Sorry if this is indelicate

But I don't get it. I take all three girls out this morning on their business walk. Mady poops, it's good. Virginia poops, it's a lot, but good. Gracie poops. And poops, and poops some more. All good poops. But SO MUCH MORE POOP than Mady EVER poops!!!!! More poop than Virginia! Where is this 40lb puppy getting all this poop from? Even when we got her at 8 weeks and 15lbs, I swear she was pooping 3x her body weight in poop every day!

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
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Do you have Gracie on puppy food? Could it be that?
Yeah, Bond poops way more that my adult dogs....of course he eats 6 cups! (and that is grain free too!) and he's been on adult food, the same as the rest, since 5 months old.

I remember Chewie as a big pooper as a pup too. We would go on walks with my kids and their dogs...and I always was running out of poop bags! One time I actually had to knock on a lady's door to "borrow" a bag to clean up the pile in her yard along the boulevard....
:lol: :lol: :lol: For all the letters after Chewie's name do we add EP, excellent pooper?

Is puppy eating more than the older girls? Amount In = Amount Out taking into account differences in bulk between different foods. It's like us: do we stick to only meats or do we tend to mostly bulk giving vegetables?

You could be philosophical, she's pooping out her puppyhood....or is that poopyhood.
Oscar ate 5 cups of food a day as a growing pup, and he ate four times a day. Plus, he was way more active. So.....

Lots of food + High frequency of meals + High energy = Lots of Doo Doo!

Common wisdom is that the number of times a dog will poop is equal to the number of times a day that they eat, but I have not found this to be true for Oscar. Oscar eats four times a day as it helps keep his digestive system from fits and starts, and it covers all of the times of day that he takes meds. But he only poops, at most, twice a day. I still carry extra bags, just in case.
got sheep wrote:
Yeah, Bond poops way more that my adult dogs....of course he eats 6 cups! (and that is grain free too!) and he's been on adult food, the same as the rest, since 5 months old.

I remember Chewie as a big pooper as a pup too. We would go on walks with my kids and their dogs...and I always was running out of poop bags! One time I actually had to knock on a lady's door to "borrow" a bag to clean up the pile in her yard along the boulevard....

Dawn, is there a reason you have him on grain free or is that just part of your rotation right now? I feed TOTW as part of mine, so no problem, but if he's having problems on non-grain free that would be good to know. Nobody in the family has HAD to be on grainfree to date, knock wood. His sisters shift between one thing to the other with no problem. Their poops are also smaller than the adults (they're getting 2 x 2 cups a day - I know he's a boy, and bigger, and mayne 6 cups is perfect for him, could very well be, but you do know you don't need to stuff him - he's not Chewie, he will eat <vbg>)

Now, and same with Gracie, yes you do feed puppies more (and in her case she may be eating puppy food still, which is very calorie dense) but hopefully they are putting it to good use. If a majority is coming out "unused" so to speak...? <g> I would have a quick chat with Amber in your case. Not that there's anything wrong, but just to check amounts so you're not overfeeding her, quite frankly. Although that usually manifests itself in "blow-outs".

Indelicate indeed! ;-)

So how much should a puppy be eating anyway? I'm always fretting about whether I'm feeding Ava enough or too much.
Mad Dog wrote:
got sheep wrote:
Yeah, Bond poops way more that my adult dogs....of course he eats 6 cups! (and that is grain free too!) and he's been on adult food, the same as the rest, since 5 months old.

I remember Chewie as a big pooper as a pup too. We would go on walks with my kids and their dogs...and I always was running out of poop bags! One time I actually had to knock on a lady's door to "borrow" a bag to clean up the pile in her yard along the boulevard....

Dawn, is there a reason you have him on grain free or is that just part of your rotation right now? I feed TOTW as part of mine, so no problem, but if he's having problems on non-grain free that would be good to know. Nobody in the family has HAD to be on grainfree to date, knock wood. His sisters shift between one thing to the other with no problem. Their poops are also smaller than the adults (they're getting 2 x 2 cups a day - I know he's a boy, and bigger, and mayne 6 cups is perfect for him, could very well be, but you do know you don't need to stuff him - he's not Chewie, he will eat <vbg>)

Now, and same with Gracie, yes you do feed puppies more (and in her case she may be eating puppy food still, which is very calorie dense) but hopefully they are putting it to good use. If a majority is coming out "unused" so to speak...? <g> I would have a quick chat with Amber in your case. Not that there's anything wrong, but just to check amounts so you're not overfeeding her, quite frankly. Although that usually manifests itself in "blow-outs".

Indelicate indeed! ;-)


The whole gang is on this food, it's the current rotation food.
I have been cutting him back, 1.5 cups for 2 of the feedings. 3 feedings is probably overkill at this point, but it works so well with the timing of our days. I feed all of them really early (before 6am). Todd gives Bond lunch at midday. I feed them all again, but it's late - after 9pm most days. I should check with Todd to see how much he's giving at lunch...he is the notorious over feeder here... :wink:
He has no food intolerance at goes in and comes out beautifully :D Nice perfect poops...just a good amount. And he still has that puppy "exercise makes me poop" thing going, so I usually see it, as I make him exercise. :wink: Quite likely the poops I see are all of them... :lmt:
SamHeinous wrote:
So how much should a puppy be eating anyway? I'm always fretting about whether I'm feeding Ava enough or too much.

Join the club ;-)

There are no hard or fast rules, really. I don't go by how much mine would want to eat, because they would eat till they exploded, rather I feel their bodies egularly to see that they're muscling up nicely but not pudgy. Then you look at output...

With BABY puppies I'm not so concerned with overfeeding. They're growing so rapidly those first 4-5 mos that I feed pretty darn generously as long as they're not turning into tubs or squirting it out (usually means you're stuffing them) Actually, I haven't had that problem to date, so maybe I am more conservative than I think I am? I think we all second guess ourselves a little and, remember, each puppy is different. if she feels OK and acts OK, you're probably doing just fine.

Mad Dog wrote:
Now, and same with Gracie, yes you do feed puppies more (and in her case she may be eating puppy food still, which is very calorie dense) but hopefully they are putting it to good use. If a majority is coming out "unused" so to speak...? <g> I would have a quick chat with Amber in your case. Not that there's anything wrong, but just to check amounts so you're not overfeeding her, quite frankly. Although that usually manifests itself in "blow-outs".

Indelicate indeed! ;-)


I am not worried on that account. She is down to 2 poops a day it seems (she has opportunity for more, but doesn't take them), and she makes it through the night and is not frantic in the morning. Her poops tend to be the best of the three so... :oops:
I'm so grateful someone else asked this question!! :oops: :lol:

Ive wondered the same thing for years :? .

Bert is an adult (6 years old) and still a super-pooper. 8O

He easily poops at least triple what Abby does...every single day. He does eat more...but not THAT much more. He also tends to run very "hot" metabolically and is a very active boy, and is always thin for his size...regardless of what he eats.

Abby is 14, so is the reverse of the puppy thing true? Old dogs poo less as they age?
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