Do I LOOK like Corn on the Cob?

Argh! I love Ava, I seriously do. But I am failing at being a puppy mommy or something, because I just cannot get her to knock off the nibbling/biting/snapping turtle thing she does.

When she greets me and is all happy happy, she goes to kiss me or nuzzle my neck - but can't resist chomping at me with her little front teeth - like a person eating corn on the cob! :lol: Then there is the "puppy wants to play" bit, where she gets all snappy turtle, and literally will SNAP her teeth together in the air, but not on my skin. But it's scary kinda. It's not malicious, she just does it when she romps. She does it to the cats and ferrets too. And then there is the out and out mouthing and tugging of the pants, shirts, whatever she can get in her teeth.

I've tried giving her a stern "NO" and walking away, but cripes, how long does it take them to get the hint? I've yipped and whined like a puppy - which does stop her, for a second - long enough for me to get away. I've tried giving her a toy, but this is literally every minute she's awake - do I just keep a bag of dog toys slung over my shoulder? :lol: :lol:

Any suggestions, or am I in for the long haul here?
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How long did it take your kids to 'get it' when they were 1 1/2? It ain't gonna happen overnight. I still fight with it occasionally with Caitlyn and she's 11 months.

First two months we had Mady all she wanted to do was nip us, picking her up was like picking up a porcupine. I think mainly, they have to outgrow it. By 4-5 months Mady was fine. Completely different with Gracie, she practically never nipped us, but that was definitely having Mady and especially her MOM around, they got the bulk of the nips, and they were much better at teaching Gracie it wasn't appropriate.

So, just tough it out is my advice! :D
Vance wrote:
How long did it take your kids to 'get it' when they were 1 1/2? It ain't gonna happen overnight. I still fight with it occasionally with Caitlyn and she's 11 months.


:lol: I don't know - my kids weren't biters :lol I know she's very young - I just worry that I may be doing something to either encourage it unknowingly, or that I should be doing more to discourage it. :? :lol:
She will grow out of it. It takes awhile. We say ouch and walk away. Little kids are more likely to say owe or ouch when that happens.

The only dog that nips in out house is a wolf hybrid and weve somewhat overcome that. (Wolves greet with a nip, nip, lick) Hes the only one where its an issue. He knows no bite and ouch.
It took him about 6 months to calm down on the nipping and as time went on we stayed firm on no biting. We wouldnt pet him unless he was calm and sitting. If he was to excited we would shove a toy in his mouth. It takes time. Some learn it faster than others.

He still occasionally gets really happy when we get home and will take our hand in his mouth gently. No biting, cant even feel his teeth....mostly just drool. 8O he will go grab a toy half the time. Hes about 2 now.
Having just come through the worst of this with Murphy my advice is--repeat--repeat--repeat! Get a plan for when this happens and do the same thing each time! Don't let it go even once! My plan is--yelp--distract with a toy--ignore. At first we did the routine maybe 3 or 4 times in a row as he would drop the toy and come right back at me. I repeated as many times as necessary at that moment. When appropriate--I would walk away and leave him alone in his room. If he was out with us and started it--same routine--so yes you need toys in every room you allow him to visit. If he continued--I would take him to his room and leave him alone for a bit until he settled down.

Generally I found this behavior to be worse when he was tired or bored. He is now 17 weeks old and rarely starts this anymore. Occasionally he gets excited and starts it again--but now he is quicker to stop it. He really does not like to be left alone when everyone else is together.

I never let him near my face when he was in an excited state--absolutely no nipping near the face here-

Just be very consistent and patient.
I guess I got lucky with Eevee, she's not much of a nipper. She's only nipped at my pajama pants a few times, that's about it. I think having a second dog for her to play with probably helps with a lot of that. We make sure she has plenty of toys to keep her away from anything she's not supposed to play with and chew on. I haven't had to do much.
Zeke still nibbles at age 5.
I love it!
He tends to do it when he's really happy and excited.

He does it so much that one of his nicknames is Nibbles.
I know just when we thought Pru would never quit nipping and that everyone on this site surely was lying to us...she just stopped :yay:

Consistency with the yelping in pain when she did and ignoring her for a bit afterwards were key it seems...and also hers definitely was tied to being overly tired and needing a nap as she was growing out of it.

I sure hope human teenage years work the same....just when I am about to give up...will my 15 yr old regain her senses and become that lovely little child I knew??.. :lmt: :lmt: :lol:
Wow, you guys got off lucky. Not to put a damper on this but Simon didn't stop until about a year.
No nippers allowed here!
Chewie never really ever did, and Bond has been really good for about a month...he's 6 months now. And he never really was that bad.
CamVal1 wrote:
Zeke still nibbles at age 5.
I love it!
He tends to do it when he's really happy and excited.

He does it so much that one of his nicknames is Nibbles.

I have the occasional nibbler too: Belle, Macy and now Luna. And, yes, it is when they are really happy. Or some times just seem to be "grooming" you. I admit I find it oddly endearing. As long as it's done softly.

This too shall pass - I remember posting the same question and I had an arsenal of 50 things to try. In the end, they outgrow it, 100%. Or mine did. At about 8 months? Gosh seems like a distant memory. I do remember celebrating those big, soft, rounded adult teeth coming in!! Not sure if you tried this one yet, but when being mouthy with hands/fingers, can slip a finger towards the tongue/back of the throat area gently (just on top of the tongue towards the back is usually enough), stimulates the gag reflex; puppy response: biting fingers isn't so much fun with those kinds of surprises. That would work with mine, for say, oh 15 min. when he'd be back to nip some more.
Do you look like corn on the cob?

Pass the butter, please.
George was a terrible biter, he's still not perfect but I found he got a lot better once his adult teeth came through.
Lots of butter for me.... :D
No seriously though,my Bella,now 3 years old, will lick my hair.
Never have had a Sheepie do this before.
It is like she is grooming me and she will do this after I have giving her affection,massages and petting or maybe it is her way of returning the affection. :lmt:
So endearing my Bella is....sigh.... :aww:
Duke does the nibble on corn thing too and he's 5. I think it is cute and he has never actually bitten. He does it when we rough house and he gets too excited he doesn't seem to know what to do. :)
Sprocket did nip for a couple of months and will get your cuffs if he forgets. He has nibble of eldest sons fingers every night,son gets the nylabone for him and they sit there for about 5 mins then Sprocket takes bone off to chew.x
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