Mess Maker

Cutting straight to the point, Nash and I are struggling with a mess. In the last month he has had three major messes in his cage which have required an extreme cleaning of my home and him. Each time they have left him squeaky clean but have left me frustrated and extremely upset. I have about two straws left. It is effecting my wellbeing in a profoundly negative way and almost making me scared to come home to what I may find. I love my pup and I recognize that that is truely the circumstance, that he is a pup. But how much longer is this going to continue?! I'm losing my mind.
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How old is he?

How long is he being left in the crate?

Mine never made horrible messes in their crate, no matter the age. There may have been a couple pee accidents, but that is it.

If it is a bigger problem than that, a visit to the vet may be in order.
He is only 8 months. He does it while I am at work, and I'm usually gone about 8.5 hours to include commute. I would like to leave him out of the crate while I am at work but I cannot trust him to hold it!! Imagining what my living room would look like after a day of unsupervised puppy actually just gave me an anxiety attack.
I'm guessing it's the time issue.
And as they stress out trying to hold it, it gets the bowels really once the "plug" comes out, it's followed by a TON of loose, messy, smelly poop. :(
Any way someone can let him out earlier?
There may be a medical reason to blame, but time and stress will do the same result.
Especially as he is older, and he knows he should try to hold it. :?
I feel so guilty. I have no one, so I got Nash so that I could have "someone" and now I feel like I am neglecting him while I am at work :( I'm THAT pet owner. I guess I will have to try to break free at some point during mid-day and go let him out(easier said than done).
I would have to think with a little research in your area that you would be able to find a dog-walker/pet-sitter who could take him out mid-day and then have a walk with him and put him back in his cage. This should certainly help with the long hours of holding it.... Do you make sure he does ALL of his business before he goes in the cage in the morning? A good long walk?
Laur&Rumi wrote:
I feel so guilty. I have no one, so I got Nash so that I could have "someone" and now I feel like I am neglecting him while I am at work :( I'm THAT pet owner. I guess I will have to try to break free at some point during mid-day and go let him out(easier said than done).

Don't beat yourself up over it. He will grow up soon enough and will be able to hold it long enough. Many dogs do just fine for 10 hours once they are adults. Just need to get through this part.
Most of us do need to work, it's just a part of life. They still love us! :hearts: Dogs are great with that :hearts: :hearts:

Maybe you have a neighbor or a friend who works a different set of hours than you who could let him out?
I work 12 hours, but luckily my husband has staggered hours from mine so our dogs (and puppy) do OK. And as a nurse, we aren't allowed to leave work for any reason during the day - ever. :?
Most of us do need to work, it's just a part of life. They still love us! :hearts: Dogs are great with that :hearts: :hearts:

That made me feel a lot better, thank you!
It is close to impossible for me to leave work. I will try to take him for an extra long walk before leaving and see if that helps. I usually take him out but it isnt a walk, just a potty run. Maybe I will have to start taking my jog in the mornings! :yay:
Laur&Rumi wrote:
I feel so guilty. I have no one, so I got Nash so that I could have "someone" and now I feel like I am neglecting him while I am at work :( I'm THAT pet owner. I guess I will have to try to break free at some point during mid-day and go let him out(easier said than done).

We are out of the house for a full work day too...there wouldn't be very many pet owners if you had to be at home all day for them :wink:

We do make sure that they have taken care of any personal business before leaving. Then out first thing when I get home too.

Do you leave a radio or tv on? That might comfort him and reduce the loneliness or stress.
Laur&Rumi wrote:
I have no one, so I got Nash so that I could have "someone" and now I feel like I am neglecting him while I am at work

I'm sure this is frustrating and it's causing you both some stress. Most of us have jobs and people do find ways to make it work. :D

Are you leaving a bowl of food down so he can free-feed while you're away? If so, going to 2 scheduled feedings
might help. If you're already scheduling 2 meals, is it possible to alter his morning feeding time so he's had plenty
of time to poop by the time you leave?
I'm sorry that you are going thru all that. Nothing worse than that greeting when you come home after a long day 8O

A routine might help, especially one that tires him, and gives him ample time to do his business.

Don't feel badly about the crate. You are protecting Nash from his own harmful behaviors.
Our sixteen month old Charm still stays in her crate while we are gone. She remodeled our laundry room recently, so she has lost her privledges for now. :(
auntybren wrote:
Our sixteen month old Charm still stays in her crate while we are gone. She remodeled our laundry room recently, so she has lost her privledges for now. :(

And, our almost 16 month old still stays in a crated area in our bedroom while we are gone, since I don't trust her not to get into trouble...
We were very lucky with the potty training and never accidents in the cage or play area, however, we run a fairly tight schedule around here.

I would agree that if you are free-feeding, I would stop that now and have him eat very early in the morning and then when you get home after work. And, I would up the exercise routine in the morning making sure that he has done ALL his business before you leave instead of just letting him out.... Give him a good run or walk and keep an eye on what he is doing and what he isn't doing. Perhaps, in the morning you thought he would have time to do his business, but, actually didn't? Then, he would be holding that ALL day. And, if he is doing his business in the morning and still having an accident in his cage, then maybe you do need to ask a friend, neighbor, high school kid, dog walker/pet sitter, or some other person to come and let him out mid-day until this stops....
Lauren, don't feel bad at all. We've all been through this to some degree. When we got Caitlyn, my wife and I split the duties of coming home at lunch to let her out, play with her until she pooed and peed and then put her back in her crate and we returned to work. We did this for at least three, maybe even four months. After this, she learned that she could hold it and we would come home and let her out to play. She still gets a little more excited to come out of the crate, but I'd rather that over the alternative.

She will be 11 months in a couple weeks and she still gets crated during the day. We recently started letting her out at night to sleep loose in our bedroom. However, she's proving that she still can't be trusted out of the crate during the day yet. When I get up in the morning, I'm still finding a Vans that is wet from slobber and insoles removed too. Yeah I could put them in a better place, but she needs to learn they aren't her toys. Our other two Sheepies figured this out and she will too, eventually. Thankfully, she doesn't like my custom Vans...

It takes time. Simple as that.

Do you have a kennel outside & if the weather is good you could have him out in the summer but Georgi was like that & now sher will woof if she want to go out & she holds it the best she can also when sherwood was younger we could leave him all day & no wee or poo in the house or a half eaten house
You could taking him to a dog kennel until he is a little older. That is what I did.
Laur&Rumi wrote:
Most of us do need to work, it's just a part of life. They still love us! :hearts: Dogs are great with that :hearts: :hearts:

That made me feel a lot better, thank you!
It is close to impossible for me to leave work. I will try to take him for an extra long walk before leaving and see if that helps. I usually take him out but it isnt a walk, just a potty run. Maybe I will have to start taking my jog in the mornings! :yay:

I bet you will have a much easier time doing this. Even tho it's definitely harder to get up a little earlier to have that extra time in the morning, if he's not having a chance to actually potty before the crate, he's probably upset too that he can't hold it. Try this for a week and see if it helps! Your mind will be more at ease and he will be much happier too!! And after a week it may be easier giving him that little extra time in the morning. Even if you don't have time for a jog but a nice walk, around a few blocks or so.

It's definitely frustrating being the only caregiver and finding someone to trust your baby with. Also, you can look into doggie daycare, maybe a couple times a week, I know some coworkers who do that, they absolutely love it.
He is definitely in a kennel while I am at work and while I am asleep. I dont trust him; I think he would literally turn my home into a theme park. He is on two scheduled feedings and the only thing he can have outside of that is water, of course. It would be nice if I could leave him kenneled outside on my balcony but I know he would bark at everything! He is deaf in one ear and partially in another so I honestly I dont think leaving music/TV on yould help :( Ive had a lot of offers from people to come let him out but I am kind of weary to hand my key out..

On a bright note, I got home from work last night and we muzzled and made up. I got lots of sheepie kisses. :hearts: Im in love all over again.
Its so hard isn't it? Neither dh nor I could leave work. Luckely for us it was just pee.

We did find through our neighborhood paper a nice older women who we hire when we are going to be gone for an entire, or some other outing thats going to be over and above just the normal working hours. She gets the key the day before and leaves it on the table when she leaves.

Just try to make sure he poo's before you leave for work.

Remember, this to shall pass.
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