are boys just messier?

My foster jack is soooo messy! Cruched up spitty left over food. Water everywhere. Its like he sticks his whole face in the water bowl!
Lily is dainty, she gets her beard wet only long enough to wipe it off and eats one peice of food at a time.

Ive never had a male sheepie before. Hes much more silly than Lily. Are boy sheepies just messier than girls?
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My boys all eat very neatly... have 5 of them, 6 until a month ago when Simon died.
...but puppy Bond is an 'enthusiastic' drinker...could be the fact that he's 6 months old though...he never wants to stay still! He's drinking and walking off all at the same time...wet trails after him every time!

Chewie drinks and just has a bit of his chin wet (d/t length of the hairs)...and is pretty darn neat. I don't remember our previous 2 male OES being messy eaters/drinkers either. Pretty normal dog behavior.
We had one male lab years ago the would submerge his whole head in the 2 gallon water pail every chance he got...but he was just a crazy, over the top dog anyway. :)
Can't help you with the boys just messier question, but Ziggi drinks out of her water bowl and then cleans up (licks) the floor around the bowl - no mess. Now if only I could teach her to dust and vacuum, I'd be all set
Butchy is a neat eater but he does dribble when he drinks. He then wipes his face off on the front of the couch. Our 1st oes did the same thing.
Izzie is the messy drinker and eater around here.

Taylor cleans up after his meals, and doesn't dribble water nearly as much as Izzie does.

Lucky (our parents sheepie) is the cleanest drinker ever....he doesn't even get his chin wet 8O
I swear Langley drinks and leaves some in his mouth and just lets it spill over as we walks away. Not drips, puddles! But he can eat a meaty bone and not have a drop of blood his legs. But Laika would be pink all over. She now wears socks that can be easily washed with the towels they eat on.
spacegirl21 wrote:
I swear Langley drinks and leaves some in his mouth and just lets it spill over as we walks away. Not drips, puddles!

That is totally what Izzie does. We end up keeping towels down all around where she walks away from the bowl. :roll:
Honestly, the only messey dog here was a girl who cleaned her nose in the water bowl, or just like to blow bubbles......never knew which. Age may play a Bond.....too much to explore to spend time being dainty.
Mady and Virginia are real ladies when it comes to drinking water, just a quiet gentle lap, lap, lap as they drink. Then Gracie comes along and it's SLURPSLAPSLUPSLURPSPUTTER, she drinks like a horse!
I've only had two boys, and both have been neat. Oscar is LOUD when he eats and drinks, but neat. :lol:

Laurie and Oscar
It's not gender related - I've had neat freaks and pigs in the same litters, gender irrelevant.

Dawn - Coco, Bond's great grandmother was a pig. Grandma Mad is a pig. But his mom, Mace, is pretty clean - relative to his Aunt Sybil...of course, almost everything would seem clean relative to Sybil :roll:
But both of Bond's sisters are SuperPigs. So either a throwback to their grandmother - who was a waterbowl snorkler till I got her a donut bowl; she eventually grew out of it, though - or we may need to check with Ann on Becket's piggy propensity. Not something i normally think to ask a stud dog owner about ;-)

Sorry about that.

SheepieBoss wrote:
Honestly, the only messey dog here was a girl who cleaned her nose in the water bowl, or just like to blow bubbles......never knew which. Age may play a Bond.....too much to explore to spend time being dainty.

Ah ha! I think you nailed it! He never really had a chance to a proper puppy.
Ava is a piglet. She plays in the water, sticks her whole face in, paws, you name it. She also slurps like crazy, lol. We're getting her one of those special bowls, because the floor is constantly wet. Luckily, she's not been wiping her beard on anything other than the cat. Which the cat just loves, let me tell you.

She also is a messy eater, but either the cats or the ferrets come along and pick up the crumbs.
Ava's being a perfect and water are toys, things to be explored. How boring to have a clean and neat puppy! You have tile floors, put down a rubber mat, towel it it as well, and teach her the back stroke!

When I had tile, I'd have to be carefuly walking by the water dish, eventually went to raised so I could keep towels or mats under to catch the last few drips.
Re: the slipperies - mine's on the painted cement porch floor - and when I have crocs on , it's like ICE!
Simon in my neat boy. When he drinks there is very little water on his chin.

And along comes Garfunkel...PIGGY FACE. When he drinks it all over the place, including on us.
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