never know exactly why. But one thing we can know is that they've gotten what they wanted if we give in to the pressure. I say we don't take the bait; two wrongs don't make a right. I say let them hide and be ugly, and we go on about our normal lives. That includes you, Amber. Don't leave the board- you'd just allow these people to "win". I completely understand if you want to curtail posting personal information; that's probably wise. But please don't leave entirely.

I learned from my own experience that the best way to handle this sort of thing is to NOT let it change anything. Just keep doing what you are doing, and being who you are. That way, if the offending party gets off on drama, there's no drama to be had, and they will rapidly loses interest.
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